This is suspended in water, is it injected IM only or is subQ an alternative? Also, what frequency schedule is it injected on?
JD Cycle User profile Expert
You would have to inject this daily. Be warned some people experience nasty PIP with water based winstrol. But backload an insulin pin and pin away. You would not want to mix the water based win with oil based test.
nickname_238 User profile
I would go IM, as far as injection frequency, with waster base I have always done it every day. It can be painful but you will see results fast! Enjoy your cycle. Good luck.
Dr. Scott User profile Expert
So the others are right typically daily injection (50-100mg IM) it can sometimes be painful although i have never had any problems, winny settles out overnight and the powder drops to the bottom just shake it up a little. Not sure who started saying you cannot mix it with your oils, it forms an injectable emulsion/suspension (very common in medicine) and actually goes in easier. I have done it dozens of times with no adverse effects. You almost have to if you go this route otherwise your are giving yourself 9,10 or even 11 deep IM injections a week. Not for me. It is intended to be delivered deep IM, i would not use sub q but i`m sure some do.
nickname_75 User profile
I once had an abscess in my glute for mixing water base winny and testoviron, had to use antibiotic cause the oil/water got encapsulated inside.
Dr. Scott User profile Expert
well, then dont do that. I and many, many others have done it successfully for years decades even. lots of guys can get an abscess without ever mixing (i never have but it can happen someone writes that on this forum every few weeks). Again, this is nothing new and oil/water emulsions or suspensions have been used for centuries in medicine look it up.
Joeskee User profile
You have to inject it IM and it`s gonna hurt like a mutha fucka and has to be injected frequently like every day if not at least EOD. Good luck