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MERIONAL 75iu (HMG – Human Menopausal Gonadotropin)

Do I need to take HMG with HCG during a blast, or is HCG enough?
Nathan Co User profile
Answered: Jun 02, 2019
I would say hCG should be enough, but you could try it if you want and see what it does for your LH FSH levels. HCG has been tried true and tested. I say if it ain’t broke then don’t try to fix it. .. hCG will keep that pilot light lit in your bean bag just fine buddy. Rest easy
Tom. User profile
Answered: Jun 02, 2019
Hcg should be more than enough my friend. there is no need to not continue building on to the nex one l.
nickname_279 User profile
Answered: Jun 02, 2019
HCG mimics LH hormone which tells testicles to produce testosterone, but it doesn`t do anything for hormone responsible for sperm count FSH is another hormone that gets shut down during the cycle. If you only take hcg you have to wait for the body the FSH production back on again. You can take clomid after HCG to help with that or instead of Clomid you can take HMG along with HCG.
ltl trucker User profile
Answered: Jun 02, 2019
For years, bodybuilders used HCG to kick-start their HPTA after a cycle. There’s still a lot of debate as to how it should be used, but for simplicities sake it’s fair to say it should be administered once the testes show sign of atrophy. This makes sense since, contrary to popular belief, HCG (and HMG) do not “cure” or “recover” anything. They do not return testosterone levels permanently and they do not assure that production will return to normal. They simply give a temporary boost that can be extremely helpful when one’s hormonal system is suppressed and attempted to return to normal. It’s a little bit of a “head start” on recovery, but at some point, the body must produce hormones all on its own – otherwise, it really isn’t recovery, its just substituting one drug for another. This is why supplementation is also recommended at this time. Now that we’re established exactly how these drugs work, let’s examine the differences. The most significant disparity is in the fact that HCG mimics LH (luetinized hormone). It gives the body a false signal that LH is present and everything else responds accordingly. HMG actually elevates natural LH. Now to some, there’s little difference, but it’s always better when the body reacts in the most natural manner. There’s also less of a chance of building up a tolerance when this occurs. And in the case of HCG, tolerance is developed pretty quickly. You see, Mother Nature is pretty sharp. You can fool her a few times but after a while, she catches on and refuses to cooperate. That’s why excessive HCG use is not recommend. Use too much, too often, and it won’t work at all. Exactly how much LESS suppressive HMG is appears to still remain speculative. But it’s a good guess that it’s less so. There’s another, still empirical, opinion that HMG causes less of an estrogen spike. The use of HMG for bodybuilding purposes is so new there’s no way of proving this one-way or the other. Yet. But again, it stands to reason this is so. One absolute difference between the two compounds is the fact that HMG raises FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and HCG does not. Again, this is due to the fact that HCG works synthetically and HMG stimulates the entire feedback loop. This is especially appealing since an increase in FSH means higher sperm count and ejaculate volume. Dosage:Although HMG is relatively new to the steroid community there are already misconceptions surrounding its use. People fail to realize that recommended dosages in the enclosed literature are for the original purpose of drug – that of a fertility stimulant in women. For men’s purposes, a much lower dose is needed. A single shot of 75 i. u. ‘s may be all that’s necessary. You can even try spitting that up into two half shots over two days. Using more, will not “do more. ” It will not elevate T higher, or give you bigger balls so don’t even think about it.
nickname_963 User profile
Answered: Jun 02, 2019
HCG should be more than enough. Don’t take more than what is needed to kick start your HTPA. Remember, keep it as simple as possible. Skip the HMG.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Answered: Jun 02, 2019
Hcg is more than enough to keep your HTPA functioning while your in a blast, remember to take it every 5 days or twice a week at 250 iu to maintain the functionality of your HTPA
How do you break the tips off of those type of vials.. I don`t like them at all.
TB40 User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 17, 2019
I think your referring to breaking the AMPULES tips (not the vials). They break very easily – simply pinch the vial with your thumb and index find on each side of the narrowest point on the “neck” of the vial. Apply pressure in a manner that the amp will break with the inside / exposed portion of the amp towards you, not away from you. Also, make sure you don`t break the vial in a manner that the content spills out when you break it – this seems obvious, but many of us have wasted product because we were not careful! If you are a visual learner, you can search for “break tip ampule” on youtube, and you will see a dozen different videos demonstrating the process. Once you have done it a time or two, it becomes REALLY easy!
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Answered: Feb 17, 2019
Hold the bottom half of the ampule in place and snap the top half towards you. Keeping your non-dominant hand still, snap the top half by quickly bending it towards you so the part that`s breaking is facing away from you. The thumb of your dominant hand should stay on the pressure point while your fingers pull the tip of the top half towards you. Then using a filter needle attached to a syringe, Draw the solution out while keeping the needle submerged.
Matthew User profile
Answered: Feb 18, 2019
The most simple way to do this is buy an “amp opener”. Once you have the ample er you simply put the open end of the opener over the top part of your amp until it sits firmly in place. Then you will want to squeeze the sides of the amp opener with just a tad bit of force not too hard and pull forward simply by flicking your wrist. This should work FLAWLESSLY everytime. Any further questions just ask.

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