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Sermorelin 2mg

What is the daily dose? Are they IM?
Big Shark User profile

I`ve read before that you`re better off taking actual hgh hence I`m speculating that to be the case. As per hgh 2iu to max 5iu daily, 6 month minimum but for this I`m surprised it does not state the amount or how much. I`d rather use real hgh man. But maybe someone else can chime in because I`m wondering myself.
Cyclone User profile Expert

Rxlist says the following: A dosage of 0.2 – 0.3 mcg of sermorelin acetate once daily at bedtime by subcutaneous injection is recommended.
FatDadstack User profile

4 IU`s a day is common but anything above that then you`re going to get negative side effects
Stephen Jefferson User profile

2 to 4 cm is the normal
JMann User profile

You can take as many ius as you want, it’s mimicking GH release. That being said though I would stay around 4-6 iu.
Big B User profile

Thats Up To You… 4iu Works Great For Most Folks. Some Do 2iu And Some Do A Lot More. Its Up To You.
Thanks for your previous answers. Do you know any other sites that have peptides?
Gearpeace User profile Expert

Don`t think Naps would appreciate mentioning a competitor`s site. Besides Naps has the best peptides, nobody does peptides better than Naps. No other peptides come close. I think an American politician said that!
Dromeo User profile

Naps is the only that I know of.
mixalhs patsalos User profile

Only naps and the best site out there man, good luck friend
Super Dad User profile

I had great results with the gray tops if you`re trying to build mass I would run 4 IU`s a day GH 300 Test 300 Tren Ace. that mix has great Synergy solid lean gains that pop what more could you want good luck brother
C30 User profile

Purchase from Naps. Wouldn`t recommend a competitor site. Good luck
Hiker001 User profile

I`d stick with Naps, a friend of mine has used others and says Naps is by far the very best! Good luck in what u decide
How long does the “Coming Soon” usually mean? I`d like to buy a set of peptides but only one of them is available and I don`t want to pay for the peptide shipping fee of $50 twice. If anyone has an idea let me know. Thanks.
omeed haji User profile

Coming soon sometimes take while to come in stack I`m actually waiting for some stuff for 2 week and still is coming soon so I order another brand
JuiceNaps User profile Expert

Hey Zac, unfortunately no one in this answer section has been able to answer this type of question. Apparently even contacting naps either in live chat or opening a ticket has not yielded results either. I`ve seen some Coming Soons sit there forever and some take a month. It may be worth asking napshelp or I hope someone else can chime in with some info but historically I haven`t seen the customers know this. Thanks for the question anyways
JD Cycle! User profile Expert

You`ll have to open a ticket with anpshelp. All we can do is guess as to how long. Some products it`s a few weeks, others a few months.
patsalos mixalis User profile

Could be a while days or weeks you never know. Sis labs was coming soon now it’s gone from the site. Contact napshelp
traianos123 User profile Expert

me also i want some peptides, only Naps have the answer to your question, we can only wait.
Susta User profile

There is no way to know, I believe Naps is waiting on the Pharmaceutical supplier to have more product in stock. I believe wholeheartedly that Naps deals directly with the pharmaceutical manufacturer, so when more is made they will sell it. Now there have been times where a manufacturer has “dropped the ball” on certain products in which they might never bring back to Naps but that is a long story and will take a lot for me to explain. Maybe on a later thread I will explain.
How many units on the syringe would .2-.3mcg be? My understanding is that 1ml = 10 units = 100 mcg. so 1 unit = 10mcg. I can`t possibly measure .2-.3 mcg on the syringe since that would be .02-.03 unit. I know somewhere my measurement is wrong. What`s the correct number? Thanks.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

It`s all in how you remix this if you ad 2ml water then every 10 on syringe is .1
skitt User profile

umm No lol 1 ml is not 10 units.. Honestly I deal with insulin syringes/needles daily.. So it would depend on if you have a 1ml insulin syringe which has 100 units or 1/2 ml which has 50 units.. so off the top of my head to be honest I`m not to sure as exactly how many units it would be but I do know it would all depend on the concentration of the compound you are using to get that small of a dosage… I may have to go look here and do a little math and see if it can be done.. Hopefully some one else here might be able to chime in here and know for sure… good luck man Might have to dig in a bit more Bryan and see if you can break it down some.. do a google search on the measurements.. Im positive that 1000 mg equal 1gm not sure if its 1000 micro grams is 1 mg or not but find that measurement and it will help you out…
omeed haji User profile

1 unit is 0.01 ml is 3 micrograms .so 100unit is 1 ml or cc is 300 micrograms .50 unit is 0.50 ml is 150microgram so good luck bro
Kumar User profile

If you start with 10iu reconstituted with one 1ml then 0.01 is 3 micrograms. Half is 150 micrograms. So over reconstitute as necessary
nickname_629 User profile

Check the internet for a reconstitution calculator, or just reconstitute the vial with 2ml, then each tick or 10 mark on the insilin syringe will be 100 micrograms, or 1/10 of a gram.
Big Dogg User profile

First of all the dose of Sermorelin is 0.2mg not 0.2mcg. It is 200mcg. If you add 1ml water then 0.1ml solution will be 200mcg. If you add a different amount of water the math will change.
Is it okay to mix Sermorelin, GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 in one vial? How do you do it and what`s the effective ratio that would not cause complications? Thanks in advance.
patsalos mixalis User profile

No man I wouldn’t do that, do some more research man and stay safe
JuiceNaps User profile Expert

Hey Bryan, this is a good question and I`m not sure the arguments on each side. In general I like to keep compounds separate unless they are all oil based. This means I keep HCG, GH and B12 separate even though they are all water based. When in doubt it seems safer to keep them separate. Would be interested to see if anyone else chimes in with something different. Thanks for the question and sorry I couldn`t offer more info
John Rambo User profile

Being water based it`s not a terrible question. As far as injection i would say you could mix no problem if you wanted. As far as doseage i would not mix the compounds. Just seems like a bad idea. Not quite sure the reaction it could have
Mike Jones User profile Expert

As long as they are all diluted with the same agent (bac water or saline) and you don`t shake them
Johny User profile

Since they are both water based, yes you can. The real question is should you. Not sure i can answer that but I wouldn`t recommend taking both compounds together without doing more research. Always play it safe
Iron User profile

With roids you can. With peptides you probably can also. It`s like eating a burger and fries at the same time, they won`t alter or cancel eachother out, you`ll still get it in your system just the same. However, I`d still do more research first man just to be safe so as not to waste your money.
I just read on Dr Rands website that when mixed with BAC and refrigerated, kept out of light, sermorelin lasts up to 90 days. I also read that it can be safely blended with Ghrp2 and there are a large number of websites that offer the blend of sarastogue blends. I think the 7 days is of you don`t use BAC.
Bob User profile

Thanks for the info man, will definitely check this out
Johnny Longsockz User profile

Thanks for the heads up will have to check out this info
Skuchie User profile

That`s good research. You`ve answered your own question based on, I`m assuming, solid research on Dr Rands behalf. Most of us here go by what we`ve read, or used personally. I personally always lean towards caution when it comes to mixing compounds as opposed to convenience.
nickname_464 User profile

There you go, thanks for the info. The only thing I wonder about is how a 2mg dose could last that long. 250mcg is usually a normal dose and that`s only 4 doses from one vial. Thanks for the info mate.
Smith441 User profile Expert

I was about to give some of these peptided a try actually. It`s good to know they are not as fragile as hgh or hcg after they have been reconstituted.
Jaris User profile

Im now on cycle, but planning to go off cycle, so it would be great idea
Realpeptide calculator gives different ticks for the same exact numbers between a 1ml and a. 5 ml insulin syringe? Why? I thought the rock marks were the same sound regardless of the ml sizes?
Uncle bob User profile

They should me the same man if I fully understood your question
Skuchie User profile

The 1ml syringe will hold 100 total units, and the .5ml syringe will only hold 50 total units. However, the smaller the syringe, sometimes has more tick marks between the larger 10,20,30 etc to dial in smaller doses. However the 20 on a 1ml syringe is the exact same thing as the 20 on a .5ml syringe.
RldlHolyfield User profile

Tick marks will certainly vary between sized insulin syringes. However, the actual amounts are exactly the same. Regardless of size, 0.1 ml in a 1ml and 0.5ml syringe are measured the same regardless of number of ticks they contain. Hope this helps my bro.
Dr Scott User profile Expert

not sure what a rock mark is, assuming a spelling error. but yes they are all the same as the others have mentioned. Most 1/3cc are divided into 30 and 0.5cc into 50 the thing that can get a little confusing is that on 1cc syringes even though its 100 units it can sometimes be .1 increments anyhow getting in the weeds. Yes all the same if im understanding the question.
nickname_464 User profile

Yes they are the same amount between each mark regardless of the size of syringe. Each mark will be one unit or an iu. Hope this helps. Best of luck mate.
YD1 User profile

Hey bud. They are 100% the same/equivalent. What do you mean by rock? Or did you mean mark?
Can I reconstitute sermorelin and GHRP-2 and then blend in one vial for pins for 30 days?
Skuchie User profile

Any substance that needs to be reconstituted from a powder, like HCG, IGF, HGH, etc…usually only has a 7 day half-life after the bac water is added. So you really should only reconstitute (1) 2mg vial at a time, and use until it`s gone. I would also keep the substances separate until your going to use them, then putting them in the same pin for injection is fine. However, I personally would not reconstitute both and add them together as once reconstituted they are biologically active and you have no idea how they`ll respond when mixed over an extended period of time.
RldlHolyfield User profile

Could you do it? Sure. Would it be recommended? No. I believe reconstituents typically are limited to a 7 day shelf life, my bro.
nickname_464 User profile

You`ll take the risk of things loosing potency at best, at worst they`ll completely be useless. Even if kept in fridge right away I don`t believe they will last for a full 30 days. Besides for this peptide a dose of 500mcg is recommended and a 2mg bottle will only last 4 days at that dose. Best of luck mate.
Bob User profile

I agree with the others man, best one by one, take care
YD1 User profile

Whays up man. Dont risk it! Its not worth it. Im sure its possible but for what? Anyways good luck with that.
nickname_537 User profile

After reconstitution I`ve heard you have only about a week (7 days) however with hcg it seems 30 days or at least from my hcg literature.
What is the half life? How frequently does this have to be injected? How much is the mcg per injection?
Gymr User profile

Half life is under or about 10`s usually taken daily before bed. Dose is .2-.3 mcg
omeed haji User profile

Hello everyone.Its about 15mins daily taken before bed. Best of luck
BABA User profile

Half life is extremely short and in the minutes. Take it before bed like everyone else has been saying.
JD Cycle User profile Expert

The half-life is about 10 minutes. It`s really short.
Dr Scott User profile Expert

Everyone is correct the half life for sermorelin is measured in mins. half life is the time it takes for 1/2 of the original amount to be eliminated from the body. It is logarithmic so you cant just double it, but not what you are asking. Also not what you are asking but my two cents I stay away from all precursors analogues and what not like these. They were developed primarily for the purpose of circumventing the legal system and providing consumers a “legal” alternative to AAs and in this case HGH. I opt for the real thing and since you have found NAPS why not think about it. Some will disagree but it is my experience that most of these have audacious claims and very little science to back it up. I take it that you are female and I don`t have a great deal of experience with ladies and HGH or any idea what your goals are but there is lots of encouraging info out there for females and HGH and i know for myself it is amazing, I`m not advocating it just saying if you are Thinking about or currently using sermoralin you are half way there anyhow so something to think about. Incidentally All AAs are controlled substances in all 50 US states, HGH strangely is not. It is a legend drug meaning that you do need an rx but the penalties, if any ever came are similar to getting caught with Birth control pills or antibiotics without an rx, I know I went on a tangent but I hope something in here helps. good luck
skitt User profile

Half life is 10 to 15 mins, best used before bed.. good luck
Hello, I`m 47 year old – 6″3 220. TRT test 250 mgs. per week and Deca durabolin at 100 – 150 mgs per week mostly for joint/ back pain injuries/issues. Also taking low dose hgc, and liver support. Been on TRT for about 6 months and loving the results. Thanks NAPS! Expert opinion requested. Can I stack the following 4 peptides? Hexarelin , Semorelin HG fragment 176-191 and CJC-1295 with DACI have seen in Q&A that several guys recommend just adding H.G.H. instead of peptides to induce more natural production. Could you elaborate on reasoning or point me to better spot on the web to learn more. My biggest hope for increasing HGH is better sleep, along with everything else. Thank you.
Growbygrow User profile

That`s is a high dose try but hey if it`s going good keep it up. Adding all those peptides may not be great but just research each one real good .I would just add more test and or HGH 2iu 2x a day will ad a nice benifit
N88 User profile

250 mgs a week isnt TRT for the mass majority…it might be bro TRT but not realistic as a true natural test replacement and is closer to a mini beginner cycle. If you keep that dose permanently please get all your bloodwork done like PSA`s, hemoglobin, etc. So your HGH question…just pick one good HGH product like Semorelin and go 2 UIs a day. Like everything else higher doses for long durations are not recommended.
Mike Jones User profile Expert

Go with hgh instead of peptides, you will have to inject much less and will have better results, a replacement dose of 1iu a day is all you need to see better sleep from hgh higher doses will yield more results etc.
anonymous255 User profile

You can use all those peptides and hgh if you would like. If better sleep from higher hgh is all you are looking for than 100mcg ipamorelin and 100mcg cjc without dac right before bed would be a good stack for you. At your age hgh hrt might not be a bad idea. For that I would do 2iu hgh 5 days on and 2 days off per week, and like I said you can still use the peptides with this if you would like.
Anonymous 467 User profile

Invest in the hgh instead of peptides. You will have better results.
RNPCLIFE User profile

Bro why are you taking test and hcg? Hcg is for when you come off test. Think about it. Test is telling your body to stop making test and hcg is telling your body to make test. That sets your system into confusion. Just up your test dose. Definitely go with the HGH. Stay away from the peptides unless you in prep for a show.
EVAN Johnson..Drew…Anonymous255..why do you reccomend i don`t fly with it? I fly with Test and deca, and syringes all the time. I fly every week? Why not fly with it after reconstitution?
evan johnson User profile Expert

Just pointing out the legal risk, but if you are used to doing it with steroids and don`t get caught then you can. Like you said it is difficult to keep cold, so better before reconstitution but if you can figure out a way then props to you.
J.P. User profile Expert

If you can cover your ass with a script were you to find yourself questioned about it, then flying with it shouldn`t be an issue. Couple things to consider. Mail it to your destination in a dry ice pack. Check your bag with it in the bag. The cargo area of most planes will be cooler, especially in the upcoming months. I wouldn`t however carry it on my person
Growbygrow User profile

I have Never had a issue on domestic flights with gear and actually other stuff but let`s stay on gear. I fly once a month from NC to FL and never had a issue
LongIslandBEAST User profile

I agree with JP. I’ve even mailed stuff to myself at a hotel, just call ahead and tell them the situation, that you will be checking in and you’re expecting a package and they will hold onto it for you. I’ve done this at least two or three times. You can even have it shipped to the post office and pick it up there. But I’ve also flies with stuff too and didn’t have a problem so long as it’s in your checked baggage.
anon5_uk User profile Expert

I agree with you, I also flied with my gear, went to some pretty strict countries, nobody cares if you pack it good, really. You are a very small fish, they aren`t looking for substances when it goes through x-ray, they are looking for explosives. Security doesn`t give a shit as long as what you have in the baggage isn`t going to affect anybody else but you.
YD1 User profile

Hey bud. Its not realy worth the risk. You never know on that day that they might check it all. If you have a script then ok. Good luck bud.
can i rconstitute the sermorelin powder in the vials it is supplied in? Also I tavel a lot so I am wondering how do you guys keep it cold when flying?
Mbillu User profile

Yes you can reconstitute in the bottle. Why would you risk it and fly with it? If you had to, put it inside your carry on and grab some ice and water once you pass the security check and wrap them together
anonymous255 User profile

Yes you can reconstitute it in the vial. Don’t fly with it after reconstituting it.
K.D.T User profile

Yes you can use the same goal it came in but wouldn`t not travel with it too difficult to keep cool and conselded
mchilds User profile

Sure you can do that. You can mix it in anything sterile.
Drew User profile

Yes you can my brother but I would fly with it after mixed.
evan johnson User profile Expert

Yes you can reconstitute but I would not recommend flying with it.
Ii ordered this and expexted to get 2mg vials but instead I received 5ml vials and it says not for injection. So I am super confused and a little concerned. I am sure I must be missing something as this is my first run with a peptide. any advice would be greatlyl appreciated.
Drew User profile

That`s just what it says on the bottles your good to inject it brother the liquid stuff I get says not for human consumption that`s how the company get away with the product being legal.
nickname_537 User profile

I think they state that on the vial so they can legally sell it. There`s no other way to legally sell these items otherwise. If you`re still unsure, just shoot napsgear a message, they reply fairly fast usually within 24hrs.
mchilds User profile

Yeah don`t worry about that. Unless it`s a pill it can be injected so disregard that warning on there.
LongIslandBEAST User profile

I believe they just say that because of legal reasons. Many peptides I have purchased have said things like “not for human use” as well. It’s good to go, it is what it is.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

They have to say,, not for human consumption,,and ,, research only,, loophole to sell it legally is all. But if it`s listed as 2mg vial and 5mg vial came than you got hooked up and it`s 5mgs…or are you saying it`s 2mg in a 5ml bottle? Whatever the bottle says go by
YD1 User profile

Hey bud. Don`t worry kike everyone said. Thats just for liability purposes and of course its GOV mandatory that companies put that saying with research chemicals and other products. Good luck
Wanting to run this for a few months for weight loss and energy gain, should I be adding anything to a cycle that will make this more effective?
anonymous255 User profile

You will want to add ipamorelon as they have synergy and will make each other much more effective.
Jaris User profile

I would go for anavar, money well spent with low insvestment. Good luck
nickname_464 User profile

As mentioned both compounds would be fine, but you can`t go wrong with HGH and Test, both will give you what your looking for. Best of luck.
Analog User profile

These “Secretalouges” don`t have a reputation for amazing / dramatic results, you can check around the internet and see what I am saying. Instead, fork out the extra money and run a 6 month cycle of full blow HGH – which had documented case studies that demonstrate fat loss. Nothing is going to fix a bad diet, so make sure to incorporate that into your plan.
Will User profile Expert

It will work synergistically with AAS to provide better results. But GHRP much like HGH get more effective the longer they are ran. Even when the cycle is over, run during PCT and after.
nickname_537 User profile

I`ll tell you one thing that you will discover in due time, diet is the key. No supplements will burn enougy calories to be meaningful. However if youre strictly dieting the extra 200 calories or so burned per day (if that) will enhance your results. But eat a brownie and the 200 calories are added right back.
Two different types of BAC water: Benzyl alcohol .9% and Sodium chloride .9%. which does this product require?
big baby bear User profile Expert

Whenever bacteriostatic water is needed I always go BA, havent ever tried NaCl so I cant speak on that.
Acfit User profile

Either one can be used for reconstituting. The Benzyl alcohol is a preservative for the sterile water. Sodium anchloride are normal constituents of body fluids and are essential for maintaining electrolyte balance, but it’s such a small amount. Most will use the 0.9 Benzyl alcohol. Hospira Bacteriostatic Water is a main brand you can buy easily online.
Swoleville User profile

I usually get hospira bac water. Just do a Google search
anon5_uk User profile Expert

Only one BAC water. The other is saline solution. You need the alcohol to prolong the shelf life of reconstituted product and fend off the bacteria. With the saline, you can reconstitute with it but it will only last max 24 hours before it becomes dangerous due to risk of bacterial growth.
Joe Hodgins User profile

Benzoyl alcohol is the one u want. It will give u the longest shelf life after reconstituting and be the safest bacteria growth preventative
Scott User profile

As stated and has been addressed, BA is the most common due to its longer shelf life you will have with GH.
Is this GHRP2, GHRP6, or a compound. Makes me nervous that there is not more detail.
Anonymous 4266 User profile

Its neither. Its actually GHRH, a peptide that stimulates the body to produce more growth hormone. If you are on the fence you can just opt for the growth hormone itself.
Dalton Carpenter User profile

it is a peptide, like this guy said, it stimulates the body to produce more GH
anon5_uk User profile Expert

It`s an analogue of growth-hormone releasing hormone, not an analogue of met-enkephalin. It`s GHRH
nickname_537 User profile

It supposedly helps the body to produce more hgh which it probably does if it is still potent and actually real. Naps is reliable although I`d just take real hgh because these seem to be only a little bit cheaper and the savings don`t justify not taking the real thing. But hgh must be real and potent and you need to research on that so you get the real deal. Besides you should only start with 1iu per day but at the most 2iu and increase half an iu per month not to go over a max 4iu to avoid side effects heatr attacks from heart growth, diabetes and possibly cancer. Now 4iu and less should be safe, just don`t go over 4iu daily.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert

Sermorelin is a peptide in the long list of growth hormone “secretagogues”, or substances that induce the secretion of growth hormone in the human body. The use of secretagogues is complex and far beyond something that could be simply explained here. Typically you take two peptides that work synergisticly, but each peptide and combination of peptides has its own set of pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, etc. You will need to do significant research in a dedicated forum to build a cycle. After doing a bunch of research myself, I ended up opting to bypass these and simply start taking rHGH. Even though the cost was much higher, the results were must better and more predictable.
Dan J User profile

It is nor GHRP2 or GHRP6, since it isn`t GHRP at all, it is a GHRH. Not sure why you are being worried though. Also, I advise you to just go straight for the actual HGH, not releasing hormones that assist release of GH.
What other items besides syringe do I need to start a Sermorelin cycle? I see other questions about Bac water. Is this pre-mixed or do I need to order it also?
Maison Jardin User profile

I think you would need to order some Bac Water my friend in order to use this compound.
Jay User profile

You are gonna need bac water, you mix it yourself and from there it starts degrading.
LegacyLifter User profile

Syringes for mixing and insulin syringes for injections. You need bac water to mix it yourself. Lots of guides online on how to do this.
Anonymous 4266 User profile

Its the same procedure with HCG and HGH. Add bac water and gently roll around on the palm of your hand(don`t shake it) and wait for it dissolve and inject with a insulin syringe.
Tom. User profile

All you need is Bacteriostatic Water and insulin syringes and you are ready to mix and inject.
Hi, just trying to figure out how much of this to order, if I inject 200mcg per day, how long would this 2mg bottle last? Thanks for your help, Robert.
Big E User profile

10 days per bottle because 1000 mcg = 1mg therefore 2mg = 2000mcg and 2000mcg ÷ 200 mcg = 10
N88 User profile

200 MCG = 0. 2 MG so 10 days . .. .as mentioned above.
Gregarious User profile

Each bottle has 1000mcgs, so if you are using 200mcg’s per dose, then each bottle will last 5 days, 10 days for both.
LongIslandBEAST User profile

This could have been done using a conversion app if you ever wondered how to do this conversion in the future but anyhow, 1kg is 1,000g, 1g is 1,000mg, 1mg is 1,000mcg so 2mg equals 2,000mcg/200mcg per day is 10 days/doses.
anonymous_1334 User profile

10 days as others have mentioned.
Anonymous User profile

1000mcg equals 1 mg so it would last you 10 days.
how much Bac water is needed to reconstitute and what would be the cc/mcg ratio…
Mike Jones User profile Expert

Well 2mg is equivalent to 2,000mcg so if you use 2ml of bac water that means 1ml/cc will be 1000mcg or 10units on a slin pin will be 100mcg etc.
Would anyone know what the daily dose of this product is?
J.P. User profile Expert

0.2 – 0.3 mcg once daily at bedtime by subcutaneous injection. Also rotate injection sites.
Mike Jones User profile Expert

a normal dose is around 200mcg-300mcg either before a workout or before bed.

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