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TB-500 (Thymosin Beta 4) 10mg

What is the difference between thyomisin alpha 1 and thyomisin beta 4.
Onyx User profile Expert

Thymosin alpha 1 in immunomodulator, used to treat viral infection Thymosin beta 4 is used for tissue repair and regeneration. Good luck!
Ok so please help me understand how much to reconstitute with and dosage. I`m doing this for shoulder injuries and crohns disease Thanks again,Glenn
nickname_311 User profile Expert

I`d ask a doctor to be sure not a nurse practitioner someone that has had the proper schooling
Juicelife User profile

I would usually mix it with 1cc of bac water and u should be g2g
Big Dogg User profile

TB500 2mg/week. BPC157 400mcg/day. For 10mg TB500 add 1ml water (BAC) and pin 0.1ml or 10units 2x/week. BPC add 2ml water and pin 0.16 ED. TB can be IM or subq. BPC should be subq near injury although I doubt that it`s necessary based on personal experience. Anywhere easy should be fine. Continue reading TB-500 (Thymosin Beta 4) 10mg

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TB-500 (Thymosin Beta 4) 2mg

Whats the recomended dose?
TaylorPiv User profile

You want to inject 1ml at the site of pqin everyday.
TaylorPiv User profile

**Edit 1mg**
JohnSmith User profile

500-800iu a day to old then once every 5 days
Fair enough. I`ve been thinking of running this peptide. I have bicep tendinitis. Does this need to be injected directly into the tendon? What`s the dosage? I`m assuming it needs to be refrigerated once mixed too. Do I run it until pain goes away or do I run it until I finish the bottle? Continue reading TB-500 (Thymosin Beta 4) 2mg

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Sermorelin 5mg

I am completely new to using Sermorelin. As far as the preparation and dosing is concerned is reminds me of HCG, but I honestly have no idea what I`m doing here. If there`s a guide to this online, please post the link I don`t mind doing the leg work.So 3 basic questions:1. How do I prep it? (Fresh out of the box, what do I mix it with, how, and how much?)2. How do I take it? (How do I inject, where it the best place to inject, and what gauge should I be injecting with)3. How much do I take? (What measurement should I be taking and how often)Please let me know anything I may have not asked but should know about taking Sermorelin.Thanks for your help in advance!
JohnSmith User profile

It`ll arrive in a plain glass 1ml vial. Pop the sterile cap, sterilize the rubber, then inject 1-2ml of bac water very slowly into the side of the bottle. Hold the plunger of the syringe while putting it in, because the vacuum seal will quickly suck in the water and wil lchemically disrupt the powder if shot directly into it. From that point on store it in your fride.dosing ranges from 200-600mcg a day, you can split doses from 3x a day to one. I pin 200mcg in the am before breakfast and right before bed and sometimes preworkout. Continue reading Sermorelin 5mg