Anyone try this with spot injection? Results?
nickname_537 User profile
I don`t think this works via spot injection. It like nearly all substance is systemic. That means it works throughout your systen and not in just some localized area. I believe it is called cy3 that works locally however it 8s fir fat loss. Perhaps someone else can chime you in on this with more details.
Jasonz User profile
Nickname is right. Spot injection wont work in a particular muscle it works throughout your body like AAS does. Good luck.
GearHead User profile
I don`t think this will work at all for spot enhancing .only stuff that works by inflaming the tissue and appearing bigger until swelling goes down
Drew User profile
No point in spot injecting with this like stated it works the same as gear no matter where you shot it you will get the same results throughout your body.
skitt User profile
Sorry buddy wont work with spot injections…works same as AAs good luck
Katl User profile
Not for spot injections. This is systemic so works through out your body. Just like JHGH & HGC. HGH, whinny. Diet and cardio and you`ll cut fat