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TB-500 (Thymosin Beta 4) 2mg

Whats the recomended dose?
TaylorPiv User profile

You want to inject 1ml at the site of pqin everyday.
TaylorPiv User profile

**Edit 1mg**
JohnSmith User profile

500-800iu a day to old then once every 5 days
Fair enough. I`ve been thinking of running this peptide. I have bicep tendinitis. Does this need to be injected directly into the tendon? What`s the dosage? I`m assuming it needs to be refrigerated once mixed too. Do I run it until pain goes away or do I run it until I finish the bottle?
RecoveryProject User profile

I have run this, and had some success. Here is my recommendation. Inject it near or at the site of pain. All you have to do is inject subcutaneously. I felt the most benefit when I injected 1mg ED. Make sure you have BPC 157 and HGH. You will heal if it`s a minor tear for sure. Hope this helps.
JuiceNaps User profile Expert

Hey Dromeo, I`ve had the same issue in my arm and I think it`s from over training. Doing back and arms twice per week each is too much for my arms. The best thing for bicep tendinitis is to rest it and switch up the training program so it`s not so taxing on the arms. If you can, try taking it easy for a few weeks and see if it gets better or goes away. Thanks for the question
JMann User profile

Yep it helps just depends how bad the injury is. I refrigerated mine. I had a minor chest tear I did 1-3 iu in the area until it started to feel better with a lot less pain.
nickname_464 User profile

I have shoulder problems and found it helped but after stopping a few months later pain still returned. So I imagine you might want to continue use, but that`s up to you and your pain level. Yes, injecting near site of pain is recommend and of course keep refrigerated after reconstitution. I also found that changing my training routine to aid my pain was beneficial as well. Hope you heal fast and can train as hard as you wish. Best of luck mate.
nickname_21 User profile Expert

I dont think people should just ask question for other s just to get rewards and then call us trash thays bullshit and hes the one that`s gonna ruin this for every one aas gains not cool
John User profile Expert

Before you inject anything into your tendons get a professional opinion first. People may have had different experiences but ask your doctor if there is a med for this

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