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MGF 2MG (Mechano Growth Factor)

Anyone try this with spot injection? Results?
nickname_537 User profile

I don`t think this works via spot injection. It like nearly all substance is systemic. That means it works throughout your systen and not in just some localized area. I believe it is called cy3 that works locally however it 8s fir fat loss. Perhaps someone else can chime you in on this with more details.
Jasonz User profile

Nickname is right. Spot injection wont work in a particular muscle it works throughout your body like AAS does. Good luck.
GearHead User profile

I don`t think this will work at all for spot enhancing .only stuff that works by inflaming the tissue and appearing bigger until swelling goes down
Drew User profile

No point in spot injecting with this like stated it works the same as gear no matter where you shot it you will get the same results throughout your body. Continue reading MGF 2MG (Mechano Growth Factor)

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Melanotan II 10mg

how much bac water do i put into melatan 2 bottle and at 220lbs how much do i draw out and take and how offen. please and thanks
Heavy Lifted 91 User profile

I use this and i put 1ml bac water in each vial. I run 1 iu`s every day for a week, then 1 iu every 3-4 days next 2 weeks, and then once or twice a week. Don`t run over 1 iu your first week or you`ll get sick. Also note it suppress your eating too. Like a lot. At least for me, but I`m dark and tan as fuck lol
Dr. Scott User profile Expert

standard dosing protocol for a 100kg man like yourself is 1.5-2mg loading and 1mg maintenance-i have found out that i can get away with far less for tanning and for libido thats about the right dose. i dilute with 1ml bacteriostatic water and give myself 1/20ml (5tics or halfway between the 10U) every day for a week and the 2-3 times a week thereafter, SQ in the belly fat. It does require some natural or tanning bed sun, but very little for me like 20 minutes a week. I mow the lawn once a week and get dark AF, almost too dark. There is some flushing involved and occasional nausea, but that is transient. Every mole and freckle will also darken accordingly. Also, about 3-5 hours after i notice the effects down south, sporting half wood for no reason like when you were 16. This product absolutely works on all fronts, there is no guessing. If this is your first time dilute with 1ml and follow the dosing guidelines i mentioned at the start, adjust as you see fit, most guys and gals don`t need that much but you may. hope this helps Continue reading Melanotan II 10mg

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Melanotan I 10mg

My buddy just came into town from Vegas he is a professional dancer and he and his coworkers use this product lots and wanted to know if i had any thoughts. i`m kind of dark naturally and live in FL so i`ve never used it and don`t really have any thoughts, do you guys? Frankly, from what i`ve read it kind of creeps me out but again, i`ve never used it. Any input would be appreciated.
Md Phd User profile

The product has a direct link to increased malignant melanoma. If that`s your cup of tea then join in or keep asking questions. Many have complained of major skin anomalies such as hyperpigmentation/hypopigmentation.
nickname_1 User profile Expert

From what I understand it darkens your skin like a tan with out have to be in the sun. Not sure in dosage but after you get to your desires tan you lower dosage as a maintence dosage. You can find the specifics on you tube. It is not permanent Continue reading Melanotan I 10mg