Hi, so I`m at 15% body fat and i`m using 1mg of adex ED to keep my e2 at normal range. Is it too much for an ai to take? Or should i switch to stronger ai like aromasin or letro? TIA
BigZ User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
Less is more with the AI, you do not want to crash your estrogen you will feel like crap and have no libido. Go get bloods done ASAP that`s really the only way you figure out how to adjust your doseage. I`m assuming you`re taking test?
Trensetter User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
Yes i get my bloods done. I think ap adex is underdosed. I`m only taking 400mg of test e/wk. my prior e2- 19, then e2 is 87 without taking adex (after 2 weeks), then e2 is 74 taking this adex at 0.5mg EOD. Or maybe i am sensitive to conversion.
Zilla User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
1mg how often? I only use an ai if I`m running test at high doses. If I use arimidex .5 mg e3d is usually enough to keep estroidal in check
Trensetter User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
Running it everyday. I`m only at 400mg test e/wk. can you recommend a legit adex here in naps?
JenniferSomers User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
It really depends on how sensitive to estrogen you are, I`m pretty sensitive, I usually do a half of arimidex the day after my shot when I`m running my cruise if I need it, that`s 250 a week, two shots, on cycle I do a whole aromisin the day after twice a week the day after shot, It`s just trial and error if your not doing blood work, I`d try and take as little as possible
Trensetter User profile
Answered: Aug 11, 2020
Maybe i`m just sensitive too or this Ap is underdosed. I`m doing bloods twice a month during this blast. I`m at 400mg test e/week
Alright fellas, I`m going on teen oral, and some turinabol. Pct includes nolvadex and clomid. How often should I take arimidex to prevent estrogen side effects like gyno? Aiming for a month, I have liver protection and it is not my first oral cycle, I`ve tried paulumbos anavar and winstrol (i added clen) did fine with that without using a pct or arinidex. no sign of gyno thankfully
Dromeo User profile
Answered: Feb 24, 2020
Oral cycle sounds toxic. To answer your question you should the AI once you feel the sides coming on. Many make the mistake of running an AI throughout their cycle only to KILL any gains. We need estrogen to grow. Watch “RXmuscle Estrogen Management” on YouTube. Very short but informative video. Good luck.
evan johnson User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 24, 2020
You shouldn`t run an oral only cycle and if you do you shouldn`t need an AI with tbol. If estrogenic sides come up take .5 mg eod
JMann User profile
Answered: Feb 24, 2020
Make sure you are using Testosterone as a base, and see how you feel or if you go for blood work to determine if you need an AI.
traianos123 User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 24, 2020
I take arimidex 0.5mg/EOD during the cycle, i dont wait for the sides to show, better to be safe, many guys wait to see the side effects and then they start using an estrogen blocker, not me, better i am safe, maybe they wait for the bitch tits to grow and then they will consider using an estrogen blocker.
swede User profile
Answered: Feb 24, 2020
I`m not familiar with teen… maybe oral tren? none of the orals you mentioned are known to aromitize, so an AI isn`t going to do anything for you. Aside from liver toxicity there are still some serious side affects associated with these compounds… you would really not want to run oral tren and t-bol at the same time….. It would probably make you feel like shit…. t-bol makes me feel kinda shitty. You should do some more homework
Cyclone User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 24, 2020
Oral tren AND t-bol with no testosterone base? Complete disaster, stop now, you have no clue what you are doing.
6`3″ 275lbs 30 years old not my first rodeo… but I have never had issues with side effects. But I do retain a lot of water I always liked the look, is this a bad thing health wise ? Should I run a ai to get my estrogen down ?( if blood work says it`s high). (Or is it okay to have water retention)
patsalos mixalis User profile
Answered: Feb 19, 2020
if its too high you will get sides, If I was you id use 0.5mg arimidex 2x a week or check bp if ok go without ai
Mary Wagner User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 19, 2020
Agreed with the arimidex. You don`t want to be puffy. People with congestive heart failure retain water just saying that cant be good.
Skuchie(2) User profile
Answered: Feb 19, 2020
Holding water is fine, just as long as it`s not being caused by an unhealthy side effect such as high estrogen, as you mentioned, or high sodium intake. If you get your labs done, and all the levels are within the normal range, then by all means hold the water.
Dr Scott User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 19, 2020
typically the water retention runs hand in hand with increased blood pressure and gyno for me, but not always, and not everyone. Thats just for me. I find a course of thiiazide diuretics like HCTZ and arimedex to do wonders. But if you like the look and are experiencing no other sides then run it. I never let numbers determine if a start any of the ancillaries, what if the numbers are low but your tities are screaming, or conversely if it is a bit high but you have no sides-this can happen trust me? i listen to my body for that, i hate to add anything without absolutely needing it. Expensive, they all have their own sides and just add another variable you have to deal with. just my two cents, good luck
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 19, 2020
The only time water retention becomes an issue is when your estrodial is above normal range, this can cause more problems then just water retention, so it`s best to use an ai like adex at .5mg 2-3 a week or letro 1.25mg every 3-4 days. A lot of times even with an ai, depending on the compunds your taking you will still get water retention so if you like the look run just enough ai to keep your levels in check
FatDadstack User profile
Answered: Feb 19, 2020
AA eyes are really important Arimidex has to go to the personally but I use but only if I have to got the money aromasin is good too I really get to know your body try different compounds everybody`s different
How fast will this stuff work for gyno related sides, will it kick in right away or take days or weeks
Drew User profile
Answered: Dec 11, 2019
I will take a few days to start working but if it you niples that are bothering you your best bet is to take 20mgs of nolvadex Ed.
Hiker001 User profile
Answered: Dec 11, 2019
From what I’ve read anywhere from a couple days to a solid week. This is also what I’m using and hopefully won’t need, I have just in case.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
Answered: Dec 11, 2019
For me it works same or next day I feel better
Smith441 User profile Expert
Answered: Dec 11, 2019
To get rid of gyno the best combo is Letro and Nolva. Take letro 2.5mg every 3 days and 20mg nolva a day until the sides go away
Will User profile Expert
Answered: Dec 11, 2019
Works within days but if it truly needs to bring your estrogen levels down, it will take a few weeks. Visual effects in days, blood test results in weeks.
JuiceNaps User profile Expert
Answered: Dec 11, 2019
For me arimidex works the same day and for sure by the next day I`m feeling nips back to normal and bloating down. Thanks for the question.
If I need to take an AI, (I already ordered Arimidex).. how long do I take it for if gyno sides begin to happen? The duration of my 12 week cycle? I’m doing TEST C 300mg total pinned 2x weekly. Thank you.
Fit_mom User profile
Answered: Nov 26, 2019
Some will take it the entire cycle. Some just when they start noticing breast tenderness or water retention. Some guys are more sensitive to estrogen than others. If you want to be safe than sorry run it through the cycle. Good luck
LongIslandBEAST User profile
Answered: Nov 26, 2019
Some people will take it their entire cycle but I wouldn’t. It will kill off your estrogen a lot and affect your growth. You need estrogen so you want to have it in a good ratio even if it’s hogher than normal range. That is why it’s a good idea to have blood work done to see where you are at. Otherwise I would only take an AI if you have signs or symptoms of gyno and in that case take it until side effects go away. For me two weeks is sufficient at 0.5mg eod. I prefer Aromasin as I feel it’s faster and more effective and easier to manage levels but you will hear different opinions on that. But every other day half a mg of arimidex should suffice and if not come back and get some more advice. Generally people are effected very differently by test so you may not even get estrogen sides at all like me. It’s very rare I do and when I do I knock it out easily, thank God.
Gearpeace User profile Expert
Answered: Nov 26, 2019
Take as needed for sore nipples, abnormal bloating. For me 0.5mg 3x week is sufficient, but everyone is different. Take for duration of cycle if needed.
Jasonz User profile
Answered: Nov 26, 2019
I agree with fit mom and long island beast that everyone is different. For me I am very estrogen prone even on a trt dose of 125mg every 5 days. When my nipples get sensitive and I can feel a pea sized lump under my nipple I take just .25mg of anastrozole with my test shot for a couple of weeks and my symptoms go away. I have just recently started taking 25mg daily of proviron and dropped the ai so will see what happens. Get bloodwork done to see where your estradiol is at but the point is everyone is different. I would keep the ai as low as possible to have a positive effect. Good luck mate.
JB205 User profile Expert
Answered: Nov 26, 2019
I used to only take it if I had any signs of sides or water retention. But after doing the smart thing and having blood work done, I take at least 1mg of armidex a week, usually. 5mg every time I pin which is twice a week. Even though I had no signs of high estrogen, when I did get my blood work done my estrogen was just under 100 which is high, so I now run a minimum dose of AI the entire cycle.
Dr Scott User profile Expert
Answered: Nov 26, 2019
I agree with the first two and those guys usually say great stuff. I mean you are taking 300mg a week for 12 weeks, all these AIs prob wont be needed. I mean you are using all these drugs essentially work against against the first drug. I never agree with adding all these extra drugs just because. At the very least its expensive and you really are expecting a lot of your gear if you are adding all these additional chemicals at this low dose, Ive never been a big fan of all these high dose extensive PCT programs. It really take very little HCG to get my body back up to speed and the olny reason i use nolva during PCT is to protect from gyno. dont get me wrong i think these drugs are important and i have all on hand if i need them, just not a big fan of suing them willy nilly. Like Sven said i do not believe PCT is always an absolute must I can tell you that in the beginning it was harder to get hcg and nolva then the gear. I could always find a girl who was a vet tech and could get her hands on winny, EQ or sometimes test. Allegedly. HCG not so much so we just pyramided up and down and never thought about it, no one died or years and years. Also AI`s only came into the AAs zeitgeist about 15 years ago (nolva was always around) so anyhow im babbling. just go slow either way you are fine, i am a big fan of the lowest possible effective dose with the fewest drugs. This mindset has served me over the years. take it for what its worth
good evening i am about to start a sarm cycle (ostarine 25mg/d+rad 140 20mg/d)…i intend to do a pct with nolvadex but would it be necessary take an AI such as arimidex through the whole duration of cycle and if it`s yes which one would be the proper dose…thanks!!
Lav3ga User profile Expert
Answered: Mar 09, 2019
No need for an AI but I would add some HCG to the PCT. the last ten days of sarms take 1000iu of HCG every day. After the last dose of HCG start your Nolva and run that for three or four weeks at 20mg a day, then take a week at 10mg. Should be all set after that.
B Rad User profile Expert
Answered: Mar 09, 2019
No, you wont need an aromatase inhibitor for during a SARM cycle or after a SARM cycle, they dont aromatize into estrogen. Using a SERM like nolvadex at say 20mg for a month after you stop the SARMS should get you back on track.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert
Answered: Mar 09, 2019
Since SARMS can`t convert to estrogen, there is no need for a aromatase inhibitor. For that cycle a 20mg per day of tamoxifen (nolva) for one month will be adequate. Don`t run these too long, the two Osta cycles I ran I started feeling low testosterone symptoms around week 4-6, and really started to experience diminishing returns after four weeks.
HiIf I take 300 to 400 mg testosterone cyp a week and 25-40mg proviron a dayWill I need Arimidex? Or just to be on safe side take 0.5 mg twice a week ?Thank you
evan johnson User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 14, 2019
You may not need it at all with test that low although it is good to have on hand just in case. The proviron works as an estrogen blocker as well.
J.P. User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 14, 2019
If a possum poops in the woods under a full moon will it prefer pepperoni pizza over supreme? Your guess is as good as mine. I`m joking. But my point is that everyone is a little different in their AI needs. What you could try is having your .5mg on hand and the moment you notice estrogen levels creeping up take the Arimidex. In my experience with the cycle and doses you`re talking about is that .5mg twice a week may be a little much. Also instead of adhering to a strict twice a week protocol, go by the hours in between doses instead of the days of the week.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 15, 2019
Anything over 250mg a week even tho it’s low your gonna have raised estrodial levels because it’s in the super physiological dose range, so while proviron is great at promoting hardness and less water retention it does not serve as an ai and will not lower estrogen, personally at my cruise levels (150mg a week) I take .5 mg every other day but anytime I’m higher than 250 mg a week I take .5-1mg everyday because the half life of adex is only 24 hours. So at this dose I’d be taking .5 everyday or 1mg every other day
HiIf you on Testosterone Cypionate 400mg a weekAnd proviron 25mg a dayIf you take Arimidex half a pill ones or twice a week will it be enough just as precociously Or at this doses of testosterone your estrogen levels will be okThank you
J.P. User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 14, 2019
The short answer is, yes, but also no, and maybe as well. The only way to really know is by experimenting. There is research that will aide in guiding you to land on your perfect AI protocol. Arimidex has a rather long half life, so give it some time to do its thing. You`ll notice when it kicks in as well as when it tapers off. If you don`t know how you`ll respond to what you`re taking then err on the side of less is more and start with .5mg. However, if you`re trying to figure out how much to buy, then plan for the worst case scenario and order more than you`ll need. Also, Arimidex creates a nasty estrogen rebound when discontinued in a lot of people. Having a suicidal AI in your arsenal would be a wise move.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Answered: Jan 15, 2019
Anything over 250mg a week even tho it’s low your gonna have raised estrodial levels because it’s in the super physiological dose range, so while proviron is great at promoting hardness and less water retention it does not serve as an ai and will not lower estrogen, personally at my cruise levels (150mg a week) I take .5 mg every other day but anytime I’m higher than 250 mg a week I take .5-1mg everyday because the half life of adex is only 24 hours. So I’d say at 400mg a week I’d be taking .5-1mg 3 times a week AT LEAST, if your taking any other compounds specifically ones that aromatize id be taking 1mg everyday