How could I run this with test e, length and dose?anyone with experience with that exact cycle?and what would the pct be?thank u
Cyclone User profile Expert
My favorite dosage for this combo is 400mg test and 600mg EQ per week. Make sure to run for no less than 16 weeks and discontinue equipoise one week earlier than test as the ester is slightly longer. EQ is an awesome compound that works well for both lean bulking as well as cutting. The only issue is that it can cause dramatic hunger for some users. Good luck, and feel free to post any follow up questions!
JonMercado User profile
IF this your first time bro . just keep it simple to lessen the sides. 1cc every 4 days . till you run out the 10 ml . Then start the stacking after your first cycle. ijs. no need to fuck your levels up so soon .
Cyclone User profile Expert
Wouldn’t that be a five week cycle? That makes no sense.
nickname_311 User profile Expert
I burn 500 test and 600 EQ you can go for about anywhere from 12 to 20 weeks I would say 15 to be the best
Roid_Head User profile Expert
600mg is a good dose to start from. Eq cycles are usually 16 to 20 weeks depending on the individual`s experience. It takes 5-6 weeks to kick in but If you front load EQ it will kick in much earlier, for the first week pin 1200mg.
Mr and Mrs J User profile
Standard pct. And I started eq at 600mg a week. I got appetite increase, vascularity, and I didn`t lose my breath as easily with certain activities.
Hi all,I am 44 y.o athlete female, work out/lift 5-6 day/week. Eat clean, cardio, etc. Took HGH 2ui/for 6 months last year. Looking good….but still have that puffy/fat/bulge around my abs…ugh…trying to get those 6 packs out. Haha! Ordered Anavar, and now thinking about this product to cycle with Var. Of course, in small dose. Is that a good combination to get my goal? To get shredded, lose some inches off my waist….Please, advise?Oh, and not afraid or worried about becoming a man. My man already calls me a She-man))) Just kidding, but honestly, that doesn`t concern me at all.Thank you all. Have a great pump, and stay safe!
Roid_Head User profile Expert
You are not going to get much out of eq. Hgh and Anavar are fine if your diet is right, you should steadily lose fat each week. Gradually increase hgh 4iu a day if you can tolorate it along with 5mg-10mg of Anavar day. Discontinue Anavar after 8 weeks.
Patriot_1234 User profile Expert
EQ takes a long time to start working as intended. I`m on 500 Test and 600 EQ right now and week 6-8 is really when things started getting good this time around. Seems like despite the dose, this is how long it pretty much takes. So my question for you is how long do you plan on running the var? I`m assuming you wanted to stack them together, or were you okay running var and dropping it when the EQ starts to show benefits? I`d try EQ at 100mgs/wk to start, but with all that aside if you`re really wanting to get cut up, I think adding Clen and T3 will do what you`re wanting much better than just adding EQ IMO. Reply to keep the conversation going.
anonymous007 User profile
Thank you, Patriot for details. Had no idea it would take that long…I wanted to take Var at least for 12 weeks with EQ together (not sure now). About Clen and T3…a little concerned about my heart issues (I have leaking valves, making my heart bigger) Hahaha…I have a big heart, yes.
What do you think about Test+Var? Or HGH+Var? I liked HGH for vitality, ageing process, well being, and over all, the effect on my skin. (No one thinks I am 44)
Patriot_1234 User profile Expert
I run HGH when I blast and cruise, yea run that whenever you have the funds. If you ran 4IU’s of HGH, T3 (lots of literature about running this) and Var, I think you’d be where you want to be as long as your diet, training and rest is on point. Or you can try Var for 8 weeks and just let the EQ work for another 8ish weeks of so assuming you start them at the same time with the T3. There’s more than one way to skin a cat and ultimately the decision is yours. If you have anymore questions, just open up a new questions and everyone will pile in again and answer for you.
Dr. Scott User profile Expert
Seems like a solid plan you know and understand the risks, like all of us. As we age most of us experience somatic growth or fat accumulation men typically on the abdomen and women on their ass and hips (also their abdomen too but generally less then men.) Nothing helps to reverse this like GH, IMO. The effects seem more pronounced in those of us a bit ahem..older. So good plan obviously diet and cardio on point but GH allows more leighway at least for me. Perhaps think about stretching the length of the GH to 8 months or a year, this is when i begin to notice the best results, if you can afford it. i`ve worked with lots of ladies over the years and the GH/anavar stack is tried and proven again diet, genetics and cardio will have the final say. The only other thing i would possibly add is primo, but the longer you stay on even relatively mild compounds like these some clittoral enlargement, hair growth and voice changes become not only possible but likely probable. But sounds like you know the deal, best of luck.
anonymous007 User profile
Thank you, Dr.Scott-
Yes, I loved the effect/results from taking HGH. Good sleep (Hahaha), smoother skin, full of energy, and sex drive! :-))))
Dr. Scott User profile Expert
Oh I misread, i thought you were talking about adding var (not EQ) sorry. EQ is definitely a possibility but i would think about primo before EQ. Its fairly mild and pretty expensive but i think much more in line with your goals, and some evidence that it works better then most other anabolics (including EQ) in caloric deficit.
MichaelSmith User profile
I`m 38, I have the smallest fat pocket over my bottom 2 abs, if I cut my fat down it`s still there but less. I decided I`m just gonna get smart lipo and be rid of it forever, remove the fat cells from my body entirely.
anonymous007 User profile
Good luck, Michael-
No, I would grind and keep working out :-)))) I am just afraid of any kind of surgeries….
MichaelSmith User profile
I can work our and get it mostly gone but its only gone at sub 10% body fat. Figure this way when I’m not at my leanest it won’t come back. It’s fat storage caused by genetics so at least if I remove it it will be gone forever.
I`m currently on TRT 275mg a week and get blood test buy my doctor. The test helps out a lot but I`m looking to step it up without him knowing. I would like to add Eq around 400 a week. I`m 42yrs old 6.1 200lbs at 16% bf. How many weeks before my blood test should I stop taking the EQ so it won`t show up? Thank you for your help!
Zach Linder User profile Expert
275mg for TRT lol….(nothing wrong with that at all)…EQ is one of the longest lasting detectable hormones. You can track EQ for years. I totally get that you want to step up your game, but if your insurance drops your TRT because of another compound being detected, then avoid EQ. I would consider an oral. Tbol would be a great choice to test the waters and orals are usually much faster at leaving the body so they don`t show up on tests…good luck
Traipse User profile
275mg a week!? WTF your doctor is crazy or you are lying. Normal try dose is 100mg-125mg a week. EQ can be tested in your bloood for over a year. I would recommend anavar for cutting and lean bulking but it is expensive. Tbol for weight and and strength. Winny for strength and cutting.
275 User profile
275 that’s greatI would consider staying right there but remember he’s probably only testing for testosterone and EQ should not make that go up
Juiced User profile
eQ as very long acting Esther and could be detected in the system 4 months after discontinued use
nickname_311 User profile Expert
Equipoise has a very long Ester it can be detected up to three months after someone has injected. So I don`t know how long they want you to test for for your levels but keep that in mind if you`re going in just for a regular testosterone reading guess maybe two months
pat User profile
275 for trt is not trt bro, it’s way too high eq can be detected for ages if they catch on you will lose your insurance
Been running EQ 300 and test 250 . 1 cc of each every Sunday/Thursday. Feeling good in the gym. About 4 weeks in and starting to notice acne on rear deltoids. Is this a common side effect? Should I kick it down a knotch. Oh, also taking anazole every time I pin and milk thistle daily. Thanks in advance
Unc33135 User profile
Ya acne is common. I get acne alot from test which is prob whats giving it to you. Itll go away when you come off cycle. No need to take it down a notch. Just a minor inconvenience.
John Rambo User profile
Yeah dude not to worry. I am on the same cycle and got acne as well. I typically get it 4 to 8 weeks in. It will go away once the cycle is over.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
So acne is the number 1 side effect from testosteron it like going through puberty again. It effects every one differently. That cycle is a good cycle the best thing you can do is tan once a week shower regularly and dont pick at them. Acne is a normal side effect. Most get it. Pinning twice a week helps alot maybe get some stronger soap and keep an eye on it most dont care becuase of gain s your gonna get . Change sheets often
Swolebro User profile
Yeah, bro you`ll get a little acne. It`ll go away after your cycle is finished. The best thing you can do is shower every day at least. Maybe twice a day if it`s really bad. Shower directly after the gym. I started getting painful oily zits at the end of my cycle but they went away.
evan johnson User profile Expert
Yes that is very common and it is best to keep your dose the same not raise or lower so your blood levels are more stable.
BigOlRed User profile
Yes that is common. Sounds like your doses good.
Sorry for not giving all the information on my last question. It was DP eq 300 and I took 1 ml twice a week for a total of 600 mg weekly. I used the whole bottle witch was 5 weeks now I`m on my second bottle (the GP eq). I just feel like the GP 200 it`s better then the DP 300
Pookie User profile
Thanks for the additional info. It`s very likely that you didnt give long enough. EQ takes forever to build up in the system (the longest) and I bet that when you switched at 5 weeks was when you started feeling the effects. Many combat the delay by front loading.
Papi1224 User profile
I feel that GP is a better gear then DP, DP has seemed to me to have gone down in quality while h for me leads to less results when I use them, GP 200 would be my choice
Taylor User profile
Make sure your breaking your weekly`s up into two injections. Personally I think the brands are both solid but you truly dont know unless you`re running the lab tests yourself.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey Juice, that`s your problem. 5 weeks is not nearly enough time. Try going 20 and check back in with us. Thanks for the question
Larry User profile Expert
That`s usually how long it takes for eq to kick in. Next time front load it to kick in quicker but I do prefer geneza over dragon, they have been consistent year after year where dragon has missed the ball some times.
novadesert007 User profile
EQ took 10 week for me to come in effect. I get blood test every 3-4 months. RBC up big time. 5 week nah. That was I was front loading 3cc off eq for 4 weeks
Okay I bought eq from DP and GP. It`s my first time taking it and I used the DP first and felt absolutely nothing with no real gains at all. I`m halfway through the GP brand and I feel great. The gains are not bad at all. So my question is has anyone had DP gear that didn`t really do anything? Is it under dosed or does EQ take that long to start to feel the effects? Thanks everyone
Pookie User profile
What was your dose and how many weeks did you take the DP? EQ has to be dosed pretty high like at least 500 mgs to feel anything within 4 -5 weeks in my experience andothers. I`ve used DP EQ and it worked great for me. Its possible you didnt give it a long enough shot before switching
Lorddrip User profile
A lot of dp gear or over doses there is paperwork to prove that as well you can look that up good luck
Papi1266 User profile
I have not had good results with DP, and after their bottles were short I stopped ordering from them, GP is some good stuff have had great results. Good luck
Taylor User profile
I`ve had success with Dragon Pharma as well as Geneza. I think the lab tests speak for themselves. You should be just fine.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey Juice, great name btw. I`ve used DP EQ and had great results. It took about 12 weeks to really start to see the full benefits and I ran it a total of 20 weeks. It really shines the last 12-20 weeks due to the long ester and other reasons. Thanks for the question
Roid_Head User profile Expert
Both. There are a lot of people lately complaining about dragon being under doesed. In your case eq does take some time to kick in and it`s just maybe that.
I was planning on taking 500mg Test 200mg Tren A weekly, but I`ve heard it`s too low. I`ve ran a couple of cycles; would 300mg weekly of tren a be enough?
.50 caliber User profile
i would say if you never did tren before thats a decent place to start go 50mg every day and if you have no bad sides increase up to 350 per week. 350 tren and the test should give you some great results
EDubz User profile
Yes tren is very strong, if you`ve never used it before 50mg a day should work good, and you should get some good gains. Good luck
Big Jake User profile
the 500mg test is a great start, you`ll get great results with that alone. 200mg tren will help for sure but I agree with others 50mg a day is probably a sweet spot. Make sure you have AI handy and PCT prepared before you even start. I`m going to do the same cycle in feb, 500mg test 350mg tren weekly. I have arimidex and caber handy – will cruise on trt after.
Zach Linder User profile Expert
dude 200mg is plenty. No need for 500mg of test either. Drop the test down to 300 – 350mg per week. You can achieve significant results with 200mg, it`s much easier to adjust the dose in the future when starting low than starting high..less is always more, especially with 19NOR compounds….I swear I say this 2 or 3 times a day on here. Be smart. Good luck
Papi1224 User profile
500mgs of Test for me is a great amount I find that I get some good results, as far as Tren being that it is very strong I would start lower, you can always increase.
nickname_219 User profile Expert
200 mg tren is 5 times stronger then test at 200. So for a first time I would run it at 200mg per week there are alot of side effects that some people just cant handle. This will help you figure out if tren is not for you and some side effects can linger for months after you discontinue. If everything works out alright then next cycle do 300. Tren is a beast of it`s own kind effects everyone a little differnt from mental to physical to acne(badacne) night sweats and alot more tred lightly
How long does it usually take for the short esthers to kick in? I`m running Tren A ATM, I`ve been doing Tren A 200mg weekly (EOD) for the past 2 weeks so far no sides. (Of course with test)
novadesert007 User profile
Tren Ace kicks in 2 weeks. you should start feeling it now. If not raise the dose up little bit. 200 is kind of low if you are vet AAS user
EDubz User profile
You should kick in after the 1st week or so. By 2nd week you should be feeling it.
5%er User profile
You should definitely be feeling it by now. Short esters are about a week. As nova desert said, that is a small dose. Even upping to 300-350 a week should help. I wouldn’t go much higher than that personally.
Lisa Gastelecutto User profile
Listen I`m a short Ester man but when I first started I did what everyone did I read online and it said 3 to 4 to 5 days half life so I assumed it kicked in after 3 to 4 days that`s not true for me with my my slow metabolism it sometimes takes two weeks to get Peak blood levels so don`t judge the gear too harshly until a couple weeks have passed hang in there lift hard get that diet on point good luck brother!
.50 caliber User profile
that is kinda iow dose but seems like you should be feeling something, ive always did tren a at 100 mg eod iwould up it to that. keep us posted
Dr Scott User profile Expert
i agree with lisa usually it takes me 3-5 weeks no matter what the ester. There is more at play then just half life. When you say “kick in” i wonder if you are waiting for all of these horrible side effects that tren is supposed to have, and of which i have experienced none. Tren and cardio for example, no scientific reason this should ever occur. I have been using tren since it was only available as parabolin. Frankly i get much worse SE from test particularly test in susp (gyno, bloating ect) but no one ever talks about that. So, love the compound but rarely use over 400mg a week so maybe thats it. Anyhow, be patient it wont be long good luck
Anyone ran a Tren and EQ cycle? Im curious if the eq would counter trens cardio/endurance sides? What did you run and how did it go?
JB205 User profile Expert
I have run EQ with DP cut mix 150 which has tren ace 50mg in it. I`ve always run tren ace and never had a negative effect on my cardio, but I did mention to someone before on this site that EQ may help minimize the negative effects they were having with cardio on tren, I don`t see why it wouldn`t at least help in some way.
Cornpop_Robert Biden User profile
You can not run Trenbalone with Boldenone at a normal dose. You could run maybe 100mg each per week which is not as productive as 800mg of EQ alone. Just because someone adds Primo to there EQ, which works well, doesn`t mean you can add 150mg of Oxy to your 600mg of Tren without serious side effects, i.e. hematocrit plus 21. High hematocrit equals think blood. Thick blood equals high blood pressure. High blood pressure equals early death. Get tested, Give blood or bleed out 400ml somehow.
nickname_464 User profile
Eq can be a pretty mild substance but when added to something like tren all I can say is be careful. What works for one person doesn`t mean it is good or will work for you. I like to experiment but also try to stay safe . My best advice would be to use in moderation. Best of luck mate.
omeed haji User profile
I did run eq with test e and parabolan and I got good results I run 600eq 200 parabolan and 400test and next cycl I did run 700eq and 750mg test and 400 Deca believe me I got good results from eq and Tren more than eq and Deca
Jaris User profile
I would suggest spliting it into two different cycle, they will work better
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
Really no need to run anything with tren but test ,if your on point in gym and eating tren can hit any goal if you do the work and as harsh as it is why would you stack more on it
Looking for a pre vacation stack to put on some size and hopefully drop a couple BF%, currently on my 4th cycle, havnt tried tren and would prefer not too
nickname_464 User profile
If you haven`t ran eq before it makes for a very nice simple cycle. My only problem when running eq is my appetite increase a lot, so for cutting that might be a problem. You could run test at 500 to 750mg a week and eq at 600mg a week. Test 250mg three times a week and eq 300mg twice a week. Be sure to keep estrogen and low as possible for cutting, so have whatever ai works best for you on hand. Enjoy your vacation. Best of luck mate.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
You didn`t state how long you have till your vacation, but for a nice recomp stack id say eq at 600mg a week test at 300-400mg a week with anavar at 50mg a day for the entire duration of your cycle.
patsalos mixalis User profile
If it`s first cycle start with test only 350-500mg a week split every 3.5 days have arimidex on hand in case of estrogen build up and pct nolva and Clomid,, anavar last 6 weeks 40mg daily split twice. good luck
Unc33135 User profile
Ya i like the eq suggestion as well. My next cycle is going to be eq, test, and winstrol. May want to try that for good lean gains and mild sides. I also like npp. Some people get water weight from it. I personally dont. Im on it not and im probably leaner then ever. Just make sure your diet matches your goals.
omeed haji User profile
Okay take test c 500mg a week and take Deca 300 a week and take Winny you will get cut from Winny and get size from Deca and test
skitt User profile
You have a couple options buddy, for one people need to learn to read the actual post as when the person STATES there on there 4th cycle NOT FIRST… god that drives me nuts.. Pay attention! Anyways, I like Mike Jones Idea there as that was my first thought when I read your post.. EQ and Test… EQ at 400 to500 mg a week and test at 350 to 400 mg a week… You could subsitute the Anavar for Whinny the last 6 weeks, which is what I would recommend but only cause Im doing whinny now and seeing what its doing to my body at 40 mg a day.. Its amazing… Now all depending on when your vacation is and how much time you have.. If limited cause EQ is best ran at 14 to 16 weeks but either run that or Id even do Test and NPP.. If you are ok with pinning run Test Prop at 100 mg EOD and NPP at 75 to 100 mg EOD.. that would put on some weight really fast in a short amount of time, if training hard and eating,, You will have a little water weight but not near as bad as actual Deca plus if you run the Whinny the last 6 weeks I promise it will trim you up and help remove any water. Plus it will lower your SHBG.. Im running a cycle almost identical to that right now. but using Susta 350 and Deca 300 been on whinny for 3 weeks now and just pure amazing.. If done right you shouldn`t have any issue packing on 10 to 15 lbs in 10 weeks of lean muscle.. You could get away with running that for 8 weeks with those compounds and still get amazing results.. Either way just an idea if you dont have much time tell vacation.. Shorter ester would be the way to go good luck
Is their any truth to Boldenone Undecylenate decreasing IGF while dramatically increasing polycythemia to induced tendinopathy? Thank you for your life saving clinical knowledge.
Bob User profile
Various studies might show that but I wouldn’t worry just use a lower dosage and stay safe
Lord User profile
Keep your dose low and I always donate blood after I run deca or eq
RJB16 User profile
Agreed keeping the dose low will help…Good luck
skitt User profile
This is a very good question Robert.. You had me curious so did a little bit of digging.. lol So, Yes Boldenone will increase Polycythemia or (RBC) but to what degree kinda depends on you.. Most AAS will increase RBC but to what degree would mostly depend on your bodies reaction to the compound and the dose.. Boldenone can be used safely for 16 to 20 weeks with out having to donate blood or really worry a whole lot about it.. Now if your doing HIGH doses of Boldenone for very long periods of time I can see this being an issue and most would donate blood to avoid any complications.. Having your RBC up a little isnt to bad in the sense you will get more nutrient and oxygen to the muscles helping the whole anabolic environment.. Now with the tendinopathy, I haven`t seen anything quit yet about that at the moment BUT that doesn`t mean it can`t happen.. I did come across something a few months back that did suggest that if you had to many androgenic compounds that messed with the Anabolic/ androgen ratio making your androgen way high and anabolic way low that, that could have an affect on your tendons causing pain, an stiffness an lower flexability do to collagen breakdown.. Now to be honest, I have had some resent issues myself but I honestly belief its due to over working my arms and legs because I worked out for to long with a lot of weight.. My own fault… but I believe that if any of this to affect someone would be to do high doses for long periods of time… Now as far as I know, I don`t know if Boldenone would lower IGF..I`ll take that back as I have come across a few articles that state Boldenone DOES INCREASE IGF 1. I do know Boldenone is an altered form of Testosterone and Test itself does increase IGF so theres that… again that subject would require a whole lot more digging and I`m tired lol either way I`m no doctor thats for sure but do a lot of research.. Keep looking things up and asking questions….Again a lot of what you are asking I don`t think will affect most people when doing normal cycles of this compound unless being abused.. I hope this helped and good luck
Nornan User profile
Just keep at low doses and you won`t have any issues. Less is more but I do believe Boldenone does increase IGF-1 to a certain extent. I`d stick to HGH at low doses
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Yes eq will increase your rbc but to what level depends on your dosages as far as igf it does not decrease your igf levels
Start voting boys!! Lets make EQ300 POTW!!! Lots of us are using EQ so lets vote!! Great stuff with very little side effects!!
novadesert007 User profile
you got my vote brother! Got plenty of Tren here already
voodoo User profile
I can`t believe Tren is winning again. No love at all !! Hahaha. Yes let`s vote eq300
nickname_332 User profile
Ok let`s do it. You got my vote
LilBear User profile
When people see these continuously come across the Q&A section, I feel like they vote against you. I hope EQ wins but Just my thought on it.
EDubz User profile
Agreed, you got my vote brutha…
patsalos mixalis User profile
Voted man I want it too hope it wins, can’t want for next cycle to start
I am sorry because this is not a question…. this week voting is very tight)) i hope EQ to win. EQ can be incorporate in bulking cycles and in cutting cycles as well, and have almost no side effects, i know that a lot of people use EQ in every cycle, why all these people that use EQ dont vote?? this was a question))) i think is time for EQ to be POTW so lets vote friends!!
Matthew User profile
Y`all need to vote !! EQ500 🙂 seriously EQ300 so an EQ could be POTW.
Gman User profile Expert
Well I have voted for this I like to run it during spring and summer. I dont get any sides the strength and size is slow and steady but I eat at a maintence I m sure if I ate more I would gain more. But gym workouts are the best with this stuff. I run it along side trt dosage of test. One of my favorites
JD Cycle User profile Expert
Promise I`m trying with ya! I voted for all EQs. Been a minute since I seen EQ go POTW, but seems like it always happens with tren. Would love to see it with Primo some time too!
patsalos mixalis User profile
I agree man already voted, good luck my friend and merry Xmas
John Rambo User profile
I did put in my vote. Could also go for tren but you`re right eq can go for bulk and cut. You got my vote man. Merry Christmas all
nickname_629 User profile
I’m down to make EQ the product of the week, vote cast!
Next cycle eq 300 if it makes potw and just 3test e and I was wondering to get hcg and nolva but IDK so many people have told me it`s not a must I still got plenty of adex I have not had to take any no sides at all on this cycle currently anadrol 50 split doses lots of water as 350mg.week.test e and it`s been going great super strong good energy pump I mean 4 weeks im and someone said you are.getting some mass on you lol it felt good but yeah gimme some feedback and ideas February and most of March I won`t start this next one for a while but I`m gonna buy everything next week
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
Allway have nolvadex andon hand shit is so cheap and take half tab few times week it last forever,Nolva take as needed till sides go away then stop again it last forever so grab a bag of each unless you want bitch tits,it`s worth the 20 buck for some
Beard User profile
I never wait for tits to start growing to take action. I never understood why people wait for sides first. Its science, ur body will have excess estrogen. Keep a low does of dex at just half a pill every other day. When I run anadrol, I take Tamoxifen during those 4 to 6 weeks because although it doesnt convert it will still cause gyno symptoms at the receptors. I`m prone to it so I`m a little different. But I`d at least keep the dex for the whole cycle. I like my dick working, and I like not having tits.
Johnny Longsockz User profile
Keep the Dex on hand and take small amounts at least once a week at the bare minimum if you notice sides the bump it to every other day
JD Cycle User profile Expert
My next cycle is 600 EQ and 500 Test for 20 weeks. Front load EQ at 1800mg week 1, 1200 week two. Nolva, clomid, and low dose proviron for pct. I have kids and a vasectomy, so I don`t care that much about HCG personally. I just finished a 12 week test EQ cycle at 400mg EQ and saw great gains…only wish it was a longer cycle.
traianos123 User profile
Me also i wish to see EQ as POTW so i buy some at half price. About your cycle, EQ and Test is good but u must take care of your eatrogen level with an AI, 0.5mg EOD, better to be safe than sorry, and u must do a propper PCT with Nolva or Clomid or both. HCG is good to use in the second half of your cycle, this will help u a lot and will keep your balls at normal size.
nickname_219 User profile Expert
If the ew gets picked I will probably get 3 bottles and run 600mg per week for 15 weeks. I have tried 400mg before time to bump it up but it will be at a calorie maintence if not a slight deficit as long as it dont make me super hungrey as it has before
I`d rather get EQ 500 as POTW, but I`ll settle for EQ 300 as long as some type of EQ makes it as POTW. Tren was seriously just POTW 2 weeks ago, so let`s vote EQ this time.
traianos123 User profile
I hope EQ500 to win, i vote every week for EQ500 and 300, i know that lots of guys need EQ so lets vote!!
Unc33135 User profile
Ive been reading these comments about getting eq to be potw for about a month now. Honestly i just think they pick a product they want to move. I find it hard to believe it hasnt been voted in with all the posts im seeing on people wanting it. I could be wrong but its just a feeling. I just got my eq about a week ago and it was a pretty good deal from alpha pharma even with it not being on sale.
Alex User profile
I wouldnt mind eq. Allot of people have money tied up and are waiting for funds to clear wich is why allot of the time you`ll see the same potw, but I`ll help out and vote for eq 500
Nickname_5i2 User profile
It looks like you get neither. Why do you hate Primo 200?
Pincushion User profile
I voted for DP Eq300 as well. I agree it`s time to stock up on equipoise. With you all the way, brother.
patsalos mixalis User profile
Voted man no worries I am waiting for eq too hope it wins
I think it will be nice to make EQ POTW, is a great product that most of us we need in most of our cycles!!
nickname_21 User profile Expert
We ll see it was going strong last week I m sure some of us here wouldn`t mind getting the discount good luck you got my vote
JD Cycle User profile Expert
Exactly! This is our week boys!!! I voted Test/EQ 200/200 from Dragin, EQ 300 from Dragon, and of course, EQ 500 from Dragon. Honestly don`t care with, but I need a 20 week run baby! (For for enthusiasm. 2 min rest break from leg day while I type).
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
Start the votes EQ 500
John Rambo User profile
I really wanted to include tren in my next cycle though hahaha. Either way there`s really nothing we can do to control the pow votes. As much as you want that eq. It will come around 1 day
Dromeo User profile
EQ is great. Vote for it weekly.
Gearpeace User profile Expert
I don`t understand the question. Do you need information on how to cycle Equipoise?
Cruise and blaster for a little over a year, test C only. I`m adding EQ300 to my next cycle. Looking for input on what the cycle should look like. I cruise between 125 and 200, and my last blast was 8 weeks at 600. I have my sides under control. I`m thinking 500 test/300 EQ for 6 weeks, then 200 test/300 EQ for 6 weeks, then 500 test/300 EQ again for 6 weeks to finish. Is that long enough for EQ to work? Am I thinking right on my amounts? Is it worth trying the EQ just on my trt dose? Thanks for any input. I`m 44, 6`2″ 210 lbs 17% bf. just trying to add lean muscle without a lot of fat.
novadesert007 User profile
My thought is that EQ take a long time to be notice the effects. Personally It took 9 weeks before I feel like I can eat a cow and massive weight gain. You could front load however you want for anything but EQ still gonna take awhile.
BillZ User profile
Seems like that is long enough for EQ to kick in and notice gains and you should be happy with the results. The dosage look to be in line.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Equipose is good I like it but 300 isnt much. You could run it at 600mg week. And there s really no reason to change the test so much just run it a full 15 or 16 weeks test 500 with the eq. The eq works well at higher dosages and less sides then test
Iron User profile
Eq is a slow buildup of keepable solid gains however it must be run a minimum of 3 months to notice appreciable results and a 5 or even 6 month eq cycle (with test etc) is not unheard of actually. Less than 2 to 3 months is effectively a waste.
Johnny User profile
I think you should stay on Just Test for your first TRT blast. Get to the your body and how it responds to it before stacking. Anyhow, EQ should be run at about 400mg a week split into two doses for optimal effects. 12 weeks minimum since you don`t see results until 8-10 weeks
Alex User profile
Eq needs to be run at high doses to get any real noticeable gains. At least 600 but I usually run it between 700-900 and it takes a bit to build up in your system due to the long ester, therefore should be run at least 16 weeks.
I hope EQ300 will win the voting process and will be POTW all next week, great product and if will be 50% off it will be amazing!
Zach Linder User profile Expert
I`ve voted for both 300 and 500. Keep it going guys….we`ve been talking about making EQ POTW for like 8 weeks now lmao, let`s do it this time!! Good luck!!
RJB16 User profile
Go Go Go hope it does also…. Need some for next go!
omeed haji User profile
Hello bros. Eq is one of my best every time come to sell I do order some I do take eq with all cycle bulking and cutting so you got my vote
Matthew User profile
Why don`t you vote for EQ500? Just pin half the the volume of oil.
Gman User profile
You got my vote buddy!! Good luck!
Will User profile Expert
Don`t need EQ but will vote for it
What is the benefit of front loading EQ and how would you do it? When ran with test e at the end of the cycle would i need to stop the EQ before I stop the test?
nickname_458 User profile
I’m not the most experienced but I always front loaded at the very beginning of the cycle to get levels built up quicker. With long esthers I would double the dose the first couple weeks to get levels higher faster due to the half life. EQ is a very long acting compound as is typically stopped 2+ weeks before PCT.
Steven User profile
check out for a graphical representation, frontloading simple gets you to the min “critical mass” for a compound quicker. To frontload, simple double your dosage for the first week, then resume normal injection dosage in subsequent weeks. Very simple.
Drew User profile
Front loading works great you will start getting gains from the eq much quicker if you front load. Say 200mgs a day for the first week than eod for a week.
anonymous255 User profile
Eq is a very slow ester. I double the dosage the first two weeks and it kicks in a bit faster. I would do my last injection of eq a week or two before your last injection of testosterone.
N88 User profile
Front loading helps get more EQ in your blood earlier in the cycle by overdosing it the first two weeks. I`ve tried it with and without a front load and really it`s not worth it. You`ll get a better kick by starting an oral and running for 4 weeks vs doubling your EQ dose….meaning doubling your EQ frontload WONT feel like you are full up on EQ like in week 6. However you dose tbol or another good oral and you`ll get a kick that same week At the end taper off EQ the same time as test…dont quit it any earlier…take advantage of it being in your system slightly longer than the test.
John User profile Expert
Eq is very slow acting by front loading you make the eq work much faster. basically you take double or some people take triple the normal dose in the first injection
Hey 24roids family. Just curious, I’ve been running this Eq with test 250 enanthate. Test 3 times a week with the Eq once a week. About 1.5 cc of test every time and about 1 cc of the Eq. Feeling great getting decent results. How do I avoid my body crashing when I cycle off? I’m about 8 weeks in and plan on going another 6-7 weeks. PCT’s are there with other blockers.
nickname_489 User profile Expert
For PCT you take clomid, nolva and hcg. Blast HCG 2000iu a week for three weeks, clomid 50mg for 4 weeks and nolva 40mg for 2 weeks and 20mg for another 2. Its best practice to take 500iu-1000iu of hcg a week while on cycle to prevent testicles from going to sleep. That way pct goes way smoother
Drew User profile
Your taking 4.5 mls of test a week and only one ml of eq that’s totally wrong my friend. You should be doing the eq at anywear from 600-900mgs a week and the test should be at 500-600mgs a week 4.5ml is over a 1000mgs of test a week that’s terrible for your body. Pct clomid 50mgs ed for one month nolvadex 20mgs Ed for a month and a half.
Will User profile Expert
You`d have to be more specific as to what you mean by “crash”. I`m not sure if you`re talking about your Test levels or results or what exactly. When you come off and PCT, your test levels will plummet because you`re no longer injecting synthetic test and your natural levels are no longer producing. The point of your PCT is restoring your natural levels and that can only happen over time. You cannot get off synthetic Test and have your natural levels within any kind of normal range. If you cruise on a TRT dose, then you never crash because you`re still taking testosterone injections.
Md Phd User profile
You should be on HCG 500iu 3X per week now. You will need an A.I.(Many to chose from based on your body type) such as Exemestane. Also run Clomid at 100mg per day for 30days( less one shorter cycles). Some people complain of 100mg Clomid per day cause digestive anomalies but you can address that by diet or medication. Keep asking questuons.
Nickname User profile
If you do a PCT that can prevent you from crashing. A PCT recommended by IFBB Greg Doucette says that 20/20/10/10 of Nolva is enough. 2 weeks after long E, 2-3 days after short E
mchilds User profile
As previous discussed a decent PCT with HCG and some cialis is what I use. You will still crash somewhat though. And I think the sides from PCT are worse than cycle sides.
I can take 3ml together eq and Deca and test each one one ml it’s going to be 3ml it’s ok to take it or should I take Deca and test another day take eq ?
Jaris User profile
Idk, its weird cycle but possible, its up to you, but use some kind of ai, like arimidex
Greenleanmass User profile
Yes you can, but the pip might be a little stronger with all that oilm and didn`t coumponds but it`s safe. Have a ai on hand obviously stay safe God bless. Different compounds have different oil carriors in them so it you possibly would get a pip after injection.
J.P. User profile Expert
If you`ve figured out your weekly dosing to account for those volumes, then you can push them all at the same time in the same syringe, if that`s what you`re asking. Avoid smaller injection sites like deltoids, in exchange for deeper muscle bellies like quadriceps or glutes if you cane reach them easily. Longer needles would be wiser. If you`re new to injecting, not very developed or good at keeping yourself hydrated, then planting 3ml at a time in your muscle will hurt a bit more. Still, it can and has been done. Just keep yourself hydrated. A hydrated muscle makes for a better injection
anon5_uk User profile Expert
3 mL is quite a large volume for a single injection, it`s about the MAX you can do if you are experienced. However, I would divide it into two and inject at the same time, same muscle on both on left and right side of the body.
5%er User profile
You can do them all in one injection. I recommend glutes. Twice a week and rotate glutes each time. I did this for a long time no issues just takes about until the next shot to heal completely. That type of volume in the quads will be painful for a couple days.
Johnny User profile
Yes def possible and I agree with the bro up top to use the Glutes for an injection that size. I have before when prepping for a contest on the road and needed to cut injections to 2x per week. It’s a heavy cycle your using so not recommended for a long one. EQ is a longer cycle. 12 week minimum
Hi what can I use this with to make good body changes
Skuchie User profile
Pick a long acting Testosterone for a base, Enanthate or Cypionate, and build off of that.
nickname_537 User profile
It promotes anabolism. So if you eat high protein like at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight a along with a gallon of water everyday lift heavy you`ll add more muscle. Eq needs to be run 500mg per week or more for at least 4 months because it`s slow acting. If you`re goal is to lose fat then eat 500 calories less than now everyday but without enough resources (calories) you will not build much muscle but the eq will help hold onto it. Either cut by stripping fat or bulk addong muscle. Both cannot be done at the same time because eating more increases fat as well and eating below requirements you lose fat but the body can`t make muscle due to its just busy using body fat for energy and has nothing yo build muscle with. On eq your rbc will go up so you`ll need to donate blood every 6-8 weeks to prevent stroke or hesrt attack which usually is not gonna happen with a lot of users. Donate blood and you`ll be fine. Low dose aspirin everyday will thin your blood too but donating blood is what you need.
Don O User profile Expert
Add a moderate dose of testosterone enanthate or cypionate and youll be off to a good cycle, you can always taper up either the test and/or eq if you need more bang later in the cycle.
Joe ricci User profile
If this is your first cycle id suggest you only use testosterone. At trt doses. You need to let your body get used to foreign substances. Before you add more compounds. Good luck on your cycle
GainsVille_85 User profile
Add it in with Testosterone. You can run them 500 and 500 per week. EQ will make you hungry and give slow quality gains and a huge boost in stamina which is great for high volume workouts. EQ aromatizes but not at the rate of testosterone. Have an AI in hand.
omeed haji User profile
thkis is my next cycle 800 mg a week of eq and 450mg deca and 700mg test sust a week. I`m telling you this is gonna make you big change
Can I mix this with sustanon 250
Mike Jones User profile Expert
In the same syringe at injection time yes, mixing the products in the same vial NO.
TestLab User profile
Hey buddy. Yes you can mix it. Many have done this with much success! Good luck
Skuchie User profile
It’s a good stack if you’re body responds to EQ. Yes you can put them in the same syringe to inject.
Don O User profile Expert
Yes you can, test and eq is an excellent lean muscle building stack with low side effects and they can be combined into a single syringe for injection convenience.
omeed haji User profile
oh yeah you can mix any oil base together i do eq with test sust and deca you good to go bro good luck with big change in your body
nickname_556 User profile
Absalutly its a great stack at 300 to 600 mgs a week
This will be my 1st cycle and I was told to start off at 250 2x a week so how many bottles do I need
Will User profile Expert
Being that this is your first cycle, do NOT run EQ. Your first cycle should ONLY be Test E or C at 300-400mg a week. Test is the base for every cycle you`ll ever take, so you need to run it alone to see how your body responds. Then your second cycle will just be slightly higher at 500-600mg of Test. You shouldn`t be stacking compounds until your 3rd or 4th cycle. Get the most out of the least and progress slow. Bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint.
nickname_610 User profile
600 mg a week split in to times a week, so you need 3 vials
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
2 bottles will run 10weeks that will be good 1st cycle.get pct as well from 24roids
ViktorN User profile
Great first cycle strategy my friend!! Dragon testE is 250mg per ml. You need 2 ml per week. You are going to cycle 12 weeks to have any meaningful result. It takes 4 weeks for testE to kick in. So 12 weeks times 2 equal 24 ml. Each bottle comes in 10ml. So you will need 3 bottles. It’s the product of the week so you r lucky. And get a few extra for you next cycle!! Good luck my friend!
Socaljuicer User profile Expert
You should start with testosterone enanthate or cypionate and will need two bottles to run a 10 week cycle.
How much do I need for a 10 to 12 week cycle?
Mr and Mrs J User profile
How much per week did you want to use? Also run it longer
nickname_464 User profile
At 600 a week or one cc twice a week, you`ll need a bottle every 5 weeks. So 2 bottles will last 10 weeks.
Will User profile Expert
EQ is a weaker compound. If this is your first time trying it, you`ll want 600mg per week at least. Also know that EQ takes time to mick in, so you will want to run this for at least 16 weeks. 20 weeks would be best.
Ryan User profile
Depends on how much you wqnt to use but itll likely be around 2-3 vials
nickname_610 User profile
You have to do 600 mg a week, split for two times a week , so you need 3 bottles.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile
2-3 bottles.of test cypionate 500mg run week.a bottle will last 5 weeks
Wich one is better EQ300/ml or 500mg/ml? I mean is better to inject more liquid in your body or less.
nickname_279 User profile
They are the same, EQ500 is more concentrated and more concentrated compounds usually have a little pip associated with them and that`s it. Eq500 is cheaper in terms of total mg and it has to be taken on doses anyway
Don O User profile Expert
With the EQ 300 and 500 you wont have any problem getting the amount weekly needed EQ. Injecting less is usually preferable but with those products its not a problem so Id say go with the EQ 300 since the 500 can cause more PIP from the high mgs.
Nathaniel Hall User profile
Better isn`t exactly the word I`d use, it`s up to some preference. The higher the dose, generally the slower the injection is and the more post-injection pain you`ll get. The 500mg is probably only worth it if you`re stacking a lot of compounds and need to fit more MG into a syringe. Or if you`re running over a gram, which I doubt you are. You`re going to have to inject twice a week and split the dose up anyways with the EQ Ester length so you`re better off just going with the 300mg.
ViktorN User profile
Less is always best!! trademark*** 🙂 When you put something in your body it’s always better to minimize the concentration or volume. For example if EQ dose work for you at 200mg per pin instead of 250mg then stick with 200mg. If putting in 0. 5ml crest no lump or pip instead of 0. 75ml then stick with0. 5ml. The rest is getting the dosage correct to keep blood level consistence. Both of EQ300 and EQ500 quality is on point! I have use them both. The difficulty was calculating the dose I want from the two (if you can even called it difficulty. It’s just math). I preferred EQ500 when I stack because it require less volume to get the dose I want. This will allowed me more space to put other gear in the syringe. if I stack 2-3 compounds in my ass it doesn’t have a big lump sticking out!! :). In short it doesn’t matter which EQ as long as you get the correct dose consistently. But less volume is better. Good luck my friend!!
Maison Jardin User profile
I would be ideal to inject less liquid as long as the pip isn’t that bad. Sometimes because the 500 is so Concentrated it can have some pretty bad pip some times but if the pip isn’t that bad than the 500 would definitely be the better of the two compounds.
mchilds User profile
The higher the concentration, the more PIP You will get. But with EQ I would go with 500 for sure. It’s a good dose and cheaper. That’s what I would do at least.
At what mg should I run this product if I’m looking to get super veiny
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Well a lot of that is gonna depend on your bf% if your veins are covered in a thick layer of bf then no product will help show them until you lose the fat, but for instance if you sub 10% then using this product from 300-500mg will increase your appetite and enhance your muscle endurance and 500-800mg will start to show a crazy layer of vascularity that is comparable to tren
Jaris User profile
You should start with 600mg a week so, monday and thursday injections. And see how your body responds.
evan johnson User profile Expert
You are only going to be “veiny” if you are lean enough. That being said EQ must be run at high doses to see significant results. Try something in the 600-900mg/week range.
Anonymous User profile
If your body fat percentage is already relatively low, 16-13%, then yes, at 600 mags per week split into 2 doses per week will help those veins show pretty quick. You will still need to eat relatively clean though. If your body fat percentage is in the 20%s, it will be much harder to get the look your looking for without proper diet and training.
Socaljuicer User profile Expert
Vascularity comes from being lean, not from taking the right compound. With that said nearly everyone will agree that boldenone (EQ) is a comparatively weak steroid that must be run at 500mg or higher per week, for a cycle of 14-16 weeks to full express the compound`s benefits.
ViktorN User profile
Our colleagues is on point! Low bf. the reason why you are veiny is because you need to supply your muscles with oxygenated and nutrients. EQ not only increase muscles sizes but muscles density as well. All that new muscles need more veins to supply them. If new veins cannot be formed than the existing veins increase in sizes thus they become larger veinier. Veins is a layman term. There are arteries. Capillaries. Etc. all are part of the vascularity system. Since you are new to eq. And I assumed you already has some mass on you from other gears, i rec you take 200mg every 3 days. That’s 467mg over 7 days. Why low? Because your body hasn’t been desensitized by eq yet. Once it’s kicked in at 4 weeks, you just need to pump hard. Your cycle should be 14-16 weeks. EQ give you that extra motivation to give that extra 2-3 reps that in turn build more muscles and the muscles need more oxygenated blood and nutrients. You can increase EQ on your new cycle after you observe your response to EQ. Hope that helps!
Guys. Not a question but a request: Please vote Dragon EQ300 and Dragon EQ500 for Product of the Week. Especially EQ500! At half price i am planning to get a case!! 🙂 Thanks in advance
Muscle Pup User profile
The pip on EQ500 isn’t fun but it is a great deal. I stocked up a year ago when they were 50% off.
big baby bear User profile Expert
Will do Viktor, Ive had my eye on the Dragon Eq300 and I plan to pick up a few vials when they go on sale. It kinda depends on the contest season and what mode guys are in but EQ is great stuff all around and hopefully it will come up soon. EQ is definitely underutilized and is a great anabolic compound that most guys feel great on.
ROBERT User profile
I`ll definitely toss in a vote. At that discounted price you almost have to stock up on what you`re able to. Good luck
Anonymous User profile
As of right now I`m happy that test e is going to be product of the week. I will vote for EQ500 next week
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Eq300 is one of my favorite compounds to stack with in any season so I’ll definitely hope and vote it gets product of the week
Micheal Ervin User profile
Definitely will vote of eq
I will be running this with sus350 can I use Aromasin while running Eq?
evan User profile Expert
Yes you can either use aromasin at 25 mg eod or arimidex at .5mg eod. You can increase the dose if sides come up.
Lav3ga User profile Expert
Yes and you need to. That is a solid stack just make sure to keep estrogen in check as the sust will convert. I would do the standard dose of 12.5mg every other day to start. But get bloods after 6 weeks and adjust to keep estrogen at the top of the normal range. Note down your dosage of gears and AI so you know where to start next cycle.
big baby bear User profile Expert
Absolutely you can, aromasin is a good aromatase inhibitor and the general staring dose is 12.5mg EOD but can be increased if youre having high estrogen levels. Lots of users prefer aromasin to other aromatase inhibitors and report feeling better on it than others such as letrozole. Get a cheap estrogen test during your cycle and youll be able to get your estrogen exactly where you like it.
SocalJuicer User profile Expert
Yes, absolutely. But be aware that for many EQ not only aromatizes at a lower rate than test, but in some cases has anti-estrogenic effects. On one message board I frequent, there is a growing consensus that not only does EQ not aromatise at half the rate of testosterone, but in fact certain characteristics of EQ cause e2 to lower without an AI. Bottom line, don`t over do it on the AI… better to run a tad bit low and adjust upwards than to crash your estrogen, which SUCKS and takes time to recover from.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Great choice for cycle, dragon is actually my favorite eq to run it really increases your appetite and produces some awesome results, provided you keep your diet and training right, as for your ai choice aromasin is a good choice letro would be to much unless running very high doses so I would start by taking 12.5mg of aromasin every day or 25 mg every other day and go get some bloods to see where your estrodial is at for reference.
What dosage should I run this at?
evan johnson User profile Expert
Ideally anywhere from 600-1200 for 10-16 weeks if you have enough of it. Equipoise should be run at high doses for a long time to see great results from. I have been able to do this in part because EQ gives me very little sides.
Treytan Knott User profile
I’d run this at 600-900mg/wk for +12 weeks. This stuff takes about 3-4 weeks to fully kick in but has very little sides so cycles like this are perfect for off-season gains. It really increases your RBC’s so make sure you’re doing regular cardio to keep BP down. I like using this about a month before I do Tren so that I can actually keep up the cardio performance, since Tren has been known to make cardio very difficult, taking EQ beforehand makes cardio on Tren go by like a breeze.
Mike Jones User profile Expert
The average eq dosage is around 450-800 mg a week for 15-20 weeks.
Can I mix this with Cypionate in the same shot/syringe?
Yes you can
Yes they are both oil based and believe pharacom has a mix containing both
Jared Lord User profile
You most certaimly can. I am current using sustanon 350, masteron and eq all in the same pin twice a week
Mike Jones User profile Expert
Yes you can, but you need to limit the amount of gear you put into certain muscle groups, generally delts can handle 1.5ml in each delt, quads 1-2ml and glutes up to 3ml per side with minimal pip, anything more than that will cause knots and high amounts of pip.
evan johnson User profile Expert
Yes oil based solutions can be mixed with each other. However, do NOT mix an oil base with a water based solution.
William Lee User profile
Yes. My last cycle was EQ, Cypionate, and Winstrol.. You WILL get VERY, VERY vascular. Finished off with the Winstrol and without crazy dieting, finished at 6.4% body fat @ 225lbs. Get ready to get ripped.