Quick question guys. I am currently on the second week of my cycle. DP Test Cyp (1ml Monday and 1ml on Thursday). Also kick started with 10mg of DP superdrol ED For the first 4 weeks. (I use milk thistle for liver support ED as well). On previous cycles I usually don’t experience the estrogen related sides except maybe some sore nips toward the end. I do notice however, that my body retains a ton of water naturally even when maintaining a clean diet. I am 6’0″ and 225lbs and 30 years old. I reaver this product on hand as well. My question is, will taking .5mg of this every other day help with my water retention? I do have some prescription furomeside sp? that I would always use to help cut weight while wrestling in college and high school. I haven’t used this yet however either. What would the experts on here recommend for me and my cycle? Maybe something I never mentioned? I used to dream about the days while cutting down to 149lbs that I could drink water and eat normally. Now I just feel too bloated.
JamesEarl User profile Expert
Answered: Aug 28, 2020
I would say that unless you are very estrogen related side effect prone, to just really increase your water intake. When your body realizes ample fresh water is coming in, it will naturally flush out old stagnant water as well as keep flushing out unneeded water along with toxins enabling a more efficient energized body capable of raising it`s metabolism thus using energy more readily. So you get some enhanced fat loss through metabolic enhancement as well as reduce bloat considerably. Furthermore you will need to read labels and eliminate sodium and avoid processed foods because sodium is used as a preservative. Use Himalayan pink salt instead for it`s 80 or such trace minerals in moderation to maintain electrolytes. Eat brocolli daily for its estrogen reducing ability. If you must use arimidex use half the recommended dosage because lowering estrogen too much is actually bad for your general health even for a male, and testosterone as well as other steroids need estrogen to work and synthesize muscle tissue, otherwise they may not work very well. Use the minimum effective dose of arimidex if all fails after a week or so and you`re still more bloated than you rather be. I hope you find this informative and helpful. Good luck with it man!
nickname_308 User profile
Answered: Aug 29, 2020
Thank you for your reply. This was really informative and helps me out. I appreciate it! Continue reading Arimidex 1 (Aaster Solutions)
Author: admin
ARIMIDEX 1 (Para Pharma)
Due to nipple sensitivity I upped dose from .5 E3.5D to .5 EOD and havnt noticed a difference, starting to think para pharma is bunk
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
Answered: Feb 05, 2020
Take 1mg EOD or half a mg every day for fast releaf,that should do it after a few days
Mary Wagner User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 05, 2020
It all depends on the person. You need to have your blood work checked. What might work for you you may have to double.
Hiker001 User profile
Answered: Feb 05, 2020
I bought Para Pharma Test, jury is still out.. I`m beginning to think something maybe up,with the batch.
JuiceNaps User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 05, 2020
Hi Alan, ok, gotcha. Maybe your last post was supposed to be about arimidex instead of anadrol. Would be nice if you cleared that up instead of making us all guess what you are trying to ask. Sounds like you are taking arimidex properly and still having gyno sides. Maybe your nipple problem is prolactin based and you need caber. You offered us no information about what you are taking, your history etc so we have no way to help. Maybe you are frustrated and just want to advertise that you think Para Pharma is bunk and don`t really want any good answers. Anyways Thanks for the question Continue reading ARIMIDEX 1 (Para Pharma)
Arimidex 1 (Maha Pharma)
Hi there.anyone knows what does it mean the date on the tablet plaque.Thanks
EQhead User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 22, 2020
I`m not following your meaning. There should never a date on the box that is the expiration date.
EQhead User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 22, 2020
*should be an expiration date on the box*
JD Cycle User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 22, 2020
If there is a date anywhere on the box or foil pack, that would be the expiration date.
anonymous_1212 User profile Expert
Answered: Sep 22, 2020
Hey Bill, are you talking about the product NDC stamp? Thats the national drug code stamp used to identify what med it is by number, shape and color. Continue reading Arimidex 1 (Maha Pharma)