How would you guys run this? I`ve heard 2 weeks prior to your last pin and then 14 days after? Can I combine this with arimidex?
Michael Smith User profile
Answered: May 02, 2020
14 days after. Don`t combine with arimadex get clomid. Dosages depends on cycle.
POOKIE User profile
Answered: May 02, 2020
Nolva is normally used for PCT Post Cycle Therapy which can start 14 days after your last injection if using long esters. Arimidex is used ON cycle (not post) to balance your testosterone to estrogen conversion; it keeps it from getting too high and causing side effects. As MS mentioned above, you can also use clomid for PCT. Good luck
crazy Dan User profile Expert
Answered: May 02, 2020
nolva can be “run” to mitigate gyno while on cycle. It binds to estrogen around the breast area. 40mg ed at first sign of sentivity around nipple until sensitive stop. Or nolva can be run with pct at 40mg ed for 2 weeks and then 20mg ed for another 2 weeks. Some will also add clomid with nolva during pct at 100/100/50/50. Pct will start 2 weeks after last test enanth or test cyp esters. Or 3 days after last pin of testP. So when to start pct depends on the length of the gear esters. good luck buddy! Continue reading Nolva 20mg (Dragon Pharma)
Author: admin
Femara (Dragon Pharma)
Im getting little gyno tiny lump is it ok to combine letrozole and nolvadex i read nolvadex reduces letrozoles effectiveness by 30-40% will i still be ok taking these combined i whatched a vid on youtube were the doctor if he has patients getting gyno on TRT he puts them on nolvadex along with the arimidex
evan johnson User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 17, 2019
Yes it is fine to use them with one another if you are really having issues with gyno. You should probably try doubling the nolva and or arimidex dose before adding in letrozole though.
ROBERT User profile
Answered: Jun 17, 2019
Yes, there isn`t any issue with combining the both but I would suggest Arimidex or Aromasin.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 18, 2019
Evan Johnson gave some solid advice… Letro is the equivalent of “going nuclear”, and you run the risk of crashing your estrogen as it is EXTREMELY potent and difficult to zero in a dosage. Try doubling your existing AI dosage (I`m assuming you were using aromasin or arimidex) WITH nolvadex at 20mg per day, and see if this resolves the issue. If not, you can escalate to Letro. Continue reading Femara (Dragon Pharma)
CY3 (Dragon Pharma)
Im looking to just tighten up as Im already gaining weight from the gyms being closed. Is this effective enough to take with my test?
yup User profile
Answered: Mar 20, 2020
this is a great blend of clen, t3 and yohimbe all great supps for fat loss and increased metabolism when dieting. this will do it. running 40-120mcg for 2 weeeks on and off.
AAS Gains User profile
Answered: Mar 20, 2020
if you havent used just clen id suggest starting their but this is a great blend. helios is siliar but this will definietly melt some fat, but run with test as to prevent catabolic affects of t3
Turducken User profile
Answered: Mar 20, 2020
Yup! This has been my go to for quick fat loss and to help others shed some quick fat.
RecoveryProject User profile
Answered: Mar 20, 2020
Absolutely, this will indeed help you lean out, especially stacked with test.
john smith User profile
Answered: Mar 20, 2020
Without any details of where you are physically, currently doing or eating, I can only say this will help you more than anything you`re currently doing. Add this in each morning fora couple weeks Continue reading CY3 (Dragon Pharma)