Hi, so I`m at 15% body fat and i`m using 1mg of adex ED to keep my e2 at normal range. Is it too much for an ai to take? Or should i switch to stronger ai like aromasin or letro? TIA
BigZ User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
Less is more with the AI, you do not want to crash your estrogen you will feel like crap and have no libido. Go get bloods done ASAP that`s really the only way you figure out how to adjust your doseage. I`m assuming you`re taking test?
Trensetter User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
Yes i get my bloods done. I think ap adex is underdosed. I`m only taking 400mg of test e/wk. my prior e2- 19, then e2 is 87 without taking adex (after 2 weeks), then e2 is 74 taking this adex at 0.5mg EOD. Or maybe i am sensitive to conversion.
Zilla User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
1mg how often? I only use an ai if I`m running test at high doses. If I use arimidex .5 mg e3d is usually enough to keep estroidal in check Continue reading Anazole (Arimidex) Alpha-Pharma Healthcare
Author: admin
Altamofen (Nolvadex) 20 mg Alpha-Pharma Healthcare
How often should I use this product when I`m starting my first cycle at the same time should I only use this product after I`m done with my cycle or should I use it during as well?
TR86 User profile
Answered: Sep 26, 2020
Nolvadex is used for gyno and pct. you will probably want to get some anastrazole as well.
DylanBrandt User profile
Answered: Sep 26, 2020
Thanks bro I really appreciate it I`m going on my first cycle and I want to make sure I get everything on the first order I don`t want Gyno I just wanted to know how much of it I should take while I was on tests that way I don`t get Gyno?
DylanBrandt User profile
Answered: Sep 26, 2020
Thanks bro I really appreciate it I`m going on my first cycle and I want to make sure I get everything on the first order I don`t want Gyno I just wanted to know how much of it I should take while I was on tests that way I don`t get Gyno?
TR86 User profile
Answered: Sep 26, 2020
Depends on a lot of factors that only bloodwork can determine. Like height, weight, bf %. Without that idk because everyone is different but you could plan on 1/2 mg anastrazole for every 250 mg of test. but you only want to use anastrazole if you are converting a lot of estrogen. Wait for water retention, itchy nipples, elevated blood pressure and acne as signs of high estrogen. You will need clomid and nolvadex for your pct. Continue reading Altamofen (Nolvadex) 20 mg Alpha-Pharma Healthcare
Accutane (Dragon Pharma)
i break out bad when i run test, will this help keep my sking clear
Beast Mode User profile
Answered: Mar 28, 2020
it most definitely will. i take 20mg a day but can clear it up for longer if you run it at 60mg for a few months. id suggust to keep it low on cycle since it is so liver toxic.
Kbird User profile
Answered: Mar 28, 2020
i always keep accutane in my pharmacy to be ready to combat skin issues. an antibiotic is effective for a couple of weeks but if it is out of control accutane definitely dries it up and can keep your skin clear. 20mg is all i take to dry up outbreaks.
Sean Phillips User profile
Answered: Mar 28, 2020
i have the same issues when i run tst over 500mg after 4-5 weeks. my shoulders and nose break out bad. Ive taken this and this brand of it many times. all of these taste and smell the same, and treat acne fast. it drie you out inside and out.
GarrardS User profile
Answered: Mar 28, 2020
I had the same issue but was advised that it happens only when your dose is real high like >600mg per week when you mix more than one esthers combined together. I was not using that high but could be the mix causing it. Continue reading Accutane (Dragon Pharma)