Have y`all ever asked 24roids to drop a product from a pre-designated stack? I`m super interested in the 12 week lean bulking blitz but I blast and cruise so I don`t need the clomid at the end. Please advise.
Just put the clomid in a drawer and save it for just in case you can`t get test one day. It`s good for a very long time. You never know. I blast and cruise and I have some sitting around.
I’ll do that thank you!
You can always purchase each product individually for the same price. If you look close at each product they come out to the same as if bought together or alone. Best of luck.
I would recommend just keeping it. Even if you don`t use it, you might be able to gift it or sell to someone in a pinch eventually when gyms re-open.
Wouldn`t it be wise to take arimidex to prevent aromitizing during cycle instead of just PCT with the clomiphene afterwards. I know that`s just to lick your endogenous test back in right? I`m just worried about zits and bitch tits. Please any advise on what to add to this cycle would be greatly appreciated.
Yes you are right. Personally I would take 0.5mg Adex EOD during the cycle to keep oestrogen at a reasonable level, you don`t want to crash your estrogen tho, but if you still have problems up the dose to 1mg EOD or 0.5mg ED. This should keep gyno at bay if you start on day one, if you have had a out break take some Novla or Clomid for five to seven days until effects subside. If you are worried about acne I find that Isotretinoin works best, I`ve tried creams, supplements and antibiotics before but they don`t come close I find.Hope this helps.
Mike Jones
You are correct in knowing you need an ai, clomid is to keep estrodial levels down while your HTPA restarts I would also advise running hcg the last 6 weeks to aid in recovery. As for ai I’d advise adex at .5-1mg ed to ensure estrogen levels are controlled, along with ai you also need caber for the tren to help keep prolactin side effect away while on cycle.
Arimidex is supposed to be used while on cycle. During pct you use clomid, nolva, hcg etc alone or in combo. Keep in mind some don`t need an ai. Example I`ve used 2,000mg or so test per week, no need for it and never ever used an ai. Moral of the story is everybody reacts different to medications (steroids are medicine too). Use it if you need it, don`t if you have no need for it. Males do need some estrogen for proper muscle growth, it works with steroids. But if you need it you need it.
Yes you`re taking 945 mgs of test a week so you`ll need AI support. . 5 EOD does work but you might need more. .. .just start there. Also these are mild orals but I`d take liver support with it just in case since you are double banging two orals together for 6 weeks.
Richard Low
You will need ai and pct.adex .5 Ed will be enty during cycle. Pct clomid and nolvadex and throw in hcg and your good to go
Juiced Mule
0.5mg Adex EOD during the cycle to keep oestrogen at a reasonable level, you don`t want to crash your estrogen tho, but if you still have problems up the dose to 1mg EOD or 0.5mg ED. This should keep gyno away