Just got this and I am a woman and need to know the correct dosage
Jogger User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 23, 2020
Start with half a pill and see how you are with it then after 2 days a whole pill don’t go over 80-100mg sis do it for 2 weeks total then 2 weeks off
tracy User profile
Answered: Jun 24, 2020
thank you there is so much information out there its crazy to try and weed through and I am also starting on HGH, any advice on that?
EQhead User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 23, 2020
I`d start with 1/4 tablet (10mcg). It`s potent. I took a half tablet the first time and it was too much. I`m make, 195lbs, but I am sensitive to most chemicals. Better to start low and increase as needed. Run for 2 weeks then take a week off, repeat. Imo it should only be used after your diet has been in check for awhile. Only use if your heart is healthy. Cheers!
Roid_Head User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 23, 2020
80mcg a day max, 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off for 12 weeks max. Start off with 20mcg gradually increase by 20mcg every 3 days to 80mcg if the side effects didn`t bother you. Stop increasing the dose if you heart is pounding all day and you can`t sleep at night. Don`t take it lightly, there are people who ended up heart meds for the rest of their lives because they abused clen. It`s not a miracle weight loss pill, you will burn extra 100-200 calories a day on Clen, diet is still everything. Take L-taurine supplement and drink plenty of water while you are on Clen to avoid muscel cramps. Continue reading CLEN 40 (Para Pharma)
Author: admin
AROMASIN 25 (Para Pharma)
What`s the difference between arimidex and aromasin if I`m taking arimidex do I need to take aromasin
nickname_610 User profile
Answered: Sep 10, 2019
Aromasin and Arimidex both inhibitor Aromatase. You should take one of them . Aromazin stronger than Arimidex .
nickname_537 User profile
Answered: Sep 10, 2019
Aromasin is stronger than arimidex, however bare in mind that even males need some amount of estrogen for proper bodily function.
nickname_518 User profile
Answered: Sep 10, 2019
They are both ai’s And aromasin is stronger BUT that doesn’t make it better just because it’s stronger. Everyone needs some estrogen to continue building muscle and feeling good so u don’t just take aromasin because it’s stronger. I recommend getting both and trying a different one each cycle and see what your body responds to better Continue reading AROMASIN 25 (Para Pharma)
Arimidex 1 (Singani Pharma)
anyone use this brand? i have some of this and it looks pretty cheap. breaks up into a fine powder if you squeeze it with your fingers. I`m experiencing some sides and hoping it works.
Cyclone User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 17, 2020
While I cant speak to this particular lab, Arimidex is very inexpensive to make and rarely faked or underdosed. Best of luck to you!
Tjp User profile
Answered: Feb 17, 2020
Not sure about brands but like the other person said it`s rarely counterfeited
novadesert007 User profile
Answered: Feb 17, 2020
I have! They work just fine
traianos123 User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 17, 2020
Mine is frome Rus Bio and the same if i squeeze it between my fingers it goes to fine powder. I am sure it will do the job. One question, WHY DID U WAIT FOR SIDES??? U THINK THE GEAR U USE WILL NOT CONVERT TO ESTROGEN AT U??? MAN, TAKE 0.5 MG/EOD, THIS IN CASE U WANT TO BE SAFE FROM SIDES, IR JUST WAIT FOR THE BOOBS TO GROW!! Continue reading Arimidex 1 (Singani Pharma)