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Metanabol 10

I started Metanabol 30 mg for almost 14 days, then felt uncomfortable with the water retention. I switched to Superdrol 20 mg for a week but I`m having some liver pain. I started milk thistle (late) a few days a ago but still feeling some pain. I`m thinking to just switch to 1 Adrol 50mg/day (less toxic). Would you recommend I wait to start the Adrol or just go into the cycle fully supported with the milk thistle? TANX!
Gman User profile Expert

Well if your feeling uncomfortable andiver pain s just come off for a month and try again something s not right when you try again have the liver support and try to drink a gallon of water a day good luck
Greenleanmass User profile

Buy liv-52 and honestly pct and lay off and let your body heal, that is very liver toxic and continuing with little liver support can be bad ,God bless stay safe .
5%er User profile

Depending on your pain level you could just come off and stay away from the orals for the rest of the cycle. Or you could let your liver rest and finish with the anadrol. Make sure you are always hydrated because all orals and anabolics in general will cause cramps etc and we have to do the best we can to combat that. I personally use rich piana liver and organ defender for my cycle support. Helps with liver, heart, kidneys, and skin all in one capsule. Cheap for all those benefits. on eBay it’s $10 cheaper than supplement stores.
Nashdaddy User profile

If it`s got you in pain, i would stop the cycle, get my liver enzymes back to normal amd then give it another go making proper adjustments.
Fit_mom User profile

Sounds like you need to come off all orals. Never found milk thistle to work well for me. Tudca is a better option. Get you Enzymes tested before you try orals again. You may have an underlying issue that this experience is letting you know about. Good luck
anon5_uk User profile Expert

If you are having actual liver pain, get off all orals and go get blood test done ASAP. Pain is not a good sign, although I am doubtful it`s your liver, more likely your kidneys. Either way, blood test and doctor ASAP, and drop all offending AAS, stick to injectables only until this gets resolved.
To follow up from my question before, first thanks for all the feedback. So, if im gonna cruise after my bulk cycle until the cut cycle, how necessary is pct and what would be a good cruise dosage weekly between cycles? I figureill run a long ester for the cruise. Is that a good idea?
Drew User profile

Pct is very important when you come completely hear Especially if you plan to cruise and then blast again for a while. Clomid nolvadex and hcg should be used to bring you body back to Natural levels as fast as possible so you keep your gains. And yes a long eater should be used with a cruise 200-250mgs a week is a good spot to cruise.
E-Bomb User profile

Well, it`s either PCT or cruise. You can`t do both. If you cruise – you`re like to ruin natural testosterone for rest of your life – not guaranteed but likely. This will require TRT for the rest of your life. If you do cruise, a normal TRT dosage of just 150-200mg/week of test is what is typically prescribed by DRs. I personally chose the TRT life so I am stuck with it.
anonymous255 User profile

You do not need pct if cruising. Keep it simple. 125mg testosterone cypionate or enanthate every week. So inject a half cc of test e 250 every Sunday and you are good. If not planning on trt forever than you might want to add in 250-500mg HCG every 3.5 days during your cruise. This might not save you but could be beneficial.
Will User profile Expert

If you`re going to cruise, you won`t be doing PCT. You do one or the other….come off or stay on. Long ester is best for a cruise. 150mg max is PCT dose. Any higher and you`re still blasting.
Swoll,onthe,low User profile

You do not pct if your going to you know what cruise is.its when you run lower dosed try dose of test after a cycle for few months then blast into another cycle..thus No pct ever
nickname_48 User profile Expert

Pct is to get the natural test production back online if you are going to be on trt between cycles you won`t need pct
So, I`ve done some basic cycles to get my feet wet with aas and now im ready to kick it up a notch. I want to do a good old fashioned crazy bulk amd then follow it with a solid cut. Really i want to show up in a year and people not recognize me body recomp. So, my question is, what`s a great way to bulk i mean big bulk? I can put together a strong diet and eat clean yet high calorie so what compounds qould help me the most? Im interested in dbol because of how quickly it works but not crazy about the water weight. Im all ears.
sockz User profile

Deca is pretty good but your gonna get water retention so you might wanna run winstrol near the end to help cut the water weight and you should like the results
ddc2025 User profile

Try Primobolan to counteract any water retention issues and it enhanced my immune system drastically. I`m prone to. respiratory infections and during the that time I felt heathier than i had in years. I would recommend getting your cholesterol checked, if you have any genetic predispositions. Primobolan is amazing when it comes decreasing water retention, leaner muscle and coming off a cycle.
Zach Linder User profile Expert

Here`s a solid 12 – 14 week cycle…Test 300mg – 400mg per week. Deca 200mg – 250mg per week. Anadrol (Starting at week 6) 50mg per week. That`s all you need. Get an AI that works for you (most likely Arimidex), SERM on hand and PCT prior to starting this. You WILL need an AI. Regarding nutrition, just fucking eat..if you`re going to gain weight, eat big. Eat to grow, this is why you will cut later as stated…You`re going to have to deal with the water weight. This is all you will need, good luck, and please don`t go overboard with the compounds, it will just lead to diminishing returns
Gearpeace User profile Expert

I agree with Mr Linder, but I believe he meant Anadrol 50mg/day. I like Test 500mg/week, Equipoise 600mg/week. Arimidex 0.5mg qod. As far as diet, especially macros…get a tracking app. I used to think my macronutrients were in check until I actually tracked them. I was low on carbs and protein even though I ate all day. Since then I`m spot on and the gear is even more effective! Good luck brother
Dr Scott User profile Expert

Those are all good. I like Sustenon 500-1000/week with Trebolone 400-600/week and Anadrol 50mg/day for 30-60 days in the middle. Anadrol gets lots of bad press but is very effective if used intelligently. i don`t drink, stay away from tylenol take milk thistle and never use anadrol for longer than 60 days (usually i only do 30). Definitely use an AI and PCT. Also i take triamterene/HCTZ to help with water retention and blood pressure. Its just a diuretic but body builders can never seem to use it sanely (does the name Mohammed Benaziza ring any bells?). but like they said, and eat,eat, eat and get plenty of rest. When I am on a cycle like that i tend to over train, i think a lot of us do. Even on PED`s we still need to recuperate. After PCT i take some time and begin a cycle of Tren (it can be used for both cutting and bulking and because of its high anabolic activity i really like it), winstol, Primobolan and maybe anavar (dealers choice but I like Tren and winny as the backbone). lots of cardio and eat clean. good luck man.
Md Phd User profile

Hexarelin or HGH may serve you well. Never under estimate AS appetite suppression. You are genetically different to many and your diet is key in bulking. Some products will satiate appetite while others will increase it. I can be 290lbs. naturally ripped while every other guy in town is on gear. Just be aware, keep asking questions.

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