So this is my go to for aromasin and normally the pills come in a orangish or pink color and also have a line down the middle to split the dosage. The ones I just recieved are white and circular and I am unable to take half dose because there is no line to break and I run half every 3 days. This does not seem like the correct drug and I am even skeptical to try it. Has anybody else had this issue?
Jogger User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 02, 2020
Suppliers often change there pills if worried contact naps, also buy a pill cutter for 50 cents bro, good luck
JamesEarl User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 02, 2020
It does happen. For stocking availability reasons the filler to make a tablet might change color and perhaps shape even if they press them in a different machine maybe because it`s occupied you know? But you can always contact napsgear to get their ok and you can feel safe.
nickname_311 User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 03, 2020
Buy a pill cutter or use a razor blade cut them in half
crazy Dan User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 03, 2020
It`s sucks when ugl do that!! Even change color already screw us up but shape too. smh. But it happens. So you are good buddy. We are dealing with clandestine labs so there`s no regulations on shape and color like the FDA. We just depend on each other from word of mouth. And i tell ya it happens, not all the time but a few! Also go to any pharmacy stirs and get a pill splitter. Pill splitters durant need score on the pill to cut. It has an angle and slot and will cut the pill down the middle with a razor sharp blade. Or you can also used a fresh razor blade and a steady hand to cut the pill down the middle. Hopefully that answer your question. Don`t forget to vote. Continue reading GP Exemestane (Aromasin) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Author: admin
GP Clomiphene (Clomid) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
What`s up fellas, just have a quick question if I run HCG for my entire cycle will I still need to run a pct like clomid? Thanks in advance.
BillySantos User profile
Answered: Sep 25, 2020
Yup, you`ll still need to run a PCT just to be safe if you want the best chance of your hormones recovering
crazy Dan User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 25, 2020
Absolutely you need clomid friend! Hcg mimick LH that is release from your anterior pituitary gland. LH is then bind to LH receptors in the testes to make testosterone. However hcg molecular shape almost like LH and share very very similar amino sequence so it has the ability to bind to the LH receptors to trick your testes to make testosterone but it is not natural since it is (hcg) is introduce exogenously. Therefore you still need clomid to initiate at origin of the hpta loop at the hypothalamus. hope that helps!
JamesEarl User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 25, 2020
Yes you would still need clomid or continue hcg until your hormones normalize. After you stop your cycle your internal testosterone production takes time to catch up so people speed it up by doing a pct. Or to keep much better gains look into blasting and cruising. I blast and cruise, to me it makes more sense. To you it might or might not depending on your situation. I hope the info helped!
A19 User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 25, 2020
No you don`t. You can run HCG straight through your PCT. HCG and Clomids do the same exact thing through slightly different mechanisms. No need to run both. If you`re worried about an estrogen rebound, you`ll want to incorporate Nolvadex. Hope that helps. Don`t forget to vote. Thanks for the question. Continue reading GP Clomiphene (Clomid) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
GP Clen (Clenbuterol) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
I know that this doesn`t have to do with clen but does anyone know where to get Ephedrine shipped to the US. Looking for source someone is using. It can be stacked with other compounds as well.
nickname_311 User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 04, 2020
Good luck on this one. I`ve searched all over. It helps my mom with her multiple sclerosis.
BigZ User profile
Answered: Sep 04, 2020
A lot of sites that sell pro hormones sell a ton of fat burners with ephedrine in it.
Limitless User profile
Answered: Sep 05, 2020
Just go to a pharmacy like walmart, or walgreens. you can get bronkaid each pill has 25 mg ephedrine in it. A couple states its still not legal but most US states have it over the counter. You just have to ask at the pharmacy. Some states limit a box at a time, other states 2 boxes at a time, there is also monthly limit. So check your states local laws, get out a calculator if you want to see what the max amount per month you can get is. They scan your drivers license and track it. So don`t go over. If you try to go over you might end up on some watch list because of dumbasses that try to cut it to make illicit street drugs. Continue reading GP Clen (Clenbuterol) Geneza Pharmaceuticals