Currently on the “lean mass strength stack” what`s a good PCT I should take ?
Just the normal one clomid and or nolva. Maybe grab some arimadex to have on hand too just in case
Clomid or nolvadex as mentioned before is fine. If you have hcg, you can use that to bring your system up to normal fast also, but wait till about 2 weeks from your last injection. 500iu EOD, or up to 750iu EOD is fine unless you actually need like 1,000iu every other day except weekends, because each person responds differently. But using the minimal effective dosage is key to avoid sides as well as rendering it healthier and more cost effective. Good luck man!
JD Cycle
Standard Nolva and Clomid PCT. I would recommend yoy c9nsider adding HcG. 24roids sells a compkete PCT stack you can order if you want to keep it simple.
crazy Dan
Standard clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 for 4 weeks should be good buddy! I would worry more about having cabergolin on deck before you start than anything. This way you can mitigate prolactin if it`s arises since you`ve asked about pct and taking trenE. Good luck friend! and dont forget to vote. Continue reading Basic Lean Mass Strength Stack