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NPP 150 (Dragon Pharma)

I received my NPP and the liquid was a solid wax like substance. The whole bottle. I had to soak it in hot water for a while to get it to liquify and then a few days later it was a solid wax looking substance again. Is this normal? I`ve had voles with some crystalling before but never a complete solid state. Is it safe to inject after soaking it in hot water?
SwollSparky User profile

No it should not form a solid mass of wax. Crystalizing is normal for authentic gear at temperatures greater or lesser then the recommended temperatures. If I was you I would take a pic of it and submit the picture with a ticket to 24roids and they should replace the product that aint right man. When submitting the ticket there is an option to attach a photo and that would be your best bet. 24roids always keeps the customer happy and they take pride in that. Good luck getting the sauce replaced bro.
Bulk_Bod User profile

So I have used dragon pharma before and I have had no issues with the brand. That being said I am a big user of the nandrolone family and I have never had NPP turn solid to include dragon pharma. It should be milky white to simi clear liquid oil just like most anibloc gear. I would submit a ticket to 24roids and im sure they will help you out. They have never let me down. Good luck man.
Bob Johneser User profile

That doesnt sound like anything I have ever heard of. 20 years dealing with gear I have only had dihydroboldenone crash where the crystals bonded together. I would not risk it! Open a ticket and send them pics for sure. Good luck bro, be safe!!
JamesEarl User profile Expert

It sounds odd. Maybe I`m lucky. I never even had gear crystalize in 15 plus years. Now it is common from what I hear. But to be solidified like you state, I`d take a photo of it and submit it to 24roids. They can advise you the best and are reliable as well as trustworthy. I hope this information helps you man. Good luck!
BillySantos User profile

Yeah dude, you`d probably do some good by opening a ticket up with 24roids, show them pictures and they`ll most likely send you a new bottle for free. I`ve never heard of it forming into a wax but I wouldn`t trust putting that into my body, better off waiting for the next bottle.
EDubz User profile

Damn I just ordered 6 of the exact same product. What`s the batch / lot number on your bottle or bottles and was it all of them or just 1?
Im going on my 2nd cycle of test c 250 gona be injecting 600mg a week, how much npp should i inject a week if i stack them together and should i be taking anything els other than amiridex for gyno and to reduce estrogen?
crazy Dan User profile Expert

i recommend you pin eod since you have npp. TestCyp can be every week and 2x a week but since you are stack npp which is a fasting acting so you need to pin it more frequent. TestC is slow acting ester. So just pin them together at 200mg testCyp and 100mg npp eod. That`s 600mg testC and 300mg npp. Normally you should pin testP with npp or testE/testC with deca. Have cabergolin to mitigate prolactin and AI like arimidex for estrogen mitigation. Nolva is for gyno not arimidex. Nolva will prevent estrogen around the breast tissue which cause gyno. Good luck buddy! Don`t forget to vote.
Roid_Head User profile Expert

300mg-400mg a week is a good dose for npp, if you have few cycles under your belt. It`s one of my favorite compounds to run, very anabolic with few side effects. Arimidex is enough for estrogen. You can add proviron or Masteron if you gained some water weight.
Cyclone User profile Expert

You need to also have cabergoline on hand for elevated prolactin anytime you are taking npp, deca, or tren. Vitamin B6 also works if taken daily in high doses, but you need some caber in case you get deca dick!
Swoleville User profile Expert

Npp should be injected at 100 mgs eod. The day your npp and test fall together you can inject both in same syringe. I use test prop with npp to keep injections simple. I personally love short esters over long ones. But you can you any test it doesn`t matter
evanjohnson347 User profile Expert

I would recommend adding in 100mg NPP eod for 350mg/week. You could keep your test dose at 600mg/week by injecting just under 200mg test c with your NPP
JamesEarl User profile Expert

I`d say 100mg NPP every other day because it`s fast acting, in and out. As per cup etc you can get away once weekly while it`s recommended you pin twice weekly for blood stability.
Female…should I start with 10mgs every 3 days? Anyone have experience?
JohnSmith User profile

I would strongly and highly suggest you not to start or take any! Nandrolone is not a friendly drug for woman and wil cause harsh and immediate virilization. I don`t know where and when woman started being told nandrolone is compatible with them. It is Not! Start with 5-10mg of anavar and stay there. There`s nothing you can`t accomplish with just var. either way you will be putting your body through a sudden and harsh sex change with other compounds.
Goku 83 User profile

Nandrolone is not that harsg as John Smith said above. 10mg of nandrolone e3d is only like 25mg per week. You`ll be fine, especially since NPP is a short ester. If you started getting androgenic side effects it will be out of your system in a few days. Honestly, you`ll probably be able to handle double that dosage.
nickname_88 User profile

I can agree with both the first 2 answers in some ways.. let`s face it, any aas can be harsh, When Abused! Although, I have also seen and heard from women who have used and use npp and have had some great results, because they did not abuse it with high dosages… So like the 2nd answer goes, npp is not as harsh as put in the first.. With your low dose which could even be increased but good for you for starting low, you will see some good results.. good luck!
Roid_Head User profile Expert

Start with a mild steroids like Anavar before jumping to NPP which is 3x more powerful than testosterone. First cycle for a woman is typically 10mg of Anavar a day for 4 weeks, no PCT needed.
JamesEarl User profile Expert

Start with anavar at 5mg daily and maybe work up to 10mg daily because anavar is very effective in females vs males and safer than npp. Other steroids except maybe only 25mg to 50mg primobolan weekly will virilize you eventually. Some steroids like npp although rare can virilize a woman with a beard etc rather fast, but over time they all will. Stick with anavar.
My npp vial came crystalized… has it gone bad?
nickname_78 User profile

No sir. It`s just the water base In it that does that. Just warm it up befor using at get the crystals out.
crazy Dan User profile Expert

NPP is not water base but i still give you up arrow. Because you are right about warming it up.
Jbolics User profile

No that it what you call crashed gear. It`s fine that happens when it get to cold and the raw powder separates. A quick way to fix this is by getting a pot of water filled as tall as the oil and bring it to just before boiling point then put the vial in for 30 seconds take it out and check if there still crystal the put it for another 15-30 seconds take it out if the crystals are gone give it a lil shake and your good to go. It`s okay to inject oils a little warm a lot of people heat their oil to avoid pip
Big Jake User profile

It happens to all sorts of gear, usually when it gets cold. You can warm it up with a hairdryer and shake well. I like to fill a measuring cup with hot tap water, put the vial in a ziplock and submerge it in the hot water for a few minutes. Give it a good shake. Don`t pin it until it is clear and fully dessolved or you will get irritation. It has “fallen out of suspension”.
crazy Dan User profile Expert

That`s normal. During shipment the temperature came down low and the gear precipated out of solution. Warm it up in very Warm water and the precipitates goes back into solution.
Jimmy wispers User profile

No it`s good, what I usually use a hair dryer or I boil water and put it in the pot and it should be g2g in a few minutes
Cyclone User profile Expert

One other bro on here had a great idea, he bought a coffee cup warmer for this purpose and also to warm before drawing / injecting.
evan johnson User profile Expert

No it is still good provided it is not past the expiration on the label. Simply heat under warm water until it is dissolved.
Dragon Pharma NPP 150 x 4 vials arrived today. Every one has crystals in the bottom of the vial. I am told that occurs due to rapid temperature changes and the remedy id to simply heat the vial. Anyone experience this with NPP 150?
traianos123 User profile

U are right, u just have to place the vials in warm water and the crystals will dissolve, nothing to worry about.
Joeskee User profile

It fine all you got to do if use a hair dryer or boil some water and leave it in the boiling water for a few minutes and it`s good to go after that.
Crashed User profile

It seems everyone`s deliveries have been showing up crashed, set a rack in a sauce pan and warm it up and set them in the water.
Steve s User profile

Absolutely nothing to worry about. Set the vials in some hot water until the crystals go away.
evan johnson User profile Expert

Yes I have used Dragon Pharm NPP with great results. And yes heat the vials until the crystals disappear and I`m sure they`ll be fine.
Crystals User profile

First try warming up with a hair dryer then try simmered water in a pot. Have to reheat the coppund to bind otogheter.
Planning on running as 12 week cycle 500mg/wk sust 200mg Npp superdrol at 20mg (SD for first 4 weeks) taking 4 weeks off the orals to recover from SD then running proviron 25 mg/day and anavar 40 mg a day till week 12.I will be using heavy liv-52 and supports and running .5 mg EOD of Adex for Ai. But what about caber? when and how and timing to use?. I am VERY familiar with estrogen sides and controls but never mixed nandrolones and well i WILL not use until i educate myself thoroughly thanks so much for any advice guys.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

I am running 100mg EOD of npp and wish I ran it higher I`m done now 9weeks in but feel it could have been better.i also ran 100mg of test prop EOD ..this also I should have ran higher. Go 150 EOD with the Npp to get good gains with it
Swoleville User profile

That`s a lot of orals bro. Keep it simple and your liver will also thank you. I love npp it`s my favorite compound. I run it with test prop and either a superdrol kick start or proviron but not both at the same time. Arimidex .25mg 3x per week and caber .5 mg 3x per week
nickname_537 User profile

First of all: Not everyone gets side effects. Neither progestrogenic or estrogenic. At nearly 900mg tren ace plus 1,200mg test, 300mg NPP, plus an oral for 4 weeks i needed no anti estrogen nor caber. You? You might but you might not. Better safe than sorry until you discover things for yourself. Ai like anastrozole etc is fine. For gynocomastia related to prolactin use 500mg vit b6 daily and it is a ton cheaper than caber and does a good job! I`d start at 250mg b6 to start a dosage.
Juice24roids User profile Expert

Caber can be run starting at .25mg every three days and up the dose as necessary according to sides and tolerance. I would use this as soon as I start to feel sensitive nipps and the estrogen sides that you have felt before. It`s great that you are educating yourself before jumping into this. Good question and thanks for it.
My name is jeff User profile

anavar clears out of your system quick so run it up to your pct.
Anonymous17 User profile

You definitely want to run Caber or at least vitamin b6. I hear it does the trick just fine. I would take the Adex at least .5 EOD. Start there. Also that`s a lot of orals and not ones that are easy on the liver. Matt want to reconsider those
weird question. is npp will make you to have like deca. dick. ?
john User profile Expert

NPP and “Deca” are both Nandrolone with different esters so you can expect the same side effects but since Deca lasts much longer in the body if one is not careful with the dosing they can build up enough of it in their system and get the unwanted side effects and since the half live is long the sides tend to last long as well.
Big E User profile

As previously stated above Deca and NPP are one in the same therefore yes NPP can cause this but as long as you run enough test in your cycle you will not have any problems.
Scott User profile

Yea you can get Deca dick from NPP. Both are Nandros. It also depends on your test base dosage and your NPP dosage. Keep your doses reasonable and you won’t counter many sides. Goodluck on your cycle bro.
LegacyLifter User profile

They are exactly the same compound. Only difference is the ester and half-life. All side effects and main effects are the same.
Will User profile Expert

NPP is Deca with a shorter ester. It will yield the same results as Deca however some note less water retention. Besides that, they are the exact same.
evan johnson User profile Expert

No deca dick is a myth based on people who did not stack deca with testosterone as you should. Stack this product or any deca with test and you will be fine.
Hey Guys, Thanks for all the advice. Very Helpful. I have a few questions. What does UGL stand for? The person in the answer said he does not trust UGL`s beside Geneza, can some shed some light on this subject and explain the difference for me? This was mentioned by someone in my other question. Also, the person mentioned that 24roids provides pharma grade gear? What is the difference? Can anyone refer me to a lab to send my NPP to so I can get it tested?
nickname_279 User profile

UGL stands for Under Ground Lab. Dragon, GP , SIS , Para and Alpha have good reputation. There are new labs on the site ARL, Hilma and Aaster, they are g2g as well
RJB User profile

UGL= Under Ground LAB. .. . All of the products on 24roids have always been good to me and at a very good grade. Phram grade is Pharmaceutical Grade gear. .. .. As for Your NPP I believe there are kits online that can be bought o test any gear, do a simple search.
Jay User profile

pharma grade is always better obviously but ugls have improved a lot lately. A lot of these vials come from Chinese factories where they are made professorially like they make hgh
Anonymous 4266 User profile

UGL means under ground lab but that shouldn`t freak you out. These things are made in huge batches in countries where steroids are not problem and necessary precaution are taken
SocalJuicer User profile Expert

UGL = equals under ground lab, and you can absolutely trust these products. Check out anaboliclab. com for independent 3rd party testing on UGL products, you will find that 99% of the time, they are spot on dosage and quality.
Hey Guys Sorry for starting another answer thread, I could not figure out how to respond to some of yalls responses. I understand what you guys are saying, but the one disappointing factor to this whole thing is that the NPP I tested came back positive for Testosterone. Now I do understand that even the slightest bit of testosterone that might be in the NPP will cause one of these test to show a positive. Again when I say I tested the NPP, I mean that I bought a “roid test” specifically the one for testosterone from Dave Palumdo`s site, just to clarify. So if it is just a little bit of testosterone in the NPP then maybe its not that big of a deal, but just the fact that it should be 100% Pure NPP and it`s not is a little disappointing. Another thing is that I can not prove to 24roids Gear that I actually tested the NPP and didn`t put testosterone in test ampule, so I understand that this is a factor also. But I know that I did it truthfully and will look for my NPP from another trusted pharmacy on the site. Ok, guys give me your feed back. how would you take this and how would you respond. Should I trust that the NPP from Dragon is like 90%+ pure and let it go or if you guys have any other suggestions let me know. ALso if there is a way that I can upload the picture of the test for you guys to see let me know that also. Thanks
anon5_uk User profile Expert

This is the reason I no longer buy UGL. Pharma grade only everything. Pharma grade AI, pharma grade testosterone, pharma grade HGH. You never know what trace amounts there are anywhere, or if the gear is actually what it says. 24roids offers pharma grade version of basically every compound you wish to take, that`s why I love 24roids. I don`t trust UGLs besides Geneza. If I was you I`d send the sample to a lab for analysis. Perhaps it really is only trace amounts of testosterone. That`s why these roid tests aren`t that good, you need actual lab tests, they are cheap where I am from (~$100 per test) and they tell you everything that is in the compound, and quantify it as well. But besides that, contact 24roids, I am sure they are also interested in quality control of their suppliers.
Anonymous 4266 User profile

From your other post you mentioned you stopped taking test e, how much were you taking, because test e take more than 3 weeks to completely clear the system. When you took the NPP did you notice sides that are related to NPP like, bloating or deca dick?
Socaljuicer User profile Expert

I would trust dragon Pharma with YEARS of good reputation before trusting your Dave Palumbo steroid test. Also, these products, made using the same equipment in UGLs, regularly have minor cross contamination with other compounds, but it’s entirely inconsequential.
Vincent Valentine User profile Expert

I`m not exactly sure why you`re posting another question related to this issue, as this just seems like a more verbose way to ask the same question you`ve already gotten answers to. But given the circumstances I`m sure you`re just seeking a bit more clarity. Your story seems to lead to the conclusion that some amount of testosterone is in your NPP, meaning it`s not pure. But as Socal pointed out, like ANY product made in mass quantities by large production companies, slight cross contamination is a possibility. Think of food labels. Most have some fine-print somewhere that reads something like `This product was made in a facility containing wheat, shellfish, and soy`. And as I said in my other response to you, Dragon Pharma has a very well-established reputation and I can almost guarantee it wasn`t intentional. Getting the NPP tested at a lab is a good idea. If you`re still taking the NPP, getting a steroid test done on yourself to look for the presence of nandrolone is another option (if you have access to such a test). When you submit a ticket to Customer Support I believe you have the option of uploading files when chatting with a representative, giving you the option of submitting whatever proof you have if they request it.
anonymous99 User profile

I agree with Anon5_uk. There is nothing wrong with getting labs done on your sample. Do let us know the results bro. That would give you peace of mind which is important. I would like to think DP being so popular today would not mess up and hurt their reputation like that. But that`s my thought. I have been around for a while and I know 24roids is a great site with excellent customer service. This is where all gym rats of my area buy from haha all satisfied customers. If you can switch to human grade but I feel you should get it tested by a lab first. I have a feeling it will be alright.
evan johnson User profile Expert

This doesn`t prove anything given the possibility of cross contamination as previously mentioned. Feel free to purchase a different brand next time if it makes you feel better. Continue to have tests done as well from independent labs.
I’d like to stack this with Sust 350 dragon pharm. do I run the Sust for a certain amount of time then the NPP or can I start them at same time? I also have Anazole, Nolvadex/clomid for PCT.
anon5_uk User profile Expert

No, you can start them at the same time. You can even inject it at the same time as your testosterone, within the same syringe, for your convenience. Smart to get AI and SERMs for the PCT, you will indeed need them later on.
Joshua Plante User profile

You probably should`ve gotten some Prami or Caber too for the progesterone from the NPP, but I don`t know your dosages; maybe you`ll be alright.
Muscle Pup User profile

Yes, you can inject them at the same time using the same syringe (assuming you bought a syringe with a chamber that’s large enough to hold both). Use the anastrozole during cycle to reduce estrogen buildup.
ROBERT User profile

You can use then all at once and in the same syringe. Make sure you swab each bottle top with alcohol to kill off all forms and bacteria. I`d also focus on using Proviron or Anastrozole to use during the cycle for help with all the estrogen. Good luck
nickname_916 User profile

Yeah you can use at the same time. Anastrozole is used on cycle only and Nolvadex only post and clinics you can use post as well.
Socaljuicer User profile Expert

Go ahead and start them at the same time, you can even combine them in the same shot / injection. Use the anastrozole at 0. 25 every other day ON CYCLE to control estrogen, adjust upwards as needed. Do NOT use Anastrozole during PCT, this would only be the case if you notice a rare condition called “estrogen rebound”.
I was previously told that I couldn’t use an AI like Nolvadex with NPP because it would make you lactate. So I ordered exemastine.My stack is -Superdrol 10- NPP 150- Sustanon 350- Proviron- Masteron- Anavar / WinstrolUnfortunately I’m prone to water retentionIs exmastane the correct choice?Is one a day enough?Should I also run an AI?Very little information on AI’s out there. Any help greatly appreciated!!!
evan johnson User profile Expert

Exemestane or aromasin IS an AI and should be all you need on cycle. Start with one pill eod and use more if needed.
D-man User profile Expert

Exemestane is defenately the correct choice IMO. Nolvadex can upregulate your prolactin receptors. NPP will cause prolactin issues on its own, so together this could be really bad. I would also suggest having some Caber on hand just in case. As far as dose for exemestane. One a day is a really high starting point. I would start with 1/2 EOD, and adjust from there.
TB40 User profile Expert

First off, Nolvadex is NOT AN AROMATASE INHIBITOR, its actually a SERM. It does not reduce circulating estrogen levels in the body, but instead serves to occupy the receptor sites in breast tissue so that Estrogen itself cannot bind to these receptors. This will be important for you to understand going forward, frankly with a VERY complex cycle like the one you are running (7 compounds?), you should already have a complete understanding of SERMS, AIs etc. Whoever suggested you to buy Aromasin (exemanstane) gave excellent advise – this is the best available option for an AI, as it is a suicidal inhibitor. Start by taking 12.5 mg every other day, and adjust upwards or downwards slowly if you see symptoms of high or low estrogen. NOTE – you are running both proviron and masteron, which both have a slight reduction on free estrogen, so you won`t need a high dosage of your AI.
Mike Jones User profile Expert

TB is right nolva is not an ai at all it’s a serm, I don’t understand why your gonna be taking mast and prov I’m the same cycle even tho they are a different compound they work in almost the same mechanism you won’t need mast or prov with winstrol/anavar or super as for the the npp and sust you could take either or for the length of the cycle. As for aromasin I think it will be your best bet for estrogen control as for as dosing I have to disagree with TB you should start out at 12.5 or 1/2 a tab EVERYDAY the half life of aromasin is 24 hours. With npp and sust aromatization can happen very quickly so the ai should be taken every day.

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