So, here`s a silly little question that I honestly can`t find an answer for. How soon after I start my cycle should I start Letro? My next cycle is a Test C/Tren E/ Dbol cycle, and I`m literally getting 2 or 3 answers from friends/gym partners. It`s something I never thought about before, and I`m probably just overthinking it.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Answered: Jul 25, 2019
It should be started immediately, dbol is a very fast acting and aromatizing steroid that will cause estrogen imbalance and side effects very rapidly If not controlled, the great thing about letro is it’s only needed every other day due to its long half life. I take 1.25 mg eod and my estrogen is always under control
Start User profile
Answered: Jul 25, 2019
Jist start it right away, and you will be safe. Just letrozole is very strong so dont kill all or estrogen
Marcus User profile
Answered: Jul 25, 2019
Dude, it depends how prone are you to the estrogen and how high doses you are using. I usually do 12 weeks cycle roughly 500mg week test plus tren and masteron with anadrol. I dont use anti estrogens at all. Even cycle test deca dbol. Do you take advil before you go out just because you are guessing you will get drunk and get a headache? No you dont. You wait until you get a headache then you start taking advil. Simple as that. Its the same with anti estogen. Continue reading GP Letrozole (Femara) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Author: admin
Clen-Max (Clenbuterol Hydrochloride) Maxtreme Pharma
although I have been training for years I am new to the Gear factor. I would like to know what is the cycle when taking oral clenbuterol?
evan johnson User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 16, 2019
Star with 20 mg ed (half a tab) and work up to as high as 80-100 as your body gets used to it and depending on your fat loss goals.
J.P. User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 16, 2019
Two weeks on two weeks off. Start with 20mcg a day and work your way up to the magic dose. What`s the magic dose? For a lot of people it`s around 80mcg. 100mcg is when things get stupid in my opinion. Important things to remember; monitor your heart rate closely, eliminate other stimulants, stock up and preload taurine, substantially increase potassium intake and don`t ignore side effects, they are the bodies warning system
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 18, 2019
Well the best way to take clen with the least amount of negative side effects is to start at 20mcg a day, and run it for a week. Week 2 go to 40mcg. Week 3 60mcg week 4 80mcg. The reason ppl build up tolerance in a two week time period is because they overload their beta receptors with high doses very quickly. Even when you don’t feel the shakes or the hard side effects doesn’t mean it’s not working.
Clen-40 (Magnum Pharmaceuticals)
could i stack Winnie and clean together
johnnymnemonic User profile
Answered: Sep 22, 2020
Of course. Why not? It is a great mix for cutting.
Will1 User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 22, 2020
Winstrol and clen can absolutely be stacked. Winstrol in an oral steroid that will help you with fullness and maintaining strength during your cut. Clen will target fatloss by increasing your metabolic rate. Make sure you`re also using injectable testosterone since winstrol shuts down your natural testosterone production. As long as your diet is in a calorie deficit, you should see good results.
BigZ User profile
Answered: Sep 22, 2020
Yes absolutely that`s a great stack for dropping body fat and keeping muscle
RyanVogel User profile
Answered: Sep 22, 2020
Winny and clen complement each other very well. Many bodybuilders combine these two together when trying to burn fat and hold on to muscle mass. Although winstrol/clen is used predominantly to burn fat, a user can often look like they’ve gained a significant amount of muscle after a cycle Continue reading Clen-40 (Magnum Pharmaceuticals)