So I need help from some experienced members. I’ve done research on my own. Somewhat extensively but I’m still not completely confident in what I need to purchase on my first cycle to get maximum bulk in a short period of time while battling light symptoms. I’m tall and skinny so I am looking to bulk up and enlarge muscle mass. Any recommendations for my first cycle? Brand and mg. I know Test E 200ml is what I’m thinking. How much do I order and which brand is best? I appreciate it!
anonymous900 User profile
Your first cycle should be just test. I would get either Dragon or GP. Take 250mg every 3rd day. Thatll cone out to 583mg a week. Have aromasin on hand and take as needed. Probably 12.5mg same day as pinning. Do this for 12-16 weeks. Have PCT ready for when you come off. As for weight gain, thats going to be 100% dependant upon your workouts and diet. You can only gain weight if youre in a calorie surplus. A pound is 3500 calories so if youre in surplus 500cals/day in theory youll gain a pound a week. Make sure protein is at least 1g per body pound. Nobody can tell you how much youll gain and how much weight gain will be muscle. Thats going to come down to your work ethic and how clean you keep your diet. Best of luck.
JohnnyB User profile
Hey friend that is not a simple answer actually. I could easily throw out some rather common numbers and say 500 mg of test E weekly with say 250mg of deca weekly and possibly a low dose of dbol like 30mgs daily the first 4 weeks. But i/we would line more info. So you are tall and skinny. Is that a result of poor eating habits, and inconsistent training or maybe even never training before and wanting some miracle quick fix. Or are you eating good and training hard and not making good gains. ? First and foremost weather you are on gear or not if you aren`t eating right, and getting rest. You can work your tail off and not get tbe results you want. Since you didnt mention those things. I would say evaluate those this first and if you are eating line crap and onky walking into the gym for tbe first time I would say No gear till that`s all in place and you have developed good eating and consinstant training habits. 24roids is tbe best place for gear when tbe time comes and they will be around a long time I`m sure when you are ready
JD Cycle User profile Expert
Your first cycle is Test only. Throwing Deca in adds potential prolactin sides and if you don`t know Test sides, you won`t know which to treat. First cycle should be 300-500mg test. You`ll need an AI (Aromasin or Arimidex) and PCT (Clomid and Nolva). You can add HcG to PCT, but for first cycle I would not say it`s a necessity, but it is a nicety. Run that 10 weeks and figure out how much AI you need. Some take it twice a week, wheereas I require it every other day due to high gyno sides.
Joeskee User profile
Buy separate bottles of gear, get ur test separately and get ur deca separately and run 500mg of test at 250mg twice a week and 300 mg of deca but I would go with npp cause it kicks in faster and less side affects. As for pct just get ur novladex and clomid and hcg just in case and from there ur g2g
nickname_75 User profile
My first cycle when I was 19 and was on the military was a 4 week cycle of 200mg Deca per week 30mg Dbol and 120mg Andriol, gained 12 solid pounds and my diet was very weak in terms of protein but was high in calories. Im 6 feet tall and was 176lbs when I started the cycle. Im not saying for you to do this cycle l, just trying to say that you dont need to much stuff or dosages to gain some weight specialy on the first cycle
anonymous_1212 User profile Expert
Hello Thurley! Thank you for the inquiry for us to answer. That would not be a good start off because you need to know how your body and immune system is going to react to any gear and oil. I wouldn`t suggest adding anything else yet because you also need to see how quick your muscle gains and fat loss will be. This will also depend on your: determination, WO frequency, WO time, proper nutrition and mental health (stress level). Make it a point to write down or remember everything on your first cycle. My first cycle was Sustanon 250mG at 1mL a week for 10 weeks split up at 1/2 Ml on Sunday and Thursday. I suggest that you inject no greater than 500 MG per 7 days. Do an injection every 4 days (which ever day the 4th falls on is the injection day). Injections– Use your Gluteus Medius for the site: find the iliac crest, go just below it and about an inch towards the Gluteus Maximus (Also go to howtodoinjections . com or youtube). Length– As I stated I only did a 10 week to see how I would react and I didnt have any sides so I went from there to a Test cycle of 14 weeks. That one was fine also so in turn, see how you feel with just a 10 week cycle. PCT–I waited 4 weeks after the last pin to do PCT because the half-life of each ester has to be calculated into play. This way my body started sensing a large drop in hormone levels and the pituitary gonad axis starts screaming to get the engine started again. If you start it too soon then the test ester from the cycle`s last pin will still be breaking down by your metabolism. Examples: the (ester) half-life of test cypionate 250 is ~5 days. 5 days later there may be 125 MG left over, then 62.5 MG, then 31.25…etc. but it depends on your metabolism. Other esters are Propionate ~ .8-2 days, pheynlpropionate ~ 1.5-4 days, Iscapionate ~ 4-9 days, Decanoate ~ 7.5-15 days. There is also a Sustanon 270 which has the Acetate ester and its half-life is ~ 1-1.5 days. I now personally inject every 6 days and it is a low dose for BB but I get good results from it even at that dose. I suggest to get sustanon 270 or 350, but if you want to pin more times a week, get either Test Propionate or Cypionate. I would go with either Geneza or Dragon but if you order dragon, you get 5000 IU of HCG free so there is that incentive. I would order 5 at a time so you get one free also bro. My suggestion is wait 4 weeks after the last pin to start PCT and use Clomid (this is what I used the first time) 25mG for 2 weeks twice a day, then 25Mg once a day for 2 weeks. Questions for you: Do you have HCG to do during the cycle or after? Do you have Clomiphene for PCT? Do you have any testosterone to use? Hope this will help, stay healthy, safe and live well bro! Don`t forget to vote for q&a and product of the week! Reply if you need to.
I used Test Sus 350 from Dragon Pharma and got horrendous pip that had me limping for the whole week… and from every shot, so bad that I had to throw it away. I was told it was because of the concentration of the gear. Has anyone experienced pip from this 200/200?
Onyx User profile
Let me tell you. I have experienced pip from every gear I was using. I have used doctor prescribed testosterones also and it gave me pip. I started injecting subq and i haven`t had any pip since. Otherwise I had so severe pip that I hardly walked a few times. Try subq injections. They work as good as intramuscular without the pip. I hope this helps. Remember to vote!
nickname_88 User profile
This is not intended to go round with you or anything like that but maybe more to give you a better idea as to why I see 2 down votes on your answer.. first off, I have used dragon`s sust/testo blend 350 many of times and still have 10 vials of and I get hardly a pip if any at all when running it… like everything, everyone is different as goes the same for gear/oils.. you say you`ve had pip from all gear? Only pip I ever feel is just a slight one from Geneza tren ace and that is even so little in my delts that idk what all the hype is about.. test? Never any pip ever.. NPP? Never pip.. Deca?? Never.. so idk we are all different and react differently as well.. sucks to hear how much you feel though.. 2nd… c`mon man, sub q injection, with gear?? Dumb dumb dumb… sub q is only and I mean only good for peptides and hgh… people have been doing deep muscle injections with gear for years, it is the tried and true method of pinning oils and suspension.. if sub q was in fact a good way of pinning oils, well then it would be put out there by the pro`s.. but it is not and in fact many would shoot this down as well.. I would not recommend this to anyone… if you`re doing it this way with your gear, I would keep it to yourself so you don`t put it in someone`s head and mess anyone else up in the matter their gear won`t work the best results for them… ask around if you do not believe this.. deep intra muscle injections is the only way gear should be pinned.. don`t try and change what does and has worked for years..
nickname_238 User profile
It sounds like you are pinning your quads. I would not do injections in your legs there are to many blood vessels and nerves, I would try rotating glutes and delts. On the higher concentration compounds like test 350 you need to try doing half a cc at a time. The deca with the test 200 should help ease any pip pain in the test. Unless the test is overdosed, the 200mgs shouldn’t give you to much pain. Just try to spread your doses out. Hope you figure it out. Take care.
JohnSmith User profile
Yes, anytime I pin prop or sust with prop I experience extraordinary pip. It`s characteristic of test prop and learned to expect and accept it. If you are having trouble dealing with it switch h to cyp or eth and you`ll be gtg
anonymous900 User profile
I am currently using and pinning 1ml e3d and rarely do I get any pip. I am pinning into the ventroglute. I use a 25g needle for my injections and go alow while injecting. What size needle are you using?
Lucas User profile
At 1 ML in the glutes definitely more pip then I`ve experienced with any other gear I`m going to drop to 1/2 ML and spread it out more. Post how things end up working out and how you switched it up.
evanjohnson347 User profile Expert
Yes that it is a risk the more concentrated a solution is. Never to the point I had to throw it away though. I would recommend using nothing higher than test or deca 300 from now on.
JB205 User profile Expert
So I use this Dragon pharma test blend 350 for cycles and TRT. I`ve seen numerous post about guys having pip with this to the point they can`t even walk. I`ve never had PIP that bad and it makes me think some of the PIP issues are from injecting methods or just bad pin. I pin 1ml twice a week when blasting, I always warm the syringe under hot water for several seconds to help thin the oil for absorption and massage the injection site for like 5 minutes after to spread out the oil as much as possible. I highly recommend with gear this concentrated, that you pin your glutes. I completely stopped having any PIP when I pin my glutes, and pin as far out on the upper outer portion of your glute, almost under and just behind the hip bone. My wife freaked me out when she pinned me there( she`s a nurse) but NO SHIT, zero pip, no swelling. Works for me
My First cycle was 500 of test E 250 twice a week for 12 weeks would this be a good second cycle ?
Jogger User profile Expert
Test and deca is good but deca gives some people libido issues, me personally with 450 test 300 deca I was fine, have caber on hand, good luck, 500 test and 350 deca is great
Joeskee User profile
Definitely a perfect cycle for a beginner but I wouldn`t go with deca go with npp u will see results quicker and and feeel reall good and won`t hold a lot of water on npp.
nickname_21 User profile Expert
Yes you will always grow on test and you really dont need to go above 500 other compounds can wait theres plenty of time
Patriot_1234 User profile Expert
I dunno who gave Nickname 21 a down vote but he was actually correct. A beginner starting at the bottom can run 500mgs of Test for a second cycle and make progress after ample time off from the first cycle. For the second cycle, I would say run the 500mgs/wk Test again and throw in some Dbol for the first 6 weeks. Start out at 20-30mgs/day and try increasing the dosage to 40mgs/day for the last two weeks to maintain progress. Run .5mgs anastrolzole twice a week when on the Dbol and go down the .25mgs twice a week once you`re just on Test alone. Adjust accordingly if estrogenic sides start to propagate. If you want to add an additional injectable compound on the 3rd, I don`t see a problem.
JohnSmith User profile
Yes, deca is a good progression in terms of adding a compound to the use of test. This will do great in getting the amount of test and deca needed an minimizing the amount of oil pushed. However deca is very suppressive to natural production therefore you will need more test than deca to minimize suppressive effects. You`ll be well served pinning 2cc of this blend perfect week and another 1-2ml of test 200-250 a week.
Can someone with experience please give me some feedback on this cycle before I make an order?1.2ml 2x per week test200/deca200Anastrozole eod 1mgSuperdrol 20mg per day for first 3 weeksSuperdrol 30mg per day for last 3 weeks12 week cycle in total.PCT 100/100/50/50 Clomid40/40/20/20 NolvaIs this PCT enough? And is it better to front load on the Superdrol or backload in the cycle?
Kloeb User profile
Seems pretty solid. Nothing too crazy. May want to add something for prolactin sides because of deca. 0.25mg of caber twice a week is a good start. You can use prami but I hear it makes some people sick. Your on cycle adex may be slightly high. I would be using 0.25mg EOD on this cycle, but we all react different. As you`ll hear a lot, only good way to know is bloodwork. May also want to add HCG into your PCT if you want to bounce back more efficiently. I bounce back about twice as fast if I do. Lastly, this is obviously a bulking cycle. Any reason why you choose superdrol? I think there may be other compounds that would help you pack on the same amount of muscle or more with less sides. You could always go Anadrol or dbol if you don`t kikd water retention, but id say turinbol or rad 140 (sarm) if you want to stay low with water retention. The deca will make you hold some water, but not crazy amounts. Just my two cents. You`re definitely in the right neighborhood.
Seth Ballinger User profile
Hey Thanks a ton for replying. The reason I thought about taking Superdrol is because with my understanding is that it will help shed some of the water weight put on by Deca. Would it help when coming off cycle during pct to take Superdrol to help get the weight shedding started?
Zachary Kloeb User profile
Would wont want to use sdrol in a pct because it will counteract the pct. The pct wants you to come back to normal test levels, while sdrol will keep your test suppressed. If you`re that worried about water retention, maybe deca isn`t a good option, though I`ll say its very minor water retention. A natural diuretic or drinking more water will combat the retention. If you really want to shed the water and are dead set on deca, you could use winstrol or a diuretic like lasix or Aldactone, but those diuertics get dangerous if abused. Gotta remember that water retention is a sign of estrogen, so you could also use a stronger estro blocker like letrozole towards the end of the cycle when you start noticing the water, but that will also have its own side effects like joint pains, sex drive lower, etc. My best advice is if water retention is that big of an issue, run tbol and something dry other than deca.
Seth Ballinger User profile
Sorry i phrased that really poorly. What i meant was weeks 1-12 test/deca and then weeks 6-12 doing the superdrol but not as a part of the PCT. I want to Bulk up but i want to stay somewhat cut. I want a stripper body lmao
JD Cycle User profile Expert
I do not see you reference any Caber in your cycle. With running Test and Nandrolone at equal doses, you will want to have some caber on hand for prolactin issues. You do not list any previous experience, but if this is your first Deca run I would recommend pinning them separate vs the blend. This will allow you to adjust deca based on sides. I started with 500mg Test and 300mg Deca for my first cycle (kind of the standard first deca run) and ended up being able to bump deca a little higher without prolactin sides, but everyone is different. You can purchase separate, or even run NPP for your first nandrolone so you get side feedback fast as Deca may take 4 weeks to really notice any benefits/sides. As for Superdrol, not sure your experience again but this comes with NASTY sides and makes a lot of us (me included) extremely lethargic with anything over 2 weeks. I would NOT advise running 3 weeks, and not recommend 30mg unless you`re extremely experienced with Sdrol. If you are SET on Sdrol or have already purchased, I would run 20mg for two weeks on each as long as you have a decent break between. Be careful as Sdrol can also tank your appetite as the lethargy makes you literally not even give a fuck about getting off the couch to eat. As you`re looking to bulk I am guessing, I recommend you entertain DBol, Tbol, or Adrol. They each have their own niche and if you`re going sheer mass, I LOVE Dbol and the way it makes my muscles feel full. If you want dryer gains, maybe look into Tbol. Clomid and Nolva are fine for PCT, but I personally like to add in some HcG to kick start the balls. Hope this helps.
Seth Ballinger User profile
Thanks JD. I wasnt even thinking about caber. For some reason i thought that was more for Tren. Ill add some. As far as experience goes, Im 29yo, 184lbs, about 11 percent body fat, and ive been working out moderately for the last 12 years or so but ive been taking it much more seriously in the last couple yeasrs. I did my first cycle with awesome results. 500mg test per week, arimidex eod, nolva and clomid for pct. Im currently in pct and want to make my next order so that it will arrive by the time im ready for it.
Zachary Kloeb User profile
mind* not kikd
Zachary Kloeb User profile
JD and I are on the same page. Def need caber and hcg. Also he makes a good point of buying separate deca and test. May want to front load the deca as well. Like he said, id really stay away from sdrol with so many better alternatives.
Seth Ballinger User profile
Awesome guys. Thanks for the feedback. Should I maybe not add an oral and just do Test and Deca? Ive never done Deca, getting the mix looks like the cheaper option.
Abolicmnd User profile
First I should say that everyone’s body reacts differently to different compounds. Not everyone needs hcg for pct or for cycle support, personally I run a half tab of adex twice a week and the other days I take 1 tab proviron. Once I hit pct for 2 weeks after last pin I take 1/4 tab adex twice a week and same amount of proviron for those 2 weeks. After those 2 weeks I run clomid for 4 weeks at 100/100/50/50. That pct is always a quick bounce back and always feel great. As far as Deca goes don’t do a mix, it’s easier to mix your own and then you can choose how much of each. As far as sdrol goes, have you ever used it before? It has great benefits if you cycle it properly, but is very potent. I love sdrol but never run it for more than 4 weeks and honestly 10mg every day for 4 weeks with your test and Deca will give you great results. If you want something less extreme that you can run longer get tbol and run it 40mg everyday for 8 weeks but make sure you are taking liver support the whole cycle. Definitely get caber for the Deca though. In all actuality these are what work for me, not everyone is the same it’s up to you with what you feel comfortable with and how your body feels
Has anyone got credited for giving answer? I have got nothing for 2 weeks since this change.
Winning13 User profile
There`s been a few times that I did not receive a credit for answering questions. But I do believe it reaches it`s max payout at 4 to 5 Answers. But I could have swore the last time that I answer the question I was within those numbers and did not receive the credit either. Don`t know what`s going on with it may have to contact 24roids customer support.
Branko User profile
Same…nothing past 2 weeks. Probably answered a dozen questions and gave good answers. Nobody votes on answers like they should. Outside of information, it`s pretty pointless to try and actually save money on this program the way it`s set up.
Hiker001 User profile
Same here, I`ve even been one of the first to answer and highest in points and still haven`t gotten a credit, since April 7. Not sure whats the deal, I sent in a email asking and got nothing yet.
Will User profile Expert
I answer a good 3-5 questions a day and try and give quality answers on my experiences and recommendations. Either every single one of my answers got down voted or it may not be working because I didn`t receive anything. I started a 24roids case to get a better understanding and will reply on here if I get a good response that`s not a generic copy and paste.
louk User profile Expert
In 7 days at 5 questions a day I got 2 dollars if you aren’t voted first on a question you get anything, good luck
S-C-J User profile
Nothing here as well, and I answer the max number of questions each day. Not complaining, but def a bummer. Could someone maybe chat with customer service and see if they know what day of the week they plan on scoring and issuing credits?
Hiker001 User profile
I did send in an email, they said to wait for Payment dept to look into it.. I will update once i get a firm answer.
Shark User profile
Yea since April 7th I`ve gotten no credits but many answers are up-voted too. I`m wondering what`s going on, I hope 24roids fixes this issue soon and I`m pretty sure they will.
how long can you run this?
Iron User profile
First time? Can`t run it. Use only testosterone. Testosterone is the base, you need it in all cycles. You need to see how each steroid works first. Cycles vary from 12 weeks to 20 weeks or up. Some blast and cruise (never really off, instead of pct they just keep using 200mg or 300mg testosterone weekly). One vial is only good 5 weeks at 2 shots a week but it has 4 steroids in it, you sound very very new from your question. You cannot use this.
Big Dogg User profile
You could run 400/400 (2ml/week) for up to 16 weeks. I think after 12 you`re gonna start having more trouble with sides than what it worth. I`m not a fan of deca in high doses. NPP is much better. If this is your first cycle just run test enanthate at 400mg/week for 12 weeks. Make sure you have PCT and AI before you start. If you dont k ow what those are you need to do a lot of research.
Juice24roids User profile Expert
Hey Z, these compounds are pretty safe and can be for 12-16 weeks as the others have said. Be careful of side effects from deca like low libido. Keep caber on hand in case prolactin elevates which always happens to me on 19-nors. I like to keep cialis on hand too. Consider buying these compounds separately so you can run deca lower than test. Thanks for the question
Him User profile Expert
I would run it 12-16 weeks. If you`re new then start with test only
gear hair no User profile
. good cycle .. if this your first go. just run the min. 1ml each week. this will give you a 10 week cycle per bottle.. at 10 ml a bottle ..sure you could run half a ml 3 days apart . Monday and Thursday… this is still 1ml from each bottle each week.. .. 10 week cycle.. adjust from there on your next cycle
novadesert007 User profile
I would say 12 weeks. Test E takes 2-3 weeks to fully kick in for lots of us and 2 weeks to wear off make sure do ptc as well and your first cycle will be your biggest gain yet.