So if I`m running 200 mg of test e for 8 weeks an 100 mg of Tren e a week for about 5 weeks it`s my first time on Tren so that`s why it`s such a low dose. I`m 5 foot 3 an 129 right now you think that`s enough to get some decent gains an what should I do for my pct dosages an what kind to use
nickname_311 User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 09, 2020
Copied and pasted. I`d have hcg at 1000 per week to 2000 then nolva 40 40 20 20 for 4 weeks. Here`s the copied part. Users often take the drug in a dosage of 100-150 mg a day for 4-6 weeks following the end of a cycle. Users often add substances such as HCG and proviron to mak
Patriot_1234 User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 09, 2020
Not trying to burst your bubble but that cycle is almost a waste of time. If you want to get some decent benefits, run at least 400mgs/wk of Test and 200mgs of Tren for 12 weeks. It takes basically a month for that ester to stabilize as it is. For PCT, run 40mgs/day of Nolvadex for 2-3 weeks and then taper down to 20mgs/day for 2-3 weeks. I`d suggest running .25mgs of anastrolzole twice a week as a precautionary measure from the beginning. Good luck. Open a new question if you need any more advice.
JD Cycle User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 09, 2020
I would double the dosage as well. 100mg Tren is very minimal, and 200mg Test is basically high end TRT dosage. And with enanthate esters, 8 weeks and 5 weeks tren is pretty short too. I`m all for being cautious, but these are so low they border pointless. Continue reading Clomid 50mg (Dragon Pharma)
Author: admin
Clen 40 (Dragon Pharma)
I`ve never used Clen 40 before. I know I do two weeks on two weeks off. How long can I do this for? And what`s the recommended dose? I plan on running this with test/ eq/ deca.
anonymous_1212 User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 01, 2020
Hello A19, When I did this a few times I only did 10 – 20 MCG EOD (way back then there where multiple peptides USA sites selling this in liquid form, which is way better IMO) because I really needed time to recover from the high stimulation from it; I ran it with Testosterone and Dianabol once and then with just Testosterone. The extra AAS was a bit much and I do not remember if I did it with Nandrolone though. Sweating in a 70 degree room with nothing on but boxers on was interesting. Make sure to drink water and I would not suggest taking a dose higher than 20 to start out with for the first 2 weeks to know your reactions. It is normally ran in Pyramid format and I would not run it for more than 4-6 weeks on (not including off) for the total length of the cycle and you may find you can adjust this to more or less but read your body. Make sure to take it the morning or shortly after so it can dissipate before bedtime. Plasma levels of clenbuterol reached the maximum value of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.35 ng/ml, respectively, in a dose-dependent manner within 2.5 h, which lasted for over 6 h after the administration. The half-life of clenbuterol in plasma was estimated to be about 35 h; with all that being said be careful bro, it can be heart harsh. Enjoy the ride but some physical effort was just grueling at points and I left work a few times. Be safe and good lift to you bro.
Will1 User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 01, 2020
Clen is a fantastic cutter if you have your diet and training in order. You`ll still need to do cardio and low calories but it just adds that nice extra touch of hardness. You can run clen multiple different ways, you do not need to do 2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off. You can run it straight for a month or two but going longer wouldn`t be recommemded as it will down regulate. If you do the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, that keeps your body fresher to the compound longer and shouldn`t mess with your health unless you have an underlying condition. You can run either way and I`ve been on as long as about 1.5 months straight with no issues. Clen will still work for you while running it for awhile like that, but the effects you feel do dicipate. The fat loss benefits take quite some time to down regulate though unless I read wrong. But I prefer being on it longer for like that last month of a cut as it adds the finishing touches. I`d recommend you at least wait until you`re near the end of your cut before adding it. Add it too early and it will not be as effective for you as you started with a higher bodyfat and you tun out of tools to add. Continue reading Clen 40 (Dragon Pharma)
Astralean (Clenbuterol) Alpha-Pharma Healthcare
Is this suppressive in any way? (Does it affect the natural test production in the body in any way?) thanks
YD1 User profile
Answered: Oct 22, 2019
Hey bud. No it does not suppress your natural testosterone. Its just a fat burner and it works great with a proper diet. Just make sure to drink plenty of water. I always suggest to friends when they ask about clen, to go get your heart check out before starting it. You dont want to have any heart problems as this really has the heart pumping away. Good luck bud.
nickname_543 User profile Expert
Answered: Oct 22, 2019
I suggest you don`t take it at all. You can play with clen later. It can lead to permanent heart damage if you don`t know what you are doing and mess up the dose. There are people on heart medication for the rest of their life because they messed with clen.
N88 User profile
Answered: Oct 22, 2019
Sure doesnt… zero impact on test but its dangerous for your heart
JuiceNaps User profile Expert
Answered: Oct 22, 2019
No it does not. This can be a dangerous compound so consider doing lots of research and stay safe. Good question Continue reading Astralean (Clenbuterol) Alpha-Pharma Healthcare