Im about to start my first cycle with Test Enanth 250 with 1ml 2 times a week for a 10 week cycle. My question is should i get 1 order of the Anastrozole?
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Answered: Aug 12, 2020
Yes. Just incase better to have and not need then need and not have. Might end up have boobs for ever
Zilla User profile
Answered: Aug 12, 2020
You deff want to have it on hand in case you get any estrogen related sides. I usually don`t need to take more than one mg a week or .5 e3d
Jogger User profile Expert
Answered: Aug 12, 2020
Yes have it ready bro cos some people are sensitive, people usually do half a pill every 3 days or wait for sides which isn’t the best thing to do
JamesEarl User profile Expert
Answered: Aug 12, 2020
Although not everyone is prone to estrogenic side effects, some are, and therefore it is good to have an ai on hand in the event you need one. Don`t use it unless you actually feel itchy nipples and see them puffing up because killing your estrogen or lowering it too much is not only bad for your health, it also hinders Testosterone and other steroids in general from building muscle. Yes, estrogen aids Testosterone and other roids in synthesizing muscle, and men too need a certain adequate amount of estrogen in their system although males need much less estrogen, they still need a well balanced amount appropriate for a man. Continue reading GP Anastrozole (Arimidex) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Author: admin
GP Nolva (Nolvadex) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
I have a question, so I got rid of my natty card pretty as I`m pretty young, which I don`t know if it was a mistake or not I say no, I`m not gonna mention my age. Anyways, I was very careful because I came out to one of the coaches (IFBB) who used to train my dad who played professional baseball so he guided me throughout either way I had made my research 100%. Anyways I am 5`9 I was 164 when I started and I am currently 194 in a span of about 10 months, now my question is. Even if on gear since I`m still young (teen young, but not in high school) that muscle maturity has a lot to do with it also correct? As my body is still developing? Which I know you`ll say yah I should`ve waited till my full peak but I did what I did so that`s the question about muscle maturity
Big Jake User profile
Answered: Jan 31, 2020
Make sure your PCT was 100% effective, you might want to get some bloodwork done. Keep up on your gym training to try to maintain your gains. The worst things that can happen to you at such an early age are for you to disrupt your bodies natural hormone production in a lasting way and for you to lose your hard earned gains. The benefits of gear are best measured after your PCT when you compare where you are vs where you started. I`m not going to judge right wrong or otherwise to cycle at a young age, it`s a choice and you made it. I`m just suggesting you roll with it in a mature and productive way to maximize your benefit. If you are going to cycle regularly I`d highly recommend no more than once per year and do it on your off-season so you can clean up in time for your tests. just be smart about it, and edge is an edge, overboard is overboard. Diet exercise and sleep are crucial no matter what your age. I can almost guarantee every comment you get will be just don`t do it.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 31, 2020
Muscle maturity comes in your 30s and 40s. Obviously you k ow that you closed your growth plates so your not gonna grow any more hightwise but not a big deal. Just keep lifting cycle smart. Ya you should of waited, but if your planning on becoming a pro,, why wait. Just get regular check ups and you ll be fine. But muscle maturity come s in later hard to explain but age has everything to do it with Continue reading GP Nolva (Nolvadex) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
GP Nolva (Nolvadex) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
What`s up guys quick question. Which is better to run for PCT nolvadex or clomids? Thanks for the help!
LivetoLift User profile
Answered: Oct 01, 2020
Honestly man people say to run clomid 2 weeks after you last pin 100/100/50/50 for 4 weeks then do the Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 for 4 weeks that`s what im doing plus hcg in the beginning.
fkyle User profile
Answered: Oct 01, 2020
I run both…. those are estrogen modulstors. And i also run an ai of some type arotase inhibitors …
Will1 User profile Expert
Answered: Oct 01, 2020
I`ve never ran a PCT without using both. I feel one might get the job done, but I`m not changing it and would like my natural levels to come back as soon as possible since low test feels miserable.
TheDiz User profile
Answered: Oct 02, 2020
I forgot to mention I plan on running HCG during my whole test cycle as well. Thank you for the input! Continue reading GP Nolva (Nolvadex) Geneza Pharmaceuticals