Anybody know if the shipping from the EU takes longer generally to the states for this or where it ships from? Been ordering Dragon/GP that comes pretty timely, but really wanna place an order with this.
MickeyJohnson User profile
Now they ship pretty fast. It should come faster than dragon for sure.
Zilla User profile
In my experience EU companies always get to the US faster than thier Asian counterparts. Aaster is an excellent company & I`ve gotten orders from them as fast as 2 wks.
Onyx User profile
you will get the order in 2-3 weeks from the EU. Good luck!
JamesEarl User profile Expert
Usually EU based labs ship faster, I think even during covid you may receive items a bit faster than items from other areas.
anonymous_1212 User profile Expert
When I ordered from them once and another European lab, it came faster than the Malaysian or China products. DP takes a few weeks to get to the US and GP is faster than DP. With the pandemic it is a little bit longer this time around though. Let me know if this helps and I hope it does! Live well and safe bro.
how long of a wait is coming soon on the test mix 250
Stephen Jefferson User profile
It seems like everything is going back to normal so this is my honest opinion maybe another 2 weeks
.50 caliber User profile
They put out a post 4-5 days ago and they said there not actually out of products but they got so slammed with orders that they are not accepting any more until they get all orders shipped out that they already have taken in
FatDadstack User profile
3 weeks before blood levels are high enough to feel it. I love prop because u feel like your on test
novadesert007 User profile
24roids took a hit after new year eve and cornoa so they are doing everything they can to push orders out ASAP. Normally 3 weeks and in the mean times I ordered from Rus bio/Biomex and they all came within 3 weeks. As for being back in stocks for some items I would say it`s gonna take awhile.
Wtf User profile
How would anyone on here know,? Umm say 2weeks so there you go hope it puts you at ease,just go with a brand that`s in stock and problems solved
Pookie User profile
Youll have to open a ticket with 24roids and ask the question. No one on this forum would know for sure
Once again to ThePony and other whom it may concern. Folks, like we mentioned, Aaster is the fastest shipping brand on 24roids at the moment despite a large amount of orders especially during the time of Coming Soon situation with other brands. This is to inform you that there are no delays in shipments and all orders are processed immediately. What ThePony actually wrote can also be true. Because when he for example placed the order on the 6th and payment was processed next day his order could reach us on 11th or 12th because of large amount of orders 24roids is dealing with. And we process all orders during that tough time no longer than 5-7 days but try to ship sooner than that. As soon as possible. So if the situation like described by thePony happens, simply write a ticket to 24roids and this will be taken care of immediately. So, thePony, please take no offence, we understand your impatience if sth like that happened but please be aware that your order may have been forwarded to us a bit later than your payment processed. In that case please issue a ticket and customer service will take care of it asap. We apologize for any inconvenience and will go to great lengths in order to provide your orders as soon as possible and of highest quality. What is more, thePony, if we receive the ticket about your order that has not been shipped yet, we will add an additional freebie to the package as a token of our apology. Kindest regards, AASTER
Dromeo User profile
That sounds like a good deal to me. Pony I`d be all over that if I was you. Aster I`m impressed with your customer service and attentiveness to the forum.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Thanks Aaster. With all the delays in china it`s nice to know there are other options. Understood that there are no delays in shipments. You don`t see the order as soon as it`s made — you need to wait until 24roids sends it to you. Thanks for the clarification
TLT User profile
If this is a true/real Aaster representative – this is amazing.
Papi1266 User profile
That shows class on Aasters part, I think it`s great that they monitor and respond to people talking smack about their brand, and admit if they were wrong they will be sure to fix it
GainsVille_85 User profile
Well there’s one way to put your brand head and shoulders above the rest!! Awesome response. I hope all of 24roids users get to see this and appreciate it. We rarely hear from the brands. You’ve earned a customer here. Next order I place will include some AASTER for sure. Thank you!
Taylor User profile
If this is legit then I agree this is pretty amazing.
To Pony talking not true about Aaster order of TestMix not being shipped. This is to let all customers know that all Aaster products are being shipped in a timely manner. 5-7days for processing is maximum now with a very large amount of orders but they are shipped faster than that. Pony claims he ordered on 6th of Feb and there is NOT a single order pending from that day. Unfortunately, it looks like an example of some slandering/black pr by a rep of some other lab. Sad to see it here. Or maybe just a misunderstanding and a mistake in the shop processing system. If there is such a problem simply send 24roids a ticket. We have not received any ticket of that kind so all this seems to be “fake news”.At the moment Aaster is the fastest shipping brand on 24roids and dispatching an order hardly ever takes more that 5-7 days from the moment of placing an order. Kindest regards,Aaster
Dromeo User profile
Thanks for clearing that up. I was a little confused with his comment.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey Guys, Thank you for clearing this up. I didn`t read all of the last post carefully but I didn`t see any question being asked and only slander like you said. I have ordered Aaster and I fully trust Aaster. The quality of product and shipping is great. Keep up the good work. Thanks
John User profile
Thanks for the Update Aaster! I was planning on ordering some Test And now feel confident enough to go through with it. 24roids hasn`t let me down yet and Aaster is definitely a great and reliable Lab
JD Cycle User profile Expert
While all I irdered from Aaster recently was AI, that shit shipped fast. Never heard of any shipping issues with them.
Papi1266 User profile
Thanks for putting that straight, sounds like will be placing orders with you guys
Bill Harding User profile
Never heard of any kind of delays form Aaster, apart from Christmas period. For me shipping was extremely fast and discreet. Products were top notch. Thanks for clear explanation! 24roids is the best and so are the brands they carry!
Hey guys!juat so everyone`s aware and up to date with how fast Aester is being processed and shipped out. I`m in the states ordered 6 bottles on the 6th of feb; May payment was made immediately and processed the next day; and has NOT been shipped. Other items in the order from Biomex and Gp were scheduled to ship yesterday, but have not. The shipments were broken up, and the Aester Testmix250 has been sitting as pending for more than a week with No scheduled ship date! Do not order and pay for Aester products if doing so they will ship from Anywhere other than where it all comes from and hope you`ll get it any sooner. this is not a post to pander to you all telling me to, “be patient, 24roids always comes through, you`ll get your stuff, be patient.” just to inform the community.
Damn it User profile
godamn it! I was just about to order this because I need it quick! Thanks for the heads up.
Sean User profile
This is a huge bummer to hear. I was hopeful this was an option while things were down and being delayed.
John User profile
I ordered From Aester as well and been waiting 2 weeks for it to ship out. It definitely has not been quicker or with any advantages of just waiting for other brands to restock. Smh
Drew User profile
I will tell you my friend that 24roids is moving alittle lower than usual do to the Chinese New Year and being behind on a lot of order be patient they should all ship out this week.
Big Dogg User profile
Shipping has been quite a bit slower than usual (packing especially) for 24roids. Hope this gets improved to where it used to be. I keep stocked pretty well so never need any orders in a hurry but ship times have been pretty slow lately.
EDubz User profile
It happens from time to time, may take a while but I know 100% that whatever I order from 24roids I will receive, and this is the 1st source that I can honestly say that about, so be patient you`ll get your gear. Not as fast as You may like but atleaat you know you`ll get it and you know its top notch quality coming from 24roids. Thats all I care about.
I`m about to take my first cycle and I`m about to place an order. I see there are many different Testosterones. Can someone explain to me what the differences are between them? Ty
Unc33135 User profile
The tests have different half lifes. Meaning it changes how often you need to inject then. Test P is usually injected every other day. While Test E and Test C are usually injected twice a week. Then you have test blends and sust which are a mixture of tests with different half lifes. Dont worry about test suspension and test base for now, theyre more advanced and are injected everyday.
MegaCycle User profile
The main difference is the esters, which is how long it stays active in your body. You want to do some research on the half-life of the different esters. A typical beginner cycle is 400-500mg/week of test e followed by a pct. you need test e, AI, and nolva. But I would suggest doing more research before injecting chemicals into your body. You can seriously mess up your body with some of these chemicals
JD Cycle User profile Expert
The different tests are esters that correlate to the chemicals halflife. If it`s your first cycle, I would use enanthate or cypionate so you only need 2 weekly injections. Something like prop will require every other day.
Mary Wagner User profile Expert
The rates in releases and pinning as said above. Test e is usually a beginner.
Michael Vasquez User profile
The only difference between them are their half-life like others stated. I recommend using test E for your first cycle depending on your weight I would not go over 500mg a week and make sure you have an AI.
Siggs User profile
All lenghts of release. Start out with test c or e and I`m sure after a while you will understand the half life of the different esters. For test c or e you can pin only once a week if on trt but for more stable blood levers while on cycle twice per week is best. Good luck buddy.
How many times per week should I pin this? I was thinking Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday…..
JMann User profile
With Sustanon you can pin twice a week, but the more often you pin the more stable your blood levels will be, so less sides effects. So if you don’t mind three times a week then go for it.
Clay User profile
As already stated it depends how stable you want your levels to be. If I were pinning this I`d want to pin eod to avoid crashing all the time, with the short esters.
S-C-J User profile
Sust is a lame mix imho… technically, you need to pin it every 2-3 days becuase it contains some short ester test (prop), but in reality that only accounts for a small percetage of the overall composition of the blend. So many find they can achieve sable blood levels at biweekly, or even weekly injections becuase sust contains very long esters as well. It`s up to you, how often you want to pin vs how important it is to you to have uber stable blood levels. In the future I would just get cyp or enanthate – much cheaper and easier!
Dr User profile Expert
No, once a week is fine if you reallyu eanted you could go twice. look up test non 10 they explain why quite well.
TLT User profile
Good answers so far but also dependent on how much mg you actually want to pin. I may want only 250mg per week so pinning 1x per week is fine for me if I am cruising for example. Or maybe you want 500mg per week split into 2x per week. I understand what you are asking but technically it is based on how much mg you`re actually looking to pin per week.
novadesert007 User profile
This is Sus 2 times per week is more than sufficent to get stable blood level. Just dont forger AI since you running 500 test a week.
I`ve done 2 injections a week of test cyp250 for a total of 500mg/wk for the last 2 cycles. I`d like to try a test mix like this but was wondering, with the different esters could I still just inject 2x/wk 250mg each for a total of 500mg? Dosing frequency?Any advice or info is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Dromeo User profile
Yeah keep on doing what you`re doing. That`s perfect. You wanna see some ridiculous gains? Add 500mg a week of DECA and 500mg a week of EQ. Run the DECA for twelve weeks and continue the test and EQ for an additional 8 weeks for a total of 20 weeks. If you decide to do that, buy some caber and run that at .5mg E3D. Arimadex at .5mg or 1mg EOD. See how you feel and adjust accordingly. Proper PCT of clomids and nolvadex would work also. Have fun.
Papi1266 User profile
If your planning on running Sustanon which is a test blend, I would continue to run 500mgs a week if you have already been doing that amount
MegaCycle User profile
You can run it the same way. The big thing to look for is the amount of each blend. If it has more short esters, you will need to pin more often, if it has more long esters, you can pin less often.
skitt User profile
I love Susta, I have used all different kinda and loved it any ways, yes with Sust you can pin twice a week and be fine.. but it you do want steadier blood levels then 3 times a week would be even better such as M W F.. only cause of the Prop ester and Phynel Prop but again you can still do twice a week.. if going to hit your third cycle soon all depending on your goals you could add Deca or EQ.. one or the other and see how that works out for you.. but also if your still getting gains from just test and happy with it then go for it.. good luck buddy
JB205 User profile Expert
Yes, I use DP testo blend and pin twice a week.
Anaboy User profile
Sure. You are getting 500 a week either way. I use sust about once a year. I just get worse estrogen sides than with straight test C or P. Just look at the esters and make sure to start PCT when it`s tapering off.
Quick question. Anybody ever place an order and have it sit in the paid/processing status for 10 business days? I have contacted 24roids the last 3 days and have been told uppper management is reviewing my case. Last night I was told it would ship out next business day and I would see a tracking number in my account. Nothing has happened. I`ve placed multiple orders and never has it stayed in that status for this long. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Lorddrip User profile
No I never had personally that is kinda long but if the big guys got in contact that`s awesome most just get customer service rep so I`m sure they will have you together soon if not already sometimes it doesn`t process right away on our end but it`s done good luck
Barry Gibson User profile
Never happened to me before. I have noticed 24roids not replying to my messages like they used to…I lost credit dollars like a hundred and fifty bucks, they say account is good but it isn`t. I`m not sure what`s been going on lately man. Message them again, apparently they`re replying to you, for me i guess they don`t want me to use my rewards credits. That`s all i can think of. I hope 24roids returns to normal and this is just a temporary blip.
EDubz User profile
That is kinda long but if they told you it`s in review by upper management then that`s a good thing, thats what they told me the one time before they reshipped my order. So just be patient, I know it sux waiting, but you`ll get your order.
Dromeo User profile
This happened to me once before. 24roids ended up reshipping the order for me.
Cyclone User profile Expert
I had this happen one time when ordering a non-conventional product/medication out of turkey. Wharehouses sometimes get backed up, but it WILL move eventually.
Noobster User profile
I just ordered myself. My product says it`s been in the paid/processing status for 10 days also. 24roids told me it should take a few more days because of to many orders and the Chinese new year. I`m hoping it ships soon.
Hey guys, I have a couple questions again. With test mix I should be good with my standard test PCT or should I get a cycle support? I`m going on week 4 with no negative side effects. Second question. I ended up miscalculating my doses needed, I thought I would be able to use a low dosage, but I needed to up it to 500 mg a week. So I didnt order enough test mix. My second shipment has been ordered awhile ago and something kinda fucked up on their end. If there happened to be a week or 2 before it gets to me and I ran out, would I be able to pin again or would I have to PCT it and wait? Thanks guys
GainsVille_85 User profile
It’s always a good idea to run cycle support. Anything to make your cycle safer and/or healthier. In the future, make sure you have everything before starting your cycle. In your situation, I would back the dose down to 250mgs/wk and buy yourself some time for the rest of your Test to show up.
Gearpeace User profile Expert
Yeah so important to calculate correctly, but you`ll be alright if you decrease to cruising dose like 200mg a week, so 0.8ml/ Week of this mix. Just until you can restock. Then bump up to 1ml 2x week. Arimidex at o.5 rod or as needed. Buen asuerte amigo
JB205 User profile Expert
Your question is a little scattered. If your asking do you run test during pct, then No. If your asking can you run a low dose test between cycles like trt, then yes. Either way, if you are running low on test and not doing a pct, then I would run a low TRT dose of test, like 150mg a week until your order arrives, whatever you do, DO NOT run out of test with out having a pct on hand. Just stopping test without at least tapering off will completely shut your test down and you will feel like complete shit and regret it.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey Big Ron, it`s totally up to you regarding cycle support. I like to run HCG through the whole cycle to keep the balls and loads full. If I take orals, I take liv52 and nac as well. I would wait it out for the new batch and not start a PCT. Go by how you feel. A few weeks with no pins and you should be completely fine considering the esters. Really I wouldn`t imagine a crash until about 6 weeks off. Thanks for the question
Skuchie User profile
Just taper down the weekly dose of your remaining supply to an amount sustainable for the length of time you need. You would basically be on an above average dose of TRT until your new product arrives. So you`ll be at a lower, but maintainable dose until you can blast again.
skitt User profile
Don`t want to sound like a broken record lol but Gains and Gearpeace are spot on man… You may not get sides but you need to have on cycle support in case you do or other wise it could be a bad experience.. also like they said drop your dose down to 125 to 250 a week all depending on what you have and how long you have to wait tell your next package gets to ya.. At least that will stretch it out and give ya a fighting chance to redeem your cycle.. but best advice that can be taking here is ALWAYS have everything you need before you start so you dont have a situation like this.. It sucks also IF you get any negative estro sides your not usually going to see them right away they take time to build up just like your test dose.. If you run a low dose you probably wont see any at all tell you bump it back up to 500 mg a weeks but everyone body is different.. be safe and good luck
Hey guys, how do you go about getting blood work without any questions arising that could lead to being flagged or to unfortunate consequences? I dont want any abnormalities to lead to a worse outcome, ya know? Thanks
Fidel User profile
Any private lab provides blood work.LabCorp for under $100 should cover it.andbits all confidential .nonone has the right to `flag you` so what`s your are the only one who get the results .I`d a harmful level shows of anything the doc will tell you but your not going to get in trouble.come on now dude.. Where are you in Cuba??
Drew User profile
You don`t get the blood work from your doctor you go to a private lab and get you blood work done there all the results are confidential. A simple google search in your area will give you the results of where you can go.
Kane User profile Expert
Its nobodies business and they will not report you to the police. I heard some doctors don`t do blood tests if you tell them you are taking steroids, so just don`t tell. Say its routine blood work you are doing to check your levels.
JB205 User profile Expert
I go to a clinic that specialize in trt and health and fitness goals. The initial cost was like 125$ for visit and blood work. Then you just tell them you want trt and it only cost 25$ to have blood work done once I`m on trt program.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Blood work is blood work they just give you the results and explain what you can do here and there to better the results next time no worries. AMD its none of their buisness anyways good luck
sven User profile
I would just pay out of pocket to get blood results done by mail. This is typcially going to be $75, and they provide everything needed to collect the sample and send!
Hey guys, a few questions. This is my first cycle and I am running a test only cycle and what is the best length of the cycle? I`m hearing from 10 to 16 weeks. Also, how long after my PCT can I start a cutting cycle? Or can I start a cutting cycle right after the test? Appreciate the answers. I have done a shit ton of research, but I thought to ask my 24roids fellas. Thanks guys
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey Ronald, 10 to 16 weeks is a good amount of time. I would do 12 and see how I feel. I recommend getting blood work done before, during and after the cycle. Blood work after your PCT will tell you when it is best to start a new cycle. Start the PCT 2 weeks after your last pin assuming the longest ester is enanthate, then get bloodwork 6 weeks after that to confirm endogenous levels of test are restored. You can start a caloric deficit “cut” without drugs whenever you want obviously. Good question and thanks for it.
nickname_704 User profile
for first cycle do 300-400mg test E or C per week for 12 weeks is a good rule of thumb. you want to see how youre going to react and also want to have room to go up for your second cycle. I personally regret starting at 500mg per week because that`s gonna be baseline for all future cycles after your first (usually) and I feel like I could have gotten the same gains had I used a less amount. As for pct start after 2 weeks if you use Test C or E or 3 days if you use test P (don`t recommend sust for first cycle either due to long undecanoate ester lasting 23 days making pct kinda tricky) and I would generally say minamum 4 weeks but if you can push that to -8-12 weeks (time on = time off) make sure you have a AI on hand for estrogen sides other than that good luck!
Dr Scott User profile Expert
thats really variable, if its a relatively low dose non toxic cycle i go as long as 6 months but thats just me. I have done many labs and understand how my body feels. The only real reason anyone stops (and some dont) is to allow your cholesterol, liver, kidney PSA and whatever to return to normal. Also, allowing your receptors to “clear”Im not sure if this last thing is real but it makes sense. I know for me it takes about 2-3 months for thes to return to normal. but if i feel good and my labs are normal in amonth then sometimes I start up. Its really about mitigating risk Ron, and doing these as safely as possible. I do believe that it is safe to run gear in the long term, i just have to use self control, my head and common sense and try to get as educated as i can. I learn a little something from every cycle i do and you can too. Hope this helps a little. enjoy your weekend
Drew User profile
I would run your cycle from 12 to 16 weeks and pct should be a total of six weeks. Clomid 100/100/50/50 nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20/20
LongIslandBEAST User profile
I would run the first cycle for twelve weeks, PCT for a good six weeks and then get blood work done and see if you have returned to normal. If so than you are safe to begin your next cycle. If you don’t do blood work it’s going to be more difficult to gauge.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
You can run try dose after the first cycle for month or two then right into cut cycle.age amd history pending
I just ordered 2 vials on Thursday, November 21st, how long does it usually take to arrive from Aaster Solutions? Approximately of course.
evan johnson User profile Expert
Generally 2-3 weeks in most scenarios although it does depend on your location. You can rest assured your products are on your way.
ajcole User profile
in the ballpark of more than 2 weeks but less than 3 to get to the east coast for me. but reading everyones recent struggles with mainly the Product of the Week and other Tests whose to say… I would be patient check for updates.
Trenbologna Sandwich User profile
Depends on a lot of factors. Where you are. If customs stops it. If post office sends it smoothly. Etc. I have had anywhere from 7 to 35 days from 24roids. Have had very different times from same company. Average order if everything goes smooth is 2-3 weeks
Drew User profile
It will take you package any where from one to three weeks to arrive. If it sits in customs for more than a mo th contact 24roids for a reship.
Test Case User profile
typically less than 30 days
Johnny Longsockz User profile
Around a month give our take is the normal time for me in Florida
Wondering if there is any advantage/disadvantage to using test mix 250 vs Cyp250? I am 56 and am just looking to use for TRT for general fitness, also adding in HGH 3iu ed.
Matthew User profile
Personally I am a lover of sust mixes which in the case here is your test mix, it incorporated 4 different esters of testosterone which allows certain amounts the testosterone that was injected to be released into the body slower or faster. This mix of many esters allows for an almost instant release with the propionate ester which allows your body to “feel” the testosterone quicker. Same with the phenylpropianete almost an instant release of over 2a5 days max. Now with the mix it also has test undeconate which is an extremely slowly releasing ester which slowly releases its dosage for 3-5 weeks in your body. So in combination with all of these I believe a test mix or in other words a sustanon will remain the best and most stable blood levels for me. If you were go to with the test cyp, I think your blood levels will be a little more unstable. You can still keep them stable by shooting a dose 2-3 times a week regularly, but I persoanlly find the blast of the prop and phenyl prop that is held within test mixes to be more worth it for me and I can really feel those in the gym.
evan johnson User profile Expert
No, there would be no disadvantage. “TestMIX 250” is basically Aaster Solutions version of sustanon and literally has the same test esters sustanon has. TRT with HGH will certainly improve your general fitness.
Chris M User profile Expert
Test is test. The only differences are the ester of them, which does nothing but determine the active half life of it. You get the exact same benefits and potential side effects no matter what ester is attached to it. If the goal is just a TRT dose of test and your not looking for other benefits from it, then 100-200mg of test cypionate or enanthate once a week is all you need. Using a sustanon or mix of test esters will build up in your system and kick in faster but is not necessary if TRT is the goal. It can be used for TRT, but would require taking shots every 2-3 days and in very small doses. No need to be a pin cushion if your just looking for TRT benefits. And if your just looking for longevity and the fountain of youth from the HGH, then 2iu a day is all you need. 100-200mg of test cypionate or enanthate a week, with 2iu of HGH every day, will make you feel great!
Doug User profile
The advantage would be that it has different esters, so it`ll kick in faster and maintain a more consistent level in your body. So yes it is better than taking cyp alone.
Willis R User profile Expert
The Test Mix 250 has the advantage of reaching peak blood levels faster than the straight Test Cyp 250, however, you will reach peak blood levels with the Test Cyp after about 20 days so the difference is relatively minor. The Test Mix 250 should get you to peak blood levels after about 10 days if youre using a TRT dose and dosent have any disadvantage relative to the Test Cyp 250.
Phillip User profile
Test mix is Sustanon, which includes a blend of test esters.. this blend makes it so faster esters such as phenylprop and prop itself will raise your blood levels faster. Sust is prided for keeping a “more stable blood level” of test in your system.. and although it does keep your levels much higher than regular test, you will inject every other day and have a much higher level of test in your system than you would with CYP.. the downside though is like i said, you need to inject every other day. Test Cyp is only necessary 1-2 shots per week (i`m assuming you`re going 250-500mg/week) and you`re set, which means the test cyp you buy will last longer than the sustanon.
Justin Schlonger User profile
If you are using testosterone just for general fitness or as a TRT application, use Cypionate because that’s what you would be prescribed from a doctor for use in a HRT/TRT program. Now, if you want a little more kick, go for the mix 250, and bump it up to ~400mgs a week. Hope this helps!
D-man User profile Expert
I`m on TRT as well. I like to run a higher dosage of test every once in a while, and throw in a couple of other compounds in from time to time. For TRT, I would stick to Cyp, or Enanthate. Test Cyp, and Enenthate, are long esters, and are easier to achieve stabe blood levels. This will usually lead to fewer sides.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert
For all intents and purposes, a test blend such as this product is going to work the same as testosterone cypionate or enanthate, it will just “kick in” a little faster. If you already bought it, no worries, just go ahead and use it. If not, get some testosterone cypionate or enanthate as those esters are going to be the least expensive and keep your blood levels the most stable. Good luck!
Mike Jones User profile Expert
If your using for trt purposes I’d stick with test cyp this test mix has a very quick half life compared to cyp and you will need to continuously administer injections if you want to keep stable blood levels. And the pip if you are prone to it will be much tougher than cyp the multi esters being absorbed will be hard on your muscles.