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TriTren 150 (Dragon Pharma)

Would I have to run PCT after my cycle if I only stack this with winny? If yes what do I need?
Abolicmnd User profile

yes. Everyone is different. Need caber on hand while running Tren for prolactin. As far as pct I would run proviron for 2 weeks at 50mg a day then run clomid for 4 weeks 100/100/50/50.
Will User profile Expert

You have to run PCT after any cycle with an injectable or oral steroid. Your natural levels get suppressed with any anabolic steroid. Why would you run tri-tren and winny without test? Test should be the base of every cycle. If you don`t have any testosterone in your system, then you won`t keep any results you attain. Your natural levels getting suppressed means you need to use an injectable test.
POOKIE User profile

Are you running test also? If not you really need to add test. Regardless, tren and winny will shut your natural test production so you will need to run a PCT. Since you are running tren I would recommend HCG 2 days before last injection and run at a minimum 750/750/750/750/500/500/500/500 EOD then clomid 50 mgs daily starting 14 days after last injection for 4 weeks. This would be the minimum PCT and if you dont add test to this cycle from the very beginning you`ll run into many other issues….consider adding it. Good luck
Brian Payne User profile

If I run TriTren .5ml every 3 days and Test E 1ml every 5 days for a 6 week cycle would hcg or cabergolin be necessary?
Bob User profile Expert

Why would you not need to run a pct. Anytime you inject any type of steroid or ingest any type of oral steroid it immediately starts to surpress your testosteron levels. The only efficient way to bring it back is a pct. Now you can go with out a pct but there will be a longer time before your natural levels bounce back so you will loose gains over time. Also just so you know your natural testosterone levels will never come back 100 percent no matter what. Good luck
jason User profile

Tren shuts you down harder than anything. You will definitely need a good pct. I use hcg, cloning, and novladex. The novladex may be overkill but why not. I use the protocol that is in William llyewlyn`s anabolic review book. I`m sure you can google it.
crazy Dan User profile Expert

Anything that shut down your natural testosterone down, which Tren does, you will need to go on a pct to regain your natural test back. I would take clomid at 100/100/50/50 2 weeks after my last pin to regain my natty back. Keep in mind you don`t need to worry about estrogen using Tren but when you stack with test you need an AI in hand. With tren you need to worry about prolactin. Get cabergolin gun hand just in case you get gyno. good luck buddy!
can anyone give me info on tri tren compared to trenboline? What test should I mix with it?
Skuchie User profile

This is my go-to Tren product. The results of this particular product are nothing short of amazing. You will not be disappointed. I take .5cc or 75mg on M-W-F to keep my blood levels stable along with 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate every 5 days. However, i can not contrast this to the other product you mention because I`ve never heard of it, and 24roids doesn`t sell it. With that being said, you`ll like this particular Tri-Tren blend. And I`ve tried straight DP Tren Acetate, and DP Tren Enanthate neither compare to this blended product.
nickname_629 User profile

This is essentially a tren “blend” with three different time release components, and will kick in faster than tren enanthate, but slower than tren acetate.
RJB16 User profile

3 different Tren in a blend, I would go with Test E and run as stated above and you will love results…
nickname_21 User profile Expert

It`s good to go I would do 1/2 cc every other day or 1 cc every 3 1/2 days for a total of 300 mg per weeks should be good
K.D.T User profile

Try tren is trenbolone with 3 Diferent esters acetate enanthate and hexacarbinate so you get short and long esters. sust test e or test c would be heat to run with it
nickname_464 User profile

As mentioned this is a three blend of tren, so a fast, slow and a little slower. Good stuff. Best of luck mate.
I know the picture shows this product packaged in “Vials” but upon reading the description it says “Ampules”….Which on is it?
Dr Scott User profile Expert

Not sure where you saw amps but it doesn`t matter it is definitely a 10cc vial. I just got it yesterday (great product btw) and pull me up in gear porn/pics if you want to see a pic of what I just got. Came from MALTA btw and took about 2 weeks. hope this helps
Anonymous 467 User profile

Yes these come in vials. I don`t see ampules but in the description it also says vials.
RJB16 User profile

This is in a 10cc jug and a very good product. If this is your first time with Tren take it slow… good luck
Gman User profile Expert

I think when it mentioned amples it was referring to parabolan 76mg as a comparison. This come s in 10ml vial have fun
Matthew User profile

I never heard of Dragon products come in ampules. Also I read the disvription and it didn`t said anything about ampules. Could it be that you clicked on the wrong UGLs on accident for tritren? I am pretty sure this come in 10mL vial. Best is you put in a ticket and ask this specifically with 24roids
Unc33135 User profile

Dragon pharma doesnt make amps to my knowledge.
I`m trying to understand why the different esters? They all the Tren right?? Why not just inject yourself with the longer ester instead of all 3?
anon5_uk User profile Expert

Same reason why products like Sustanon exist. The blend of esters give you a mix of fast and long-acting esters. The esters are released into the blood at different speeds. You`ll get the boost immediately from the short-acting esters while also have somewhat stable levels after the short-esters drop, meaning you don`t have to pin as often as you would when pinning just the short esters by themselves. It`s all just preference really, and some say ester blends feel better. I personally stick to enanthate for both test and tren.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert

Anon explained it pretty well, you get all the benefits of both short, med, and long ester products. If you are new to Tren though, you should DEFINATELY start with Tren Acetate, a very short active ester, and inject every day. This way if you run into side effects, you can stop or lower your dosage, and they will subside within a day or two.
ViktorN User profile

The longer the esters the longer it will “kick in”. Another example is testP, testE, testC, testUndecanoate, Test…from fast acting to longer acting. with the blend of short medium and longer esters you get the benefits from “feeling it” in 2-3days when you start your cycle. Test E won’t take in effect until week 4or 5. Fast acting ester also leave your body faster. This is a benefit for using only testP only cycle. If you were to get a urine test you stop taking testP and in 1 week versus textE in 3 weeks. Then there’s side effects, with shorter ester if you have sides then you can adjust the dosage to a lower dosage or stop using it and you stop getting sides. Hope that helps my friend. And good luck!
nickname_48 User profile Expert

The longer the ester is, the longer its going to take for your liver to break it down but that doesn`t mean you should feel anything, Its like a bell curve. This Tri tren vial is basically mixture of fast, medium and slow esters
Vincent Valentine User profile Expert

To answer your first question, ester-blends (like this product, or sustanon) were originally an attempt at creating compounds that required very infrequent injections. This would obviously benefit the AAS user, as frequent injections are less convenient and can exacerbate scar tissue buildup. It was quickly discovered, however, that ester-blends still require the user to inject at least as frequently as the longest ester in the mix to maintain stable blood levels of the compound. In short, there`s no real benefit to ester-blends over single-ester compounds. Unless you inject according to an ester-blend`s shortest ester you`ll still technically be creating hormone spikes and are thus still more prone to side effects than you would be if injecting single-ester compounds. To answer your second question, yes, they`re all tren. And to answer your third question, while long-acting esters have benefits over short-acting esters, they aren`t always preferable (especially if you`re being tested for AAS from a sports organization). Short-acting esters (like propianate and acetate) weigh less, which means the net amount of actual compound you`re getting can be significantly higher than compounds attached to long-acting esters. Stable blood levels also become easier to maintain the more frequently a compound is injected.
evan johnson User profile Expert

A mix of fast and long acting esters can give you more stable blood levels while letting you inject less frequently.
How much should i do ever 3 days ? Im on 300 mg os test a week and 2 iu of hgh a day
ROBERT User profile

You should be doing .5ML every 3 days if my math is correct. If you want to be at 225mgs per week, .5ml would be 75mg so if you inject every 2-3 day or 3 times per week of .5ml you will be at 225mg.
Will User profile Expert

Start low and work your way up. Lowest effective dose should be .3ml or .5ml per injection and injecting about 3 times a week. If you`ve never used tren before, start at .3ml and work up. Get the most out of the least.
N88 User profile

If this is your first time on tren start with .5 EOD then increase if your tolerance is good to go. First time out I`d do no more than 300….start low and see how you feel. YOu`ll love low dose tren…wait and see.
evan johnson User profile Expert

Anywhere from.5 to 2ml every 3 days depending on your experience with the compound and your goals. Start with a little and work up from there.
nickname_578 User profile Expert

Do go over 2 ml or 300mg a week with this one. If you want to take 400mg take it slowly, there is a tren ace in the mix which packs a punch if you mess up the dose
James DeNatale User profile

That would come to 130 mgs every 3days.
Can you mix tri tren or tren with test in one vial?
Will User profile Expert

You can, I just don`t know why you would. Or if you meant if you can mix them in the syringe when drawing from the vials, yes, they can be combined.
JB Beckham User profile

Absolutely. Obviously make sure you have appropriate size syringe. This save you the cost of pins and dont know anyone who wants to add an unnecessary injection to their routine.
Anonymous User profile

Yes but the better solution would be draw them into one syringe
ROBERT User profile

You can but I`m not sure of what the reason for doing it would be. You can take whatever you need out from each bottle before injection, change the tip to a new sharp one saving the one you used to withdrawal and inject. You get exact doses when its separated.
ViktorN User profile

Technically you can BUT you have to mix the 2 oils really well afterward. You can definitely draw tritren and test in one syringe and then pin. But if you r mixing the 2 vials together it is different. Meaning you will see 2 layers of oils so when you draw it up the test and tritren won’t have a consistent concentration. For visual purpose pretend you mix used motor oil with cooking oil. You can see the 2 oils are not well mixed. Every time you draw them you don’t know how much of eac gear you have in the syringe. In short, oils can be Deposit together. But 2 different oils need to be homogenous if you are mixing the entire vial. Hope that helps and good luck my friend!!
J.P. User profile Expert

You certainly could, and I understand the convenience of doing so. However, I`d just leave the products how they came from the manufacturer and mix them as desired in the syringe just before injecting. In the long run it`s typically wiser to keep things simple

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