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Trenbolone Enanthate 200 (Aaster Solutions)

Okay so I`ve have ran a couple tren E cycles ( low dose 250 a week each time 12 weeks) and tolerate it well. I threw winny in and i see some running it during cycle but not very long due to side effects. I was thinking of throwing it in for 2.5 weeks at the start to kinda jump start the cycle then wrap up my last 4 weeks after week 12 of tren with winny. Week 1-2.5= winny for jump start(50MG a day). Week 1-12 tren 250 mg a week, week 1-12 test E 500mG a week then week 12-16 test e 250 a week, week 12-16 50 mg of winny a day
John User profile

I would definitely not do that. I would want tren, test, and winny used for the last 4 to 6 weeks. If you are getting ripped for summer then running those 3 together for 4-6 weeks is a great combo. I`d rather see you skip the first 2 weeks running the winny and run it for 6 weeks. 6 weeks is not too long.
Htown User profile

Run tren e at 700mg a wk. I would also run winny at the end instead of at the beginning of your cycle. Diet is key to cutzzzz. Abs are made in the kitchen
Winny User profile

When he has never been known as a jumpstart oral it’s typically run at the end of the cycle decides by running it in the beginning you may get a lot of aches and pains from it and you’ll have to deal with them throughout your cycle which could ruin everything save all your winnings for the end Winnie and Tran would be good finishers
Big Dogg User profile

Keep the tren where it at or a little higher (350/week). Run the test at 500/week all 16 weeks. Run the Winny weeks 12-18 then start PCT. That`ll give you a strength boost and keep you solid while the long test ester drops out.
Stephen Jefferson User profile

Bump up the tren dosage to 400 and run winstrol towards the end of the cycle …. Last 4 to 6 weeks
Pookie User profile

You could do that but why kick start for 17 days ? You can go longer for a kick then go another 4 weeks to finish off. Just my thoughts
What is the difference between test e and test cypianat? The descriptions say the same thing.
Same User profile Expert

They are pretty much the same. They both are long esters. I think the only difference is the molecular weight
traianos123 User profile

They are very similar, test E have half life of 10 days and test C have half life of 12 days. U can use any of this, u have to split your weekly dose in 2, so your test level will be the same every day, no ups and downs. For the previous question, as PCT u have to use Nolvadex (40/40/20/20) or Clomid (100/100/50/50).
BowlofOats User profile

Both have long esters and yealed same results, no much of a different if any imo
Test User profile

Test is test is test. They`re Essentially identical. Same half life and all test is interchangeable
Turducken User profile

They are the same thing chemically. Cyp is just an American created ester and used commonly. They are the same and body sees them the same
Redpill User profile

The difference is the ester (cyp vs enan) essentially the question is do you want longer lasting test with test E or shorter lasting test with test C (faster to kick in) . The half lives are really what makes each ester unique , along with some other properties .
If I run test e with tren e and then switch to test cypianat in a few weeks is that ok? Should I take anything else for side effects and post cycle treatment?
traianos123 User profile

Sure u can change the test that u pin, u can use also sustanon. For the test sides u will need Anastrozole and for the tren sides u will need Cabaser.
Stop User profile Expert

If you are planning on running tren and test and have no idea about pct please do yourself a favor and do a hell of a lot more research. Your going to fuck up your body
BowlofOats User profile

Yes that`s all good! Also do some more research into pct so u don`t mess up your hormones post cycle
No need User profile

Unless your out of cyp there`s no need to change test eaters. Test is test
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

Yes that would be fine you would need to run a full PCT after you`re done with everything probably some cycle support while you`re running the tren as well
Turducken User profile

There is no reason to switch test. Your body does not get use to test doSe or carrier and does not need to be increased or changed
Ok so my first experience with tren was tren ace at .75mg eod for the last 4wks of my cycle. This gave me roughly 250-300mg/wk which I handled fine except for night sweats. So now that I know I can handle 300mg/wk I`d like to see if I can keep it at that for my next cycle but use tren enanth so I don`t have to pin as much. My question is, since I`ll only be doing 4wks at the end of my cycle again, would it be wise or safe to frontload the first shot since it`s a longer ester and takes a couple wks to kick or maybe run it for a little longer like 6wks? Any info and or advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Juice24roids User profile Expert

Hey DC, I personally would not front load tren E and would pin this twice per week to keep blood levels stable. If you have not already, take a look at steroidcalc dot c o m to see a graph of how blood levels rise and fall with certain compounds. Tren Ace I like to pin every day at 50mg and don`t get any night sweats just FYI. Thanks for the question
omeed haji User profile

I would run my next cycle after 2 weeks I`m planing to run 400mg tren e and 500mg test and 700mg eq for 16 week only tren I would run for 12 week . Just make sure you have some caber in hand and Arimidex
Atom User profile

I would stick to what you know you can handle, tren is one i would not frontload personally
Roid_Head User profile Expert

Yes, it can be done. I do 1.5x times the weekly dose instead of complete front load, the reason is when tren fully kicks in it gives me stomech acid.
nuffsaidproductions User profile

Like mentioned, use steroidcalc dot c o m. If your gonna use tren ace I would pin ED. Otherwise tren e is fine at twice per week. To the person that mentioned have Arimidex on hand, why? Tren does not aromatize, meaning it does not convert test to estrogen. With tren the side effects you get are due to having excess progesterone and prolactin – consider caber instead. Def do not front load. Why are you only doing 4 weeks of tren? You need to run it 6-8 weeks.
Big Dogg User profile

If you use enanthate you will feel the full effect right about the time you stop using it. You need at least an 8 week cycle (preferably 10) with enanthate esters.

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