So starting on stuff like this I didn`t like Clen cause it looked too hard omg he heart. Anything I should be taking like for supplements to see what this can help with? Gonna try 25mcg in the AM and see how that feels
EQhead User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 10, 2020
You`re just going to need to eat a lot because not only will T3 break down fat, but also muscle… can be catabolic. Only use if a strict diet and intense exercise isn`t as productive as you want. Also get blood work while on T3. Read thoroughly about dosing as well before starting. Cheers
A19 User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 10, 2020
If you didn’t like clen because of the impact on your heart you should stay away from this T3. It messes with your thyroid function. If you’re looking to cut you should focus on your diet and run a cutting stack instead. Try test with eq and/ or Masteron. Add some winstrol too. Hope that helps. Please don’t forget to vote by clicking the up arrow by my name if you found this helpful. Thanks in advance.
Jason123 User profile
Answered: Jun 10, 2020
T3 is catabolic but that is why you only take it while on steroids. I like t3 and use it each year to lean out for competitions. Start at 25 mcg and every couple weeks you can add 12.5 mcg if you need to. Max dose is 100 mcg. You can`t just stop t3 cold turkey. You have to decrease the dose slowly. Dropping 12.5 mcg a week until back to your starting dose then getting off completely. Continue reading GP T3 (Trijodthyronin, Cytomel) Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Author: admin
GP Proviron (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
Hey wonderful Naps fam – here is a question on Proviron in PCT with Clomid and Nolva:So assume seasoned agent running just shy of 1g Dragon Pharma testo blend 350(for 16 weeks) split in two doses weekly with Dbol as a jump start for weeks 1-4 and anavar weeks 10-16. Letro as AI. HCG EOD 250 IU. Assume extreme sensitivity to estrogen related side effects and lower testosterone range levels genticaly from before ever touching any AAS ( normal test range to be considered “normal” is 300-1200) – agent considered a 337 out of 1200 prior to any ever AAS. All proper supports in good order. After 16 weeks a two week break.Week 19 -21 PCT of Nolva / Clomid – + PROVIRON??? What are your thoughts on adding in the Proviron in hopes to make PCT more enjoyable? So, it would be using nolva and clomid and proviron. Thoughts??? Thoughts only directly related to the use of Proviron in PCT with Nolva and Clomid please. Thanks!
BigZ User profile
Answered: Aug 30, 2020
I`ve seen mixed reviews on this. Some say no because it actually suppresses your test some and of course you don`t want that in PCT others love running in for free test boost and the libido. I love proviron to be honest try it at a small dose and see how you feel. Everyone`s different
nickname_256 User profile
Answered: Aug 30, 2020
Hey bro. I`ve used Proviron a few times and love it. It`s a personal choice of course but it would help keep your androgen levels higher during your PCT program which is a big plus to me plus also helps keep your sex drive intact. I personally would incorporate it with the Clomid. Good luck man
Patriot_1234 User profile Expert
Answered: Aug 30, 2020
I like mesterlone but i personally wouldn`t add it to a PCT regimen. It more or less an androgen supplement. It has a place but if you`re trying to get your own body to suffice, adding external sources seems counterproductive considering you`re taking SERM`s in the first place. If you want to try it out and see how it goes, report back to the group and let us know. I wouldn`t knock you for trying. Good luck whatever you choose to do. Continue reading GP Proviron (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
GP Helios (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)
Does anybody know if it is a water based solution?Can you just drink it instead of pinning?
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Answered: Oct 01, 2020
No you cant drink it. This is somthing you want to pin in an area like your love handles like spot injections supposed to help burn local fat. Not sure if it can do that but that`s what people say be careful with it it`s good stuff
JD Cycle User profile Expert
Answered: Oct 01, 2020
No. This get injected. You`ll want 29 or 31g insulin needles. You`ll inject into the subcutaneous fat.
nickname_100 User profile
Answered: Oct 01, 2020
No Sir> these substances are designed for injecting IM only> If you drink it will not be effective and will interfere GI tract. Just like injectable w-strol as some people seem to be using as a sublingual>>Not recommended
Onyx User profile Expert
Answered: Oct 01, 2020
No you can`t drink it it is intended for subQ administration. Good luck! Continue reading GP Helios (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)